
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Filled With the Spirit 8/1 Tuesday Truth

Oh, it always seems to me that the Gospel is robbed of its divine glory when we overlook this marvelous truth of the baptism of the Holy Ghost.  To be saved is wonderful, to be a new creature, to have passed from death unto life, to have the witness of the Spirit that you are born of God, all this is unspeakably precious.  But whereas we have the well of salvation bubbling up, we need to go on to a place where from within us shall flow rivers of living water.  The Lord Jesus showed us very plainly that, if we believe on Him, from within us should flow rivers of living water.  And this He spake of the Spirit.  The Lord wants us to be filled with the Spirit, to have the manifestation of the presence of His Spirit, the manifestation that is indeed given to profit withal, and for us to be His mouthpiece and speak as the very oracles of God.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Walking Epistles of His Word 7/31 Monday Meditation

The Lord would have us to be walking epistles of His Word.  Jesus is the Word and is the power in us, and it is His desire to work in and through us His own good pleasure.  We must believe that He is in us.  There are boundless possibilities fro us if we dare to act in God and dare to believe that the wonderful virtue of our living Christ shall be made manifest though us... 

--Smith Wigglesworth

Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Only People Who Are Really Glad 7/28 Friday Faith

The children of God are the only people who are really glad.  We are glad inside and we are glad outside.  Our gladness flows from the inside.  God has filled us with joy unspeakable and full of glory...  This is probably how Paul himself felt when he refers to being "beside ourselves" in the Lord.  This joy in the Holy Ghost is beyond anything else.  And this joy of the Lord is our strength.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Faith That Dares to Believe God 7/27 Thursday Thoughts

I suffered for many years from piles, till my whole body was thoroughly weak; the blood used to gush from me.  One day I got desperate and I took a bottle of oil and anointed myself.  I said to the Lord, "Do what You want to, quickly."  I was healed at that very moment.  God wants us to have an activity of faith that dares to believe God.  There is what seems like faith, an appearance of faith, but real faith believes God right to the end.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Dwell in the Secret Place 7/26 Wednesday Wisdom

Oh, what privileges are ours when we are born of God.  How marvelously He keeps us so that the wicked one touches us not.  I see a place in God where Satan dare not come.  Hidden in God.  And He invites us all to come and share this wonderful hidden place where our lives are hid with Christ in God, where we dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  God has this place for you in this blessed realm of grace.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Monday, July 24, 2017

Grace and Peace Multiplied 7/25 Tuesday Truth

Not only is grace multiplied to us through knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ, but peace also.  As we really know our God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent, we will have peace multiplied to us even in the multiplied fires of ten thousand Nebuchadnezzars.  It will be multiplied to us even through we are put into the den of lions, and we will live with joy in the midst of the whole thing.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Mighty Results 7/24 Monday Meditation

God's Word is from everlasting to everlasting.  His Word cannot fail.  God's Word is true and when we rest in the fact of its truth, what mighty results we can get. 

--Smith Wigglesworth

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Blessed With Abraham 7/21 Friday Faith

Yes, every person in the whole wide world who is saved by faith is blessed with faithful Abraham.  The promise which came to him because he believed God was that in him all the families of the earth should be blessed.  When we believe God there is no knowing where the blessing of our faith will end.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tested in the Fire 7/20 Thursday Thoughts

Beloved, as you are tested in the fire, the Master is cleaning away all that cannot bring out the image, cleaning away all the dross from your life, and every evil power, till He sees His face right in the life, till He sees His face right in your life.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

No "But's" 7/19 Wednesday Wisdom

There are no "buts" in sanctification of the Spirit.  "But" and "if" are gone, and it is "shall" and "I will" all the way through.
Beloved, if there are any but's in your attitude towards the Word of truth there is something unyielded to the Spirit.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Monday, July 17, 2017

Devil Is an Angel of Light 7/18 Tuesday Truth

Don't you believe the devil is a big ugly monster; he comes as an angel of light, and he comes at a time when you have done well, and tells you about it.  He comes to make you feel your are somebody...

--Smith Wigglesworth 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Only the Desire of God 7/17 Monday Meditation

 I want to impress you with this fact that every believer should reach a place in the Holy Ghost where he has no desire expect the desire of God.  The Holy Ghost has to possess us till we are filled, led, yes, divinely led by the Holy Ghost.  It is a mighty thing to be filled wit the Holy Ghost.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Resent All Evil 7/14 Friday Faith

Oh, thank God for Jesus.  I want you to notice that Jesus wants you to be so under His power, so controlled by, and filled with the Holy Ghost, that the power of authority in you will resent all evil.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Worst Thing That Can Come to Anyone 7/13 Thursday Thoughts

Beloved, there is such a thing as people thinking they are full and rich, and knowing not that they are hungry, poor, and blind.  The worst thing that can come to anyone, to a child of God, is to be satisfied.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Be Making an Advancement in God 7/12 Wed. Wisdom

People say to me, "Have you not the gift of faith?"  I say that it is an important gift, but what is still more important is for us every moment to be making an advancement in God.  Looking at the Word of God today I find that its realities are greater to me today than they were yesterday.  It is the most sublime, joyful truth that God brings an enlargement.  Always an enlargement.  There is nothing dead, dry, or barren in this life of the Spirit; God is always moving us on to something higher, and as we move on in the Spirit of faith, it will always rise to the occasion as different circumstances arise.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Monday, July 10, 2017

The Power of God 7/11 Tuesday Truth

The power of God is beyond all our conception.  The trouble is that we do not have the power of God in a full manifestation because of our finite thoughts, but as we go on and let God have His way, there is no limit to what our limitless God will do in response to a limitless faith.  But you will never get anywhere except you are in constant pursuit of all the power of God.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Sunday, July 9, 2017

At the End of Our Own 7/10 Monday Meditation

One of our workers said to me at Christmas time, "Wigglesworth, I never was so near the end of my purse in my life."  I replied, "Thank God, you are just at the opening of God's treasures."  It is when we are at the end of our own that we can enter into the riches of God's resources.  It is when we possess nothing that we can possess all things.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Friday Faith 7/7 Thirst for the Word

The child of God ought to thirst for the Word.  He should know nothing else but the Word, and should know nothing among men save Jesus.  "...Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God  (Matthew 4:4).
--Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Worse Devices of Satan 7/6 Thursday Thoughts

I believe that Satan has many devices and that they are worse today than ever before; but I also believe that there is to be a full manifestation on the earth of the power and glory of God to defeat every device of Satan.
--Smith Wigglesworth

Monday, July 3, 2017

The Power of God Can Remodel You 7/4-7/5 Tues./Wed. Wisdom

The power of God can remodel you.  He can make you hate sin and love righteousness.  He can take away bitterness and hatred and covetousness and malice, and can so consecrate you by His power, through His blood, that you are made pure -- every bit holy.  Pure in mind, heart and actions -- pure right through.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Holiness and Worldliness 7/3 Monday Meditation

Lep's Faith Quotes will be published hit-and-miss this week due to work, holiday, company arriving, and birthday.

I do not find anything in the Bible but holiness, and nothing in the world but worldliness.  Therefore, if I live in the world I shall become worldly; but, on the other hand, if I live in the Bible, I shall become holy.  This is the truth, and the truth will set you free.

--Smith Wigglesworth