
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Call to Prayer 11/30 Friday Faith

The call to prayer is the Father's invitation to visit with Him. . . .

It is sons visiting their Father. It is children coming joyously into the presence of a Loving Parent.

-- E.W. Kenyon

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Faith vs. Evidence 11/29 Thursday Thoughts

For me to act when I have evidence is not faith. I require no faith when I have physical evidence. You see, faith is giving substance to a thing that is not. I am giving thanks to the Father for the money to pay the bills before the money has arrived.

-- E.W. Kenyon

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

More Joy 11/28 Wednesday Wisdom

Let us form the habit of thinking that His will for us has more joy in it than anything which is contrary to His will.

Let us eduate ourselves in the consciousness that His will is best; that His will has permanent joy and gladness in it; His will has success in it.

-- E.W. Kenyon

Monday, November 26, 2012

Start the Day with Him 11/27 Tuesday Truth

If you start the day with Him, you will fellowship with Him. When you awaken in the morning you whisper softly, "Good morning, Father. Here is another day to live and walk with Thee."

Whatever problem confronts you, you consult Him in your heart.

If it is wisdom that you need, you thank Him for it. If it is love to meet a disagreeable situation, He is there in you to take you over and live His own life through you.

-- E. W. Kenyon, In His Presence

Sunday, November 25, 2012

E.W. Kenyon 11/26 Monday Meditation

We are going to return to E.W. Kenyon quotes for a while, quoting from his book, In His Presence. Kenyon (1867-1948) was a forefather of the Word of Faith movement. He was a close friend of Christian and Missionary Alliance founder A.B. Simpson, and they often traded pulpits. Here is a link to a brief tribute to Kenyon's faith and ministry:


In the morning you take stock. You say, "He and I are going together. I have access to His ability, His wisdom, His love, His grace, His strength to meet every issue that confronts me. I shall have physical strength for every need today. I shall have wisdom to meet every issue. I shall have love no matter what the provocation may be."

-- E. W. Kenyon

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Triumph 11/21 Wednesday Wisdom

This will be the final post for the week. I'll be taking a Thanksgiving break. We'll return next week with quotes from E.W. Kenyon.

[Jesus] said, . . . "All power is given unto Me, both in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore. These signs shall follow. Cast out devils, speak with new tongues, heal the sick." Amen. (Mark 16:17-18 paraphrased)

In those early centuries of Christianity, Christianity did not go into the world apologizing. It went to slay the powers of darkness and undo the works of the devil, and it lived in holy triumph. -- John G. Lake

Monday, November 19, 2012

Consciousness of God 11/20 Tuesday Truth

God's purpose, and the purpose of real religion, is to create in the nature of man a consciousness of God. And that church which will succeed in creating the highest degree of consciousness of God in the soul of man will live longest in the world. And the only mode of possibility of perpetuating a church in the world forever is to bring into the souls of the people the full measure of the consciousness of God that Jesus Christ enjoys.

-- John G. Lake

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Real Christian 11/19 Monday Meditaton

So the real Christian ought to be the kingliest man in the whole earth, the princeliest man in the whole earth -- as kingly and princely and lovely and holy as the Son of God -- as big as Jesus, with the power of Jesus, and the love of Jesus.

-- John G. Lake

Thursday, November 15, 2012

God's Ideal of a Christian 11/16 Friday Faith

God's ideal of a Christian is not a man who is ready to go to heaven, nor a man who lives a good life in this world, nor a man who has victory over sin, nor victory over disease. It includes all these things, but it is ten thousand times more than that.

11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13

And that is the ideal of my heart and that somehow in God's divine grace, by the wonderful processes of His Spirit, He is going to help me to grow up out of babyhood and infancy into the stature of Jesus Christ. And that is God's ideal for the Christian. -- John G. Lake

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sole Aim of the Gospel 11/15 Thursday Thoughts

When I was a boy, I thought the sole aim and object of the Gospel was to keep from going to hell. A good many other folks observe Christianity from that point of view yet. After awhile, evangelists changed the idea somewhat. They began to teach that the object of being a Christian was not to keep from going to hell, but to go to heaven. Then I began reasoning. I said, "One is just as selfish as the other." The one gets saved to keep from going to hell and the other one gets saved to get to heaven. Both are wholly selfish and neither one is the real purpose of Jesus.

Jesus gave one final reason for men being Christians, and strangely very few people have ever discovered, even from the Word of God, what that real purpose is. . . .

To manifest the righteousness of God is the real reason for a man's desiring to be a Christian -- not to go to heaven when he dies or to keep out of hell, but to reveal the righteousness of God in this world. And then heaven and all our rewards will be the natural result of having lived in unity with God and having revealed His righteousness in this world.

