
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Devil Bigger Than God? 2/1 Thursday Thoughts

Another man said, "Brother, I believe in the dual nature. I believe that when I would do good, evil is always present with me, and I thank God that evil is always there." You live it and you believe it, and God cannot do anything with you. You magnify failure and you deify failure until to the majority of you the devil is bigger than God. And you are more afraid of the devil than you are of God. You have more reverance for the devil than you have for God. -- John G. Lake.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Triple Curse 1/31 Wednesday Wisdom

Sin, sickness, and death are doomed -- doomed to death by the decree of Jesus Christ. Sin, sickness, and death are the devil's triumvirate -- the triple curse. Heaven is the absence of this triple curse -- heaven is sinless, sicklessness, and deathlessness. This is the ultimate of Christ's recemption. -- John G. Lake.

Monday, January 29, 2024

A Divine Secret 1/30 Tuesday Truth

Suppose I could get inside of Mrs. Lake. Can you imagine such a thing? She would be 190 pounds heavier than she is now. She would have a voice like a pirate, and all the other characteristics of me. She would be me. Do you see it? Oh, listen. There is a divine secret in Christ's salvation. It is Christ in fact in you by the Holy Ghost, dwelling in you, speaking in you, being in you, blazing in you, flashing from you, bless God. -- John G. Lake.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Necessity of the Holy Ghost 1/29 Monday Meditation

Every decline that has followed the history of the Christian Church has first had its inception when men began to lay down on the subject of the Holy Ghost. If you want to spell death to an organization that is now alive spiritually, all you have to do is to get them to lay down on the subject of the necessity of the Holy Ghost and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. There will soon be nothing left but a corpse. That is the history of Christianity. -- John G. Lake.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Come Up to the Throne 1/26 Friday Faith

Come up to the throne, dear ones. Let the throne life, and the throne love and the throne power and the throne spirit and the Holy Ghost in heaven possess you, and you will be a new man in Christ Jesus! And your tread will be the march of the conqueror and your song the song of victory, and your crown the crown of glory, and your power the power of God. -- John G. Lake.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Look Up 1/25 Thursday Thoughts

Friends, we need a coming up into God. This church, and the church around, needs to come up into God. We have been traveling around in a circle, digging our noses in the ground, and we have had our eyes on the ground, instead of in the clouds, instead of up at the throne. Look up to the glorified One! -- John G. Lake

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Real God Cry 1/24 Wednesday Wisdom

God's purposes come to pass when your heart and mine get the real God cry, and the real God prayer comes into our spirit, and the real God yearning gets our nature. Something is going to happen then. -- John G. Lake.

Monday, January 22, 2024

A Conquering Force 1/23 Tuesday Truth

At the end of the first three hundred years of the Christian era, there were millions of Christians. Christianity was an aggressive power. Christianity went into the heart of heathendom to undo their superstitions, to break down their psychological forces, to elevate the consciousness of Jesus Christ in the heart, to heal the sick, to raise the dead. Oh, God in heaven, bring our hearts back to it. Christianity was a conquering force. -- John G. Lake

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Impregnable to Dark Powers 1/22 Monday Meditation

The Spirit of God anointing the Christian heart makes the soul impregnable to the powers of darkness. How I love to teach men that when the Lord Jesus Christ anoints your soul and baptizes you in the Holy Ghost, that the almightiness of the eternal God the Father, by the Spirit and Jesus Christ combined, has come into your soul. -- John G. Lake.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Spirit of Power 1/19 Friday Faith

The Spirit of Power is the Holy Ghost, bless God. And not only of power, but of love and of a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7) -- not craziness and insanity, but a sound mind by which you can look in the face of the devil and laugh. -- John G. Lake.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

To Make You a Master 1/18 Thursday Thoughts

God anoints your soul. God anoints your life. God comes to dwell in your person. God comes to make you a master. That is the purpose of His indwelling in a Christian. The real child of God was to be a master over every other power of darkness in the world. It was to be subject to him. He is to be God's representative in the world. -- John G. Lake.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Divine Authority 1/17 Wednesday Wisdom

The same divine authority that wa vested in Jesus is vested by Jesus in every Christian soul. Jesus made provision for the Church of Jesus Christ to go on forever and do the very same things He did and to keep on doing them forever. That is what is the matter with the Church. The Church lost faith in that truth. The result was, they went on believing that He could save them from sin, but the other great range of Christian life was left to the doctors and the devil or anything else. And the Church will never be a real Curch, in the real power of the living God again, until she comes back again to the original standard -- where Jesus was. -- John G. Lake.

