
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Divine Force Within You 9/1` Friday Faith

I will not be posting for Monday (Labor Day) and possibly Tuesday.

I want you to see that as you receive the Son of God, and as Christ dwells in your heart by faith, there is a divine force, the power of limitless possibilities, within you, and that as a result of this incoming Christ, God wants to do great things through you.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What You See Is Temporary 8/31 Thursday Thoughts

Faith is the substance of things hoped for.  Someone said to me one day, "I would not believe in anything I could not handle and see."  Everything you can handle and see is temporary and will perish with the using.  But the things not seen are eternal and will not fade away.  Are you dealing with tangible things or with the things which are eternal, the things that are facts, that are made real to faith?  Thank God that through the knowledge of the truth of the Son of God I have within me a greater power, a mightier working, an inward impact of life, of power, of vision and of truth more real than anyone can know who lives in the realm of the tangible.  God manifests Himself to the person who dares to believe.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

All the Word of God 8/30 Wednesday Wisdom

All the Word of God is wonderful.  It is not only wonderful, but it has power to change conditions.  Any natural condition can be changed by the Word of God, which is a supernatural power.  In the Word of God is the breath, the nature, and the power of the living God, and His power works in every person who dares to believe His Word.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Monday, August 28, 2017

Just the Same 8/29 Tuesday Truth

This Jesus is just the same today, and He says to you, "I will; be thou clean."  He has an overflowing cup for thee, a fullness of life.  He will meet you in your absolute helplessness.  All things are possible if you will only believe.  God has a real plan.  It is so simple.  Just come to Jesus.  You will find Him just the same as He was in days of old.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Give God Control of Your Mind 8/28 Monday Meditation

I copied this from a friend's blog because it needs to be shared with a wider audience. 

It is easy to become discouraged in light of all that is going on in the world. All of this "agitation" comes from the fact that the enemy sees that the Lord is rising up (read Psalm 2). God is shaking everything that can be shaken, and the enemy is coming with great wrath because he knows his time is short.

Don't let the devil get control and be the master of your thought life when listening to the news. When he gets control then fear, rage, discouragement, helplessness,... apathy and all sorts of bad things take root. God's peace is stolen. God's joy is stolen. God's will for our lives is delayed. God did not give us that spirit of fear. He's given us a spirit of power (to intercede), and love (in any circumstance), and a sound and sober mind. (II Tim 1:7) If you follow what I write below - you won't be shaken.

When I see something in the world that "vexes" my spirit, I have been instructed to:

"Cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" . . . to declare "Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered" . . . and "Thy kingdom come. Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Give control of your mind to God instead. Give faith control. Give love control. Bless instead of curse. Intercede, confident that your intercessions are loosing angels to act in behalf of the kingdom of God. Declare, "Let God arise. Let His enemies be scattered." God has commanded you and given you the authority to do that. It will happen.

A "disciple" is a disciplined one. If we're "disciples" we need to discipline - or take control of - our minds.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Is Jesus Willing? 8/25 Friday Faith

The man cried, "...Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean" (Matthew 8:2).  Was Jesus willing?  You will never find Jesus missing an opportunity of doing good.  You will find that He is always more willing to work than we are to give Him an opportunity to work.  The trouble is, we do not come to Him, we do not ask Him for what He is more than willing to give.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Overcome the World 8/24 Thursday Thoughts

He that believes that Jesus is the Son of God overcomes the world.  You ask, "How can a man overcome the world because he believe that Jesus is the Son of God?"  Because Jesus is so holy and you become His habitation.  Jesus is so sweet, His love passeth all understanding.  His wisdom passeth all knowledge, and therefore He comes to you with the wisdom of God and not of this world.  He comes to you with peace not as this world giveth.  He comes to you with boundless blessing, with a measure pressed down and running over. You do not require the world, for you have meat to eat that the world knows not of.  God is a rewarder of all them that diligently seek Him, for they that seek Him shall lack no good thing.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

We Are of God 8/23 Wednesday Wisdom

God wants us all to be so built up in truth, righteousness, and the life of God that every person we come in contact with may know of a truth that we are of God.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Monday, August 21, 2017

To Have Only One Attraction 8/22 Tuesday Truth

Brother, sister, are you prepared to go all the way?  Are you willing for heights and depths and lengths and breadths?  Are you willing for your heart to have only one attraction?  Are you willing to have only one lover?  Are you willing for Him to become the very perfect Bridegroom?  For I understand the more bridelike we are, the more we love to hear the Bridegroom's voice, and the less bridelike we are, the less we long for His Word.  If you cannot see without it, if it becomes your meat day and night, if you eat and drink of it, His life will be in you and when He appears you will go.  Help us, Jesus!

