Only melted gold is minted; only moistened clay is molded; only softened wax receives the seal; only broken, contrite hearts receive the mark as the Potter turns us on His wheel, sharpened and burnt to take and keep the mark, the mold, the stamp of God's pure gold. He can put the stamp on [you] this morning. He can change the vision. He can move the difficulty. The Lord of Hosts is in the midst of thee and is waiting for thy affection. -- Smith Wigglesworth
Daily (M-F) quotes from Pentecostal pioneers whom the modern Christian is unlikely to come across in contemporary devotional reading.
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Crown the King 4/30 Monday Meditation
It is no little thing to be baptized [in the Holy Ghost], it is the promise of the Father, Jesus must be there, and the Holy Ghost also bringing us to the place where we can be baptized. Are you going to treat it as a great thing? What do you really believe it is? I believe when the Holy Ghost comes that He comes to crown the King.
And the King from that day gets His rightful place, and we don't have to claim anything, and He becomes King of all the situations.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
I'm back from a fantastic conference of restoring the early charismatic / Word of Faith emphasis of The Christian and Missionary Alliance.
And the King from that day gets His rightful place, and we don't have to claim anything, and He becomes King of all the situations.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
I'm back from a fantastic conference of restoring the early charismatic / Word of Faith emphasis of The Christian and Missionary Alliance.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The Word of Faith 4/26 Thursday Thoughts
We have not to go down to bring Him up nor up to bring Him down. He is nigh thee, He is in thy heart. The word of faith which we preach, and this is the living word, and God wants you all to know in this meeting tonight that if you only dare to act upon the divine principle that is written there the gates of hell shall not prevail. Praise the Lord. -- Smith Wigglesworth
This will be the last quote for this week. Joanne and I will be attending Rekindle the Flame, the Alliance charismatic conference in Akron.
This will be the last quote for this week. Joanne and I will be attending Rekindle the Flame, the Alliance charismatic conference in Akron.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Opportunity - Action 4/24 Wed. Wisdom
That's the title on this part of a sermon by Smith Wigglesworth. It's a little long, but since it's a story it reads fast. Good application for modern attempts to evangelize our present culture.
On the ship one day they said to me, "We are going to have an entertainment." They said, "Would you be in the entertainment?" "Oh," I said, "Yes, I will be in anything that is going to be helpful," and I believe God was in it. So they said to me, "What can you do?" ... I said, "I can sing" ... They said, "We are going to have a dance." I said, "Put me down just before the dance," and so my turn came.
If you knew how I was longing for my turn to come, because there had been a clerical man there trying to sing and entertain them, and it seemed so out of place. My turn came on, and I sang: "If I could only tell Him as I know Him." ... When I got through the people said, "You have spoilt the dance." Well, I was there for that purpose, and a preacher came to me afterwards and said, "How dare you sing that?" Why, I said, how dare I not sing it, it was my opportunity, and he was going to India, and when he got to India he wrote in his periodical, and sent it over to England. He said, "I did not seem to have any chance to preach the Gospel," but "there was a plumber on board [Wigglesworth] who seemed to have plenty of opportunities to preach to everybody, and he said things to me that remain. He told me that the Acts of the Apostles was only written because they acted. . ."
And so that opened the door, and got me in the place that I could speak all the time, the door was open in every way.
[Wigglesworth goes to tell of healings and conversions that followed.]
On the ship one day they said to me, "We are going to have an entertainment." They said, "Would you be in the entertainment?" "Oh," I said, "Yes, I will be in anything that is going to be helpful," and I believe God was in it. So they said to me, "What can you do?" ... I said, "I can sing" ... They said, "We are going to have a dance." I said, "Put me down just before the dance," and so my turn came.
If you knew how I was longing for my turn to come, because there had been a clerical man there trying to sing and entertain them, and it seemed so out of place. My turn came on, and I sang: "If I could only tell Him as I know Him." ... When I got through the people said, "You have spoilt the dance." Well, I was there for that purpose, and a preacher came to me afterwards and said, "How dare you sing that?" Why, I said, how dare I not sing it, it was my opportunity, and he was going to India, and when he got to India he wrote in his periodical, and sent it over to England. He said, "I did not seem to have any chance to preach the Gospel," but "there was a plumber on board [Wigglesworth] who seemed to have plenty of opportunities to preach to everybody, and he said things to me that remain. He told me that the Acts of the Apostles was only written because they acted. . ."