Monday, January 15, 2024

The Power of God 1/16 Tuesday Truth

The Church in general is very clear in her faith on the subject of salvation through the sacrifice of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Christian world in general, regardless of their personal state of salvation, have a general faith and belief of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the salvation of the world. But they are ever in doubt and very inexperienced in the power of God. -- John G. Lake.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Salvation and Healing 1/15 Monday Meditation

Supposing two men came to the altar. One is sick and lame; the other is a sinner. Suppose they knelt at the altar together. The sinner says, "I want to find the Lord." Everyone in the house will immediately lend the love of their heart and the faith of their soul to help him touch God. But the lame fellow says, "I have a lame leg." Or "My spine is injured. I want healing." Instead of everybody lending their love and faith in the same way to that man, everybody puts up a question mark. That comes because of the fact that we are instructed on the Word of God concerning the salvation of the soul, but our education concerning sickness and His desire and willingness to heal has been neglected. We have gone to the eighth grade or the tenth grade or the University on the subject of salvation, but on the subject of healing we are in the ABC class. -- John G. Lake

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Do You Want Him? 1/12 Friday Faith

Do you want Him? You can have Him. Oh, He will come and fill your soul. Then the Holy Ghost will take possession of your life. He will reveal the wonder of heaven and the glory of God, and the richness and purity of His holiness, and make you sweet and godlike forever. -- John G. Lake.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Pulse of Jesus 1/11 Thursday Thoughts

You will speak with the soul of Jesus Christ. You will feel with the heart of the Son of God. Your heart will beat with a heavenly desire to bless the world, because it is the pulse of Jesus that is throbbing in your soul. -- John G. Lake.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

In Harmony With God 1/10 Wednesday Wisdom

If you were looking to know whether a man was baptized in the Holy Ghost or not, what would you look for? You would look for God in him. You would look for a revelation of the personality of God. God moving in him. God speaking in him, God speaking through him, God using his hands, God using his feet -- a mind in harmony with God, a soul in touch with heaven, a spirit united and unified with and in Jesus Christ. -- John G. Lake

Monday, January 8, 2024

Renewed and Remade 1/9 Tuesday Truth

A Christian is not a reformed man. A Christian is a man renewed, remade by the Spirit of God. A Christian is a man indwelt by God -- the house of God, the tabernacle of the Most High! . . . How does Jesus reach them? Through your hands, through your heart, through your faith. -- John G. Lake

Sunday, January 7, 2024

A Real Christian 1/8 Monday Meditation

The life of God, the Spirit of God, the nature of God are sufficient for every need of man. In the highest sense of the word, he is a real Christian whose body, soul, and spirit alike are filled with the life of God. -- John G. Lake

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Mankind's Supreme Need 1/5 Friday Faith

There is one great thing that the world is needing more than anything else, and I am convinced of it more every day I live. Mankind has one supreme need and that is the love of God. The hearts of men are dying for lack of the love of God. -- John G. Lake

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

What Prayer Is 1/4 Thursday Thoughts

Do you know what prayer is? It is not begging God for this and that. The first thing we have to do is to get you beggars to quit begging, until a little faith moves in your soul. Prayer is God's divine generator. The spirit of man is God's divine dyname. When you go to pray, your spirit gets into motion. Not 10,000 revolutions per minute, but possibly 100,000. The voltage of heaven comes to your heart and it flows from your hands, it burns into the souls of men, and God Almighty's Spirit is applied through you to their need. -- John G. Lake

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Church Has Been Negligent 1/3 Wednesday Wisdom

This marks my 19th year of posting Lep's Faith Quotes. I currently post them in seven locations. I take my quotes from volumes of the complete sermons and writings of four "Pentecostal pioneers" of the early 20th Century who are seldom quoted nowadays. I read the books long ago and marked for future use hundreds of quotes in each book which can stand alone without the context of the sermons. The Church is the ministering presence of the Son of God in the world. The Church is the generating agency of the power of God in the world. The Church has been negligent in one great trust. She has not prayed the power of God out of heaven. -- John G. Lake

Monday, January 1, 2024

A Higher Place in God 1/2 Tuesday Truth

Beloved, God is calling men and women to a holier consecration, to a higher place in God, and I am one of God's candidates for that holy place in God. I want to get to the throne of God. Oh yes, God baptized me in the Holy Ghost . . . but I am a candidate today for a new baptism in the Holy Ghost that comes out of the heart of the glorified Christ in the lightnings of God, everlasting overcoming on the throne with Jesus. -- John G. Lake.