I'm going to break with my customary quotes and share this touching story from Assemblies of God missionaries to Germany, Steve and Astrid Dunn, about an encounter with a young Muslim refugee girl.
This will be my last post until Tuesday. May God bless you and your family richly this Christmas season.
Christmas Story:Remember *Ayshe, the little Kurdish girl from our last newsletter? On Friday we had our Royal Ranger Christmas meeting. Four of us leaders did a theater sketch. Three prophets came out of a tent portraying three prophets from the Old Testament. I was then the last person to come out of the tent and was a shepherd from Bethlehem. I explained what happened on that holy night so many years ago and how the shepherds shook with fear at the sight of the Angel of the Lord: “What could that be,” I shouted, “so big, so powerful, so bright?”
*Ayshe raised her hand excitedly and I was curious to hear what she would say. She shouted back with a questioning voice: “…a winter monster?” Everyone began to laugh. It was then that I realized that she had never heard the story before. Later, while everyone else was eating hotdogs, I saw *Ayshe kneeling alone before the manger scene that was in the tent. She held the plastic lamb figure on her lap and was tenderly stroking it. I went and sat next to her.
“Tell me the story again,” she asked. “Was the baby a boy or a girl?”
“He was a boy,” I answered.”
“What was his name?”
“Jesus… and He loves you...”
Tomorrow it will be Sunday. We will be having our Christmas Brunch service at the Moosburg church. *Ayshe will be coming with her family and they are bringing two uncles and an aunt. *Ayshe asked me if I will be sharing the story on Sunday so they can hear it as well.
Christmas: it is all about the Story…
May the joy that the angels proclaimed and the peace that God did promise on that holy night so many years ago, be yours. We wish you God’s blessings for this Christmas season and the new year to come!
Love and greetings from Germany!
Steve and Astrid (Dunn)