
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

He Can Mold You Afresh

I have Americanized the spellings in this quotation.

Only melted gold is minted; only moistened clay is molded; only softened wax receives the seal; only broken, contrite hearts receive the mark as the Potter turn us on His wheel, shapen and burnt to take and keep the mark, the mold, the stamp of God's pure gold.  He can put the stamp on this morning.  He can mold you afresh.  He can change the vision.  He can move the difficulty.  The Lord of Hosts is in the midst of thee and is waiting for thy affection.

--Smith Wigglesworth

I will be on vacation next week.  The next post will be Monday, October 9.  

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

God Can Bring You Through 9/28 Thursday Thoughts

Only be still and see the salvation of the Lord. Oh, what would happen if we learned the secret to only ask once and believe?  What an advantage it would be if we could only come to a place where we know that everything is within reach of us.  God wants us to see that every obstacle can be moved away.  God brings us into a place where the difficulties are, where the pressure is, where the hard corner is, where everything is so difficult that you know there are no possibilities on the human side -- God must do it.  All these places are of God's ordering.  God allows trials, difficulties, temptations and perplexities to come right along our path, but there is not a temptation or trial which can come to man but God has a way out.  You have not the way out; it is God who can bring you through.

--Smith Wiggleworth

I will be on vacation next week and will not be posting.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Be Still, All Is Well 9/27 Wednesday Wisdom

It does not matter where you are if God is with you.  He that is for you is a million times more than all who can be against you.  Oh, if we could by the grace of God see that the beatitudes of God