And so that opened the door, and got me in the place that I could speak all the time, the door was open in every way.
[Wigglesworth goes to tell of healings and conversions that followed.]
Monday, April 23, 2012
Only Believe! 4/24 Tuesday Truth
Only believe! Only believe! All things are possible, only believe. There is something very remarkable about that chorus. God wants to impress it so deeply on our hearts tonight that we may in our corners, rooms, private places, get so engrossed in the fact with this divine truth that if we will! only believe! He can get in us and out of us for others what otherwise would never be possible. Oh, for this to lay hold of us tonight that God comes to us afresh and says, "Only believe."
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, April 22, 2012
"More So:" 4/23 Monday Meditation
Oh, this blessed Son of God wants to fill us with such glory till our whole body is aflame with the power of the Holy Ghost. I see there is "much more." Glory to God! My daughter asked some African boys to tell us the difference between being saved and being filled with the Holy Ghost. "Ah," they said, "when we were saved it was very good, but when we received the Holy Ghost is was "more so.'" Many of you have never received the "more so."
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, April 19, 2012
I am just full! 4/20 Friday Faith
There was a certain rich man in London whose business flourished. He used to get hold of his bank book and checks, then scratched his head -- he didn't know what to do. Walking about his great building he came to a boy keeping the door. He found the boy whistling. . . Back to business he went but he could get no peace. His bank could not help him; his checks, his success could not help him. He had an aching void. He was helpless within. . .
When he could get no rest he exclaimed, "I will go and see what the boy is doing." Again he went and found him, whistling. "I want you to come into my office," he said. On entering the office he said, "Tell me, what makes you so happy and cheerful?" "Oh," replied the boy, "I used to be so miserable until I went to a little Mission and heard about Jesus. Then I was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. It is always whistling inside: if it is not whistling, it sings. I am just full!" -- Smith Wigglesworth
When he could get no rest he exclaimed, "I will go and see what the boy is doing." Again he went and found him, whistling. "I want you to come into my office," he said. On entering the office he said, "Tell me, what makes you so happy and cheerful?" "Oh," replied the boy, "I used to be so miserable until I went to a little Mission and heard about Jesus. Then I was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. It is always whistling inside: if it is not whistling, it sings. I am just full!" -- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
A New Man 4/19 Thursday Thoughts
When the Holy Ghost gets possession, there is a new man entirely -- the whole being becomes saturated with divine power. We become a habitation of Him who is all light, all revelation, all power, and all love. Yea, God the Holy Ghost is so manifested within us that it is glorious.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
A Divine Position 4/18 Wednesday Wisdom
What a wonderful divine position God means us all to have, to be filled with the Holy Ghost. There is something so remarkable, so divine, as it were, a great open door into all the treasure of the Most High. As the Spirit comes like rain upon the mown grass, He turns the barrenness into greenness and freshness and life. Oh, Hallelujah! God would have you know that there is a place where you are dispensed with and where God comes to be thy assurance and sustaining power spiritually, till thy dryness is turned into springs; till thy barrenness begins to be floods, till thine whole life becomes vitalized by heaven, till heaven sweeps through you and dwells within and turns everything inside out, till you are absolutely so filled with divine possibilities that you begin to live in a new creation. The Spirit of the living God sweeps through all weaknesses.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, April 16, 2012
God's Manifest Presence 4/17 Tuesday truth
After the Holy Ghost comes upon you, you shall have power; God mightily moving within the human life; the power of the Holy Ghost overshadowing, inwardly moving you till you know there is a divine plan different from anything that you had in your life before.