--Smith Wigglesworth

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Say to the World, Goodbye! 8/21 Monday Meditation

Dare you come into the place of omnipotence?  of wonderment?  Dare you step into line with God's possibility and say, "I am ready for all Thou hast for me"?  It will mean a clean life.  It will mean a holy life.  It will mean a separated life.  It will disjoin you from everything.  It will mean your heart is so perfect, your prospects are so divinely separated that you say to the world, "Goodbye!"  Hear what Paul said, "I conferred not with flesh and blood," that he might inherit this great possession that God has laid up for us.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Future Today 8/18 Friday Faith

The future is what you are today.  The future is not what you are going to be tomorrow.  This is the day when God makes the future possible.  When God can get something through you today, tomorrow is filled with further illumination of God's possibility for you.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

A Quenchless Thirst 8/17 Thursday Thoughts

God, just come and make me so that there is not a possibility for me to ever be satisfied but to have a quenchless thirst for the living God!  And then I shall not be overtaken.  Then I shall be ready.  Than I shall have eyes which beam, filled with the extremity of delight looking at the Master.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Wanting ... 8/16 Wednesday Wisdom

Wanting God!  Wanting fellowship in the Spirit!  Wanting the walk with Him!  Wanting communion with Him!  Everything else is no good.  You want the association with God, and God says, "I will come and walk with you..  I will sup with you and you with Me, and I will live in you."  A joyful hallelujah!  Attaining to a spiritual majority, a fullness of Christ, a place where God becomes the perfect Father and the Holy Ghost has a rightful place now as never before.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Monday, August 14, 2017

Made to be Extraordinary 8/15 Tuesday Truth

Beloved, God wants us to be something more than ordinary people... The only thing that God has for a man is to be extraordinary.  God has no room for an ordinary man.  There are millions of ordinary people in the world... But when God lays hold of a man He makes him extraordinary in personality, power, unction, thought and activity.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Sunday, August 13, 2017

"Can He Do It For Me?" 8/14 Monday Meditation

But you ask, "Can He do it for me?"  "Yes, if you believe it."  Brother, faith is the victory.  Here I am, so thankful this morning.  Thirty years ago this body you see was sick and helpless and dying.  God, in an instant, healed me. I am now sixty-five years within a day or two and so free and healthy; oh, it is wonderful!  There are people in this place who ought to be healed in a moment.  People who ought to receive the Holy Ghost in a moment.  The power of possibility is in the reach of every man.  The Holy Ghost is full of the rising tide.  Every one of us can be filled to overflowing.  God is here with His divine purpose to change our weakness into mighty strength and faith.  The Word of God!  Oh, brother, sister, have you got it?  It is marrow to your bones.  It is unction.  It is resurrection fro every weakness, it is life from the dead.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Thursday, August 10, 2017

A Million Times Bigger 8/11 Friday Faith

The Holy Ghost would have us clearly understand that we are a million times bigger than we know.   Every Christian in this place has no conception of what you are.  My heart is so big that I want to look in your faces and tell you if you only knew what you had, your body would scarcely be able to contain you.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The Unveiling of Jesus 8/10 Thursday Thoughts

The Holy Ghost wants everybody to see the unveiling of Jesus.  The unveiling of Jesus is to take away yourself and to place Himself in us; to take away all your human weakness and put within you that wonderful Word of eternal power, of eternal life, which makes you believe that all things are possible.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Monday, August 7, 2017

Life in the Word 8/8 Tuesday Truth

I will not be posting Wednesday Wisdom due to a very full day on Tuesday.

God has made His Word so precious that, if I could not get another copy, I would not part with my Bible for all the world.  There is life in the Word.  There is virtue in it.  I find Christ in it and He is the One I need for spirit, soul, and body.  It tells me of the power of His name and of the power of His blood for cleansing.  The lions may lack and suffer hunger, ...but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing."  (Psalm 34:10).

--Smith Wigglesworth

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Feeding on God's Word 8/7 Monday Meditation

[The gospels] will never fail to accomplish the work of God if people will but read and believe them.  That is where men lack.  All lack of faith is due to not feeding on God's Word.  You need it every day.  How can you enter into a life of faith?  Feed on the living Christ of whom this Word is full.  As you get taken up with the glorious fact and the wondrous presence of the living Christ, the faith of God will spring up within you.  "...faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"  (Romans 10:17).

--Smith Wigglesworth

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Peter and the Fish 8/4 Friday Faith

Peter had been at the fishing business all his life but he never had caught a fish with any silver in its mouth.  But the Master does not want us to reason things out -- for carnal reasoning will always land us in a bog of unbelief --- but just to obey.  "This is a hard job," Peter must have said, as he put the bait on his hook, "but since You told me to do it, I'll try," and he cast his line into the sea.  There were millions of fish in the sea, but every fish had to stand aside and leave that bait alone, and let that fish with the piece of money in its mouth come up and take it.

---Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Keep in Memory 8/3 Thursday Thoughts

Do you keep in memory how God has been gracious in the past?  God has done wonderful things for all of us.  If we keep these things in memory we shall become strong in faith.  We should be able to defy Satan in everything.  Remember all the way the Lord has led.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Receiving More and More of the Spirit 8/2 Wednesday Wisdom

The grace of God that was given to the persecuting Saul is available for you.  The same Holy Ghost infilling he received is likewise available.  Do not rest satisfied with any lesser experience than the baptism that the disciples received on the day of Pentecost, then move on to a life of continuous receiving of more and more of the blessed Spirit of God.

--Smith Wigglesworth