
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.

Monday, February 29, 2016

The Eternal Healer 3/1 Tuesday Truth

To my heart Jesus Christ is the Eternal Healer.  He was the Healer in the beginning.  He was the Healer before there was any flood.  He was the Healer after the flood.  He was the Healer during His earth life.  He is the Healer in this dispensation.  He is the Healer forever!  Bless God.  So long as need of healing exists, Jesus is the Healer.  Blessed be His name.

--John G. Lake

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Book of Acts Today! 2/29 Monday Meditation

Going to take a one-day break from John G. Lake to share some really cool things I've found.

"We should be outshining what they did in the Book of Acts.  They didn't even have the completed Bible!"  -- Jim Montgomery, quoted in Word of Faith magazine, Feb/Mar 2016

Rhema Papua New Guinea's students traveled by motorboat to preach the Gospel in prisons and villages.  Students held crusades and meetings through which many were born again, healed, and set free.  One team prayed for the patients in the tuberculosis ward of a local hospital.  They went back the next day and met with a woman who was totally healed.  They followed up on the other patients and learned that everyone in the ward had been healed and had gone home!

--Word of Faith magazine, Nov/Dec 2015

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Days of Miracles Past? 2/26 Friday Faith

Yet they tell us that the days of miracles have passed.  They tell us Jesus Christ is the Healer no more.  They tell us there is no such thing as a baptism in the Holy Ghost.  Who are the doubters, the Medical Fraternity? ... Who opposes the fact of healing?  Not the doctors, but the churches and the preachers.  Those who stand to represent the Son of God and proclaim His salvation.  What kind of a salvation?  A salvation without the power to deliver, a salvation without the power to save a soul from its direst distress and need, a salvation only valuable in the life to come and without the power to deliver a soul from present torment.

--John G. Lake 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I Invite You... 2/25 Thursday Thoughts

I invite you to this life of divine reality.  I invite you to enter into the Lord Jesus. I invite you to enter into His nature that you may know Him, for no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost.  It is through the revelation of the Spirit of Christ in the soul of man that he is privileged to know Jesus as the Lord.  Blessed be God. We may know Him as an historic character, we may know Him as the ideal man, we may know Him as the Christ and Savior, but we do not know Him as the living God who imparts His own nature and life and power to us until we know Him as the Scripture says, in the Holy Ghost.   (See I Corinthians 12:3)

--John G. Lake 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

85% of Professing Christians 2/24 Wednesday Wisdom

The difficulty with church has been that men were induced to confess their sins to Christ and acknowledge Him as a Savior and there they stopped, there they petrified, there they withered, there they died, dry rotted.  I believe that in these phrases I have expressed the real thing that has taken place in 85 percent of professing Christians in the world.  Oh, bless God, we never saw Christ's intention.  That day away back there, when the glory light of God first shone into my soul, was a glorious day, the best I had ever known to that moment.

But, beloved, it would be a sorrowful thing in my life if I was compelled to look back to that day as the best.  No, bless God, there were better days than that.  There were days when the Lord God took me into His confidence and revealed His nature and revealed His purpose and revealed His love and revealed His ministry.  Yes, bless God, there came a day when God once more, in His loving mercy, endowed me with the Spirit of God to be and perform the things that He had planted in my soul and had revealed in His own blessed Word and life.  

--John G. Lake

As my prayer partner like to say, "the 85%" think that Christianity consists of nothing more than "be saved and be nice." 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Family of the Same Father 2/23 Tuesday Truth

Brethren of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He the elder brother, we the younger members of the family of the same Father, begotten by the same Spirit, energized by the same divine life of God, qualified through the Holy Ghost to perform the same blessed ministry.

--John G. Lake 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

"Here Goes Nothing" ?? 2/22 Monday Meditation

I once listened to an eminent divine preaching from the text, "What is man?" and when he got through I had a feeling that man was a kind of whipped cur with his tail between his legs, sneaking out to throw himself into the lake saying, "Here goes nothing."  I said, "He has never caught the fire of the thing Jesus is endeavoring to teach through the apostle -- that man was the crowning creation of God.  That God endowed him with a nature and qualities that by the grace of God can express more of God than any other of God's creations.

--John G. Lake 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

BE, not DON'T 2/19 Friday Faith

Men are afraid to say yes to God.  When a young man, I sat in a little meeting one night when the Spirit was talking to my heart.  I said, "If I am going to be a Christian, I cannot do this, and I cannot do that."  Oh, mighty God, it almost makes my soul vomit in these days to think of the average conception a man has of Christianity.
About ninety percent of so-called Christianity is all spelled with four letters, d-o-n'-t.  Don't do this and don't do that.  The individual restraining himself, putting himself in a harness, walking according to laws and ordinances, etc.  Why, bless God, religion is all contained in two letters, b-e.  Not performing acts, but being the thing that God purposed.

--John G. Lake 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Co-laborer with God 2/17 Thursday Thoughts

Isn't it a marvelous, wonderful thing that God has ordained an arrangement whereby man becomes God's own co-partner and co-laborer in the ministry of the Spirit?  "The Church which is His body."  (See Colossians 1:24) Just as Jesus Christ was the human body through which the living Spirit was ministered to mankind, so God has arranged that the living Church -- not the dead member, but the living Church, alive with the Spirit of the living God -- should minister that quickening life to another and  thereby become a co-partner, a co-laborer together with God.  Blessed be His name forever.

