We please Him most, not by frantically trying to make ourselves good, but by throwing ourselves into His arms with all our imperfections and believing that He understands everything and still loves us.
--A. W. Tozer
Daily (M-F) quotes from Pentecostal pioneers whom the modern Christian is unlikely to come across in contemporary devotional reading.
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
The Rich Church 9/29 Thursday Thoughts
"It is hard for a rich church to understand that her Lord was a poor man.
Were He to appear today on our city streets as He appeared in Jerusalem, He would in all probability be picked up for vagrancy.
Were He to teach here what He taught the multitudes about money, he would be blacklisted by churches, Bible conferences and missionary societies everywhere as unrealistic, fanatical and dangerous to organized religion."
-- A. W. Tozer
Were He to appear today on our city streets as He appeared in Jerusalem, He would in all probability be picked up for vagrancy.
Were He to teach here what He taught the multitudes about money, he would be blacklisted by churches, Bible conferences and missionary societies everywhere as unrealistic, fanatical and dangerous to organized religion."
-- A. W. Tozer
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Sinning by Silence 9/28 Wednesday Wisdom
Could it be that too many of God's true children, and especially the preachers, are sinning against God by guilty silence? ... I for one am waiting to hear the loud voices of the prophets and reformers sounding once more over a sluggish and drowsy church. They'll pay a price for their boldness, but the results will be worth it.
- A.W. Tozer
- A.W. Tozer
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
The Essence of Surrender 9/21 Wednesday Wisdom
The essence of surrender is getting out of God's way so that He can do in us what He also wants to do through us.
--A.W. Tozer
--A.W. Tozer
Monday, September 19, 2016
Living With Unholiness 9/20 Tuesday Truth
We have learned to live with unholiness and have come to look upon it as the natural and expected thing.
--A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Careless About Keeping Our Souls 9/19 Monday Meditation
When we grow careless of keeping our souls, then God recovers our taste of good things again by sharp crosses.
Richard Sibbes (or Sibbs) (1577–1635) was an Anglican theologian.
Richard Sibbes (or Sibbs) (1577–1635) was an Anglican theologian.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Faith Benefits 9/16 Friday Faith
IN THE DIVINE SCHEME OF SALVATION the doctrine of faith is central...
Every benefit flowing from the atonement of Christ comes to the individual through the gateway of faith. Forgiveness, cleansing, regeneration, the Holy Spirit, all answers to prayer, are given to faith and received by faith. There is no other way.
-- A.W.Tozer: Man - The Dwelling Place of God
Every benefit flowing from the atonement of Christ comes to the individual through the gateway of faith. Forgiveness, cleansing, regeneration, the Holy Spirit, all answers to prayer, are given to faith and received by faith. There is no other way.
-- A.W.Tozer: Man - The Dwelling Place of God
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Greatness and Goodness of God 9/15 Thursday Thougths
The greatness of God rouses fear within us, but His goodness encourages us not to be afraid of Him. To fear and not be afraid -- that is the paradox of faith.
--A.W. Tozer
--A.W. Tozer
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Know God in Increasing Levels 9/14 Wednesday Wisdom
It is simply not enough to know about God. We must know God in increasing levels of intimacy that lifts us up above all reason and into the world of adoration and praise and worship.
-- A.W. Tozer
-- A.W. Tozer
Monday, September 12, 2016
A Choice Between God and... 9/13 Tuesday Truth
Millions call themselves by His name, it is true, and pay some token homage to Him, but a simple test will show how little He is really honored among them. Let the average man be put to the proof on the question of who or what is ABOVE, and his true position will be exposed.
Let him be forced into making a choice between God and money, between God and men, between God and personal ambition, God and self, God and human love, and God will take second place every time.
Those other things will be exalted above. However the man may protest, the proof is in the choice he makes day after day throughout his life.
Let him be forced into making a choice between God and money, between God and men, between God and personal ambition, God and self, God and human love, and God will take second place every time.
Those other things will be exalted above. However the man may protest, the proof is in the choice he makes day after day throughout his life.
― A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God
Sunday, September 11, 2016
The Church That Forgets to Pray 9/12 Monday Meditation
The church that is not jealously protected by mighty intercession and sacrificial labors will before long become the abode of every evil bird and the hiding place for unsuspected corruption. The creeping wilderness will soon take over that church that trusts in its own strength and forgets to watch and pray.
-A. W. Tozer
-A. W. Tozer
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Christians Must Simplify 9/9 Friday Faith
We Christians must simplify our lives or lose untold treasures on earth and in eternity. Modern civilization is so complex as to make the devotional life but impossible. The need for solitude and quietness was never greater than it is today.
--A.W. Tozer
--A.W. Tozer
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
What God Declares 9/8 Thursday Thoughts
What God declares, the believing heart confesses without the need of further proof.
Indeed, to seek proof is to admit doubt, and to obtain proof is to render faith superfluous.
Everyone who possesses the gift of faith will recognize the wisdom of those daring words of one of the early Church fathers:
“I believe that Christ died for me
because it is incredible; I believe that he rose
from the dead because it is impossible.”
Indeed, to seek proof is to admit doubt, and to obtain proof is to render faith superfluous.
Everyone who possesses the gift of faith will recognize the wisdom of those daring words of one of the early Church fathers:
“I believe that Christ died for me
because it is incredible; I believe that he rose
from the dead because it is impossible.”
A.W. Tozer: The Knowledge of the Holy
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Theologians or Saints? 9/7 Wednesday Wisdom
“God will not hold us responsible to understand the mysteries of election, predestination, and the divine sovereignty.
The best and safest way to deal with these truths is to raise our eyes to God and in deepest reverence say, "0 Lord, Thou knowest."
Those things belong to the deep and mysterious Profound of God's omniscience. Prying into them may make theologians, but it will never make saints.”
― A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God
Monday, September 5, 2016
A Real Christian 9/6 Tuesday Truth
A real Christian is an odd number anyway. He feels supreme love for One whom he has never seen, talks familiarly every day to Someone he cannot see, expects to go to heaven on the virtue of Another, empties himself in order to be full, admits he is wrong so he can be declared right, goes down in order to get up, is strongest when he is weakest, richest when he is poorest and happiest when he feels worst. He dies so he can live, forsakes in order to have, gives away so he can keep, sees the invisible, hears the inaudible and knows that which passeth knowledge.
--A. W. Tozer
--A. W. Tozer
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Misled Christians / Committed Christians 9/5 Monday Meditatoin
Christians have been misled by a generation of soft preachers. They would have us believe that to be good Christians we must be able to purr softly and accept everything that comes along with tolerance. Such ministers never mention words like conviction, commitment, and standing on the truth. I am convinced that a committed Christian will show a strong desire for the cause of truth and will stand for Christ.
--A.W. Tozer
--A.W. Tozer
Thursday, September 1, 2016
No Limit 9/2 Friday Faith
There is no limit to what God can do through us if we are a yielded and purified people.
-- A. W. Tozer
-- A. W. Tozer
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