He has come! He is going to come tonight. I am expecting that God shall so manifest His presence and power that He will show you the necessity of receiving the Holy Ghost; also God will heal people who have need of healing. Everything is to be had now: salvation, sanctification, and the fulness of the Holy Ghost and healing. God is working mightily by the power of His Spirit, bringing into our meeting a fulness of His perfect redemption until every soul may know that God has all power. -- Smith Wigglesworth
I paraphrased the second paragraph of this quote prophetically at the beginning of our "MORE" meeting at Pastor's house on Sunday night. All of these things came to pass during the evening !!!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Repentance 4/16 Monday Meditation
If you will turn to God with true repentance, He is plenteous in mercy and He will forgive you. Repentance means getting back to God. When Samson took hold of the pillars upon which the house stood, he pulled the walls down. God can give you strength and you can get hold of the posts and He will work through you. No matter what kind of a backslider you have been, there is power in the blood. "... the blood of Jesus Christ his
Son cleanseth us from all sin" (1 John 1:7). Oh, if I could only tell you how God so wonderfully restored me! And I had my "first love" again and He has filled me with the Holy Ghost.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Son cleanseth us from all sin" (1 John 1:7). Oh, if I could only tell you how God so wonderfully restored me! And I had my "first love" again and He has filled me with the Holy Ghost.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, April 12, 2012
"Much MORE" 4/13 Friday Faith
Look at the fifth chapter of Romans and see how many times the expression "much more" is used. Oh, that we might take this grace of God and revel in the Word of God and be so full of expectancy, that we might have these "much mores" coming out as fruit in our lives.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Samson 4/12 Thursday Thoughts
Samson has his name recorded in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews as being a man of faith. He was a man who was chosen of God from his mother's womb, but he only had the power of God coming upon him on certain occasions; whereas now we who have received the fulness of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, may have the unction which abides forever. The Lord has promised that we shall have life and have it abundantly.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Baptism in the Holy Spirit 4/11 Wednesday Wisdom
How glad I am that God has baptized me in the Holy Ghost. What a wonderful difference it has made in my life. God has not promised that we should feel very wonderful, but He has promised that if we stand on His Word, He would make His Word real. It is faith first; then it becomes a fact. There are plenty of feelings in the fact, I assure you. God fills us with His own precious joy.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, April 9, 2012
Authority of the Word 4/10 Tuesday Truth
You never know what you have until you begin. God wants you to begin on the authority of the Word, as you stand upon the Word of God you will be amazed at the outcome. -- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Christ Is Risen 4/9 Easter Monday Meditation
Our Christ is risen. His salvation was not a thing done in a corner. Truly He was a man of glory who went to Calvary for us, in order that He might free us from all that would mar and hinder, that He might transform us by His grace, and bring us out from under the power of Satan into the glorious power of God. One touch of our risen Christ will raise the dead. Hallelujah!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, April 5, 2012
He Bore It All Alone 4/6 Good Friday Faith
He trod the winepress alone, despising the cross and the shame. He bore it all alone that we might be partakers of the divine nature, sharers in the divine plan of living, holiness. That's revival -- Jesus manifesting divine authority. He was without sin. They saw the Lamb of God in a new way. Hallelujah! Let us live holy and revival will come down and God will enable us to do the work to which we are appointed. All Jesus said came to pass. Signs, wonders, mighty deeds. Only believe, and yield and yield, until all the vision is fulfilled.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Maundy Thursday Thoughts 4/5 The Cup and the Baptism
Jesus said, "Are ye able to drink of the cup that I drink of and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?" The cup and the baptism, a joined position. . . His life is manifested power overflowing. Human must decrease if the life of God is to be manifested. There is not room for two kinds of life in one body. Death for life, the price to pay for the manifested power of God through you. As you die to human desire there comes a fellowship within, perfected cooperation, you ceasing, God increasing. God in you a living substance, a spiritual nature. You live by another life, the faith of the Son of God. -- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Only Believe! 4/4 Holy Wednesday Wisdom
Only believe! Only believe! God will not fail you, beloved. It is impossible for God to fail. Believe God, rest in Him. God's rest is an unditurbed place, a place where heaven bends to meet you.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, April 2, 2012
Holy Tuesday Truth 4/3 Unbelief
The Spirit of God would have us understand there is nothing that can interfere with our coming into perfect blessing except unbelief. Unbelief is a terrible hindrance. As soon as we are willing to allow the Holy Ghost to have His way, we will find great things will happen all the time. But oh, how much of our own human reason we have to get rid of, how much human planning we have to become divorced from. What would happen right now if everybody believed God?
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Holy Monday Meditation 4/2 God Will Not Fail
There is no difficulty in praying for a sinner to be healed. But with the "believer," when you touch him he comes back and says, "You did not pray for my legs." I say you are healed all over if you believe. Everything is possible to them that believe. God will not fail His Word whatever you are. Suppose that all the people in the world did not believe, that would make no difference to God's Word, it would be the same. You cannot alter God's Word. It is from everlasting to everlasting, and they who believe in it shall be like Mount Zion which cannot be moved.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
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