--John G. Lake

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ministry of the Spirit (pt. 2) 2/17 Wednesday Wisdom

The ministry of the Christian is the ministry of the Spirit.  If the Christian cannot minister the Spirit of God in the true sense, he is not a Christian.  If he has not the Spirit to minister in the real high sense, he has nothing to minister. Other men have intellectuality, but the Christian is supposed to be the possessor of the Spirit.  He possesses something that no other man in the whole world possesses, that is, the Spirit of the living God.

--John G. Lake

Monday, February 15, 2016

Ministry of the Spirit 2/16 Tuesday Truth

The ministry of the Christian is the ministry of the Spirit.  He not only ministers words to another, but he ministers the Spirit of God.  It is the Spirit of God that inhabits the words, that speaks to the spirit of another and reveals Christ in and through him.

--John G. Lake

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Secret of Abundant Life 2/15 Monday Meditation

That is the secret of the abundant life of which Jesus spoke.  Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly"  (John 10:10).  The reason we have the more abundant life is because that, receiving God into our being, all the springs of our being are quickened by His living presence.  Consequently, if we are living today and we receive God, we live life in a fuller measure.  We live life with a greater energy, because we become the recipients of the energy of the living God in addition to our normal energy, through the reception of His being, His nature, His life into ours.

--John G. Lake 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Paramount Call (pt. 2) 2/12 Friday Faith

There is not a doubt about it.  All the barriers of your nature will go down before the desire of the soul.  All the obstacles that ever were will disappear before the desire of your soul.  All the diseases that ever existed in your life will disappear before the desire of your soul when that desire becomes the one great purpose and prayer of your heart.

--John G. Lake 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Paramount Call (pt. 1) 2/11 Thursday Thoughts

Is there a note of despair in your heart?  Have you not attained the thing your soul covets?  Have you desired to be like that sinless, unselfish, sickless one?  God will answer the call of your soul. You shall have your heart's desire.  But before that call becomes answerable it must be the paramount call of your being.  It is when it becomes the paramount issue of the soul that the answer comes.  Jesus knew.  That is the reason He said, "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled."   (to be continued)
-- John G. Lake

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

God's Will 2/10 Wednesday Wisdom

It was not in God's will or purpose for man to live n pain, in sorrow, in sickness, and in poverty.  But on the other hand, it is God's purpose and intent of Jesus that mankind should be redeemed from sin, from sickness, and from death, bless God.

--John G. Lake

Monday, February 8, 2016

What Jesus Was, Church Should Be 2/9 Tuesday Truth

All that Jesus was to the world He purposed that the Church of Christ should be.  First, He blessed the world through His own physical personality.  Second, He established a physical body, composed of many members, joined in one by the Spirit of God.When He established the second body, the Church, He never intended that it should be of lesser authority or of lesser power than the first.  It was His real purpose that the second body, the Church, should exercise and fully accomplish all that the first had done.

-- John G. Lake

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Christ Lives in Us 2/8 Monday Meditation

The Christ lives, bless God, not only at the right hand of God, but the Christ lives in your soul and mine.  The victory that He attained is evidenced not alone by the declaration:  "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore," but the victory He attains through you and me now.  That was His peculiar victory, but the victory of the Christ that gives the son of God its gladness now is the consciousness that the Christ lives and the Christ reigns and that by the power of God, sin, darkness, death, and hell become obedient to the Christian through the Christ that is in him.

-- John G. Lake

Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Life of Praise 2/5 Friday Faith

There are times when it seems to me it is not fitting even to pray.  There is a life of praise.  Once while in conversation with Dr. Myland, the pastor of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church at Columbus, Ohio, I happened to mention the fact that I had not prayed concerning a certain personal matter.  Turning to me, he said, "I have not prayed for myself for four years."That sounded very strange to me at that time.  I did not understand.  He said, "No, I passed beyond the place of praying, brother, into the place where I was ready to accept what the Lord Jesus Christ has wrought and to receive the power of His Spirit in my life so that the thing that he has wrought for me should become evident through me."  And that man had walked for four years in that conscious victory.

--John G. Lake 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Conscious Presence 2/4 Thursday Thoughts

The power of God through which men are blessed is not an individual matter that belongs to you or to me.  It is the conscious presence of the living, risen Son of God dwelling in our heart by the Holy Ghost, which causes you and me to know that the power of  God is equal to every emergency and is great enough for the deliverance of every soul from every oppression.

--John G. Lake

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Not Worth Talking About 2/3 Wednesday Wisdom

There is a reason I do not spend much time in talking about the devil.  The Lord took care of him, bless God!  He has the keys of hell and of death, and He has mastered that individual and that condition once and for all. If you and I had as much faith to believe it as we have to believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Savior, we would have mighty little trouble with the devil or his power while we walk through this world.  It is not worthwhile talking about a man after he is whipped out.

--John G. Lake

Monday, February 1, 2016

Christians With a Groan 2/1 Tuesday Truth

I have always wondered how a Christian could be anything less than an optimist.  It is a sad thing when you hear Christians with a groan in them.  When I meet the groaner I say in my heart, "God, move that man on into the place where he comprehends what Christianity is."  The Christian with a groan in him never moved the world except to groans.

--John G. Lake