-- John G. Lake

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Presence of God 11/14 Wednesday Wisdom

We have not yet learned to keep in touch with the powers of God. Once in a while our soul rises, and we see the flame of God accomplish this wonder and that. But beloved, Jesus Christ lived in the presence of God every hour of the day and night. Never a word proceeded from the mouth of Jesus Christ but what was God's Word. "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." (John 6:63)

When you and I are lost in the Son of God, and the fires of Jesus burn in our hearts like they did in Him, our words will be the words of life and of spirit, and there will be no death in them. -- John G. Lake

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sleep 11/13 Tuesday Truth

Yesterday, Brother Fogwill quoted that wonderful scripture that, "He giveth his beloved sleep." (Psalm 127:2) And last night after retiring it was impossible for me to sleep. I said, "Dear Lord, I am Your beloved, and I want to sleep," and I slept like a child all night. If you have any trouble with sleeplessness, and you are the beloved of God, just make God come through with His promise.

-- John G. Lake

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Honor, Might, Glory, Blessing 11/12 Monday Meditation

So I have become an enthusiast for the Son of God. His salvation to me is the mightiest conception that ever dawned in the nature of man or God. And I long and pray and rejoice in the expectation of a day to come when the universal race of man and the angels in heaven and creatures of earth will join in one glad song of holy power and glory to the Son of God, saying as the Scriptures indicate, "Honor and might and glory and blessing be unto Him who liveth forever and ever. Amen. (See Revelation 5:12-14).

-- John G. Lake

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Eternal Healer 11/9 Friday Faith

To my heart Jesus Christ is the Eternal Healer. He was the Healer in the beginning. He was the Healer before there was any flood. He was the Healer after the flood. He was the Healer during His earth life. He is the Healer in this dispensation. He is the Healer forever! Bless God. So long as need of healing exists, Jesus is the Healer. Blessed be His name.

-- John G. Lake

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

We May Know HIm 11/8 Thursday Thoughts

We may know Him as an historic character, we may know Him as the ideal man, we may know Him as the Christ and Savior, but we do not know Him as the living God who imparts His own nature and life and power to us until we know Him as the Scripture says, in the Holy Ghost. (See 1 Corinthians 12:3)

-- John G. Lake

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Glorious Day 11/7 Wednesday Wisdom

Salvation is a progressive condition. The difficulty with church has been that men were induced to confess their sins to Christ and acknowledge Him as Savior and there they stopped, there they petrified, there they withered, there they died, dry rotted. I believe that in these phrases I have expressed the real thing that has taken place in 85 percent of professing Christians in the world. Oh, bless God, we never saw Christ's intention. That day away back there, when the glory light of God first shone into my soul, was a glorious day, the best I had ever known to that moment.

But, beloved, it would be a sorrowful thing in my life if I was compelled to look back to that day as the best. No, bless God, there were better days than that. There were days when the Lord God took me into His confidence and revealed His nature and revealed His purpose and revealed His love and revealed His ministry. Yea, bless God, there came a day when God once more, in His loving mercy, endowed me with the Spirit of God to be and perform the things that He had planted in my soul and had revealed in His own blessed Word and life. -- John G. Lake

Monday, November 5, 2012

What Is Man? 11/6 Tuesday Truth

I once listened to an eminent divine preaching from the text, "What is man?" and when he got through I had a feeling that man was a kind of whipped cur with his tail between his legs, sneaking out to throw himself into the lake saying, "Here goes nothing." I said, "He has never caught the fire of the thing Jesus is endeavoring to teach through the apostle -- that man was the crowning creation of God. That God endowed him with a nature and qualities that by the grace of God can express more of God than any other of God's creations. That God purposed by the Holy Spirit to make the salvation of Jesus Christ so real in the nature of man that 'He that sanctifieth (Jesus Christ) and they that are sanctified' through His grace are both of one nature, of one substance, of one character -- one in life, one in the righteousness of His death, and one in the consequent dominion that came because of His resurrection and glory."

-- John G. Lake

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Not "don't" but "be" 11/5 Monday Meditation

Men are afraid to say yes to God. When a young man, I sat in a little meeting one night when the Spirit was talking to my heart. I said, "If I am going to be a Christian, I cannot do this, and I cannot do that." Oh, mighty God, it almost makes my soul vomit in these days to think of the average conception man has of Christianity.

About ninety percent of so-called Christianity is all spelled with four letters, d-o-n'-t. Don't do this and don't do that. The individual restraining himself, putting himself in a harness, walking according to laws and ordinances, etc. Why bless God, religion is all contained in two letters, b-e. Not performing acts, but being the thing that God purposed.

--John G. Lake

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Secret of Abundant Life 11/2 Friday Faith

This is the secret of the abundant life of which Jesus spoke. Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). The reason we have the more abundant life is because that, receiving God into our being, all the springs of our being are quickened by His living presence. Consequently, if we are living today and we receive God, we live life in a fuller measure. We live life with a greater energy, because we become the recipients of the energy of the living God in addition to our normal energy, through the reception of His being, His nature, His life into ours.

-- John G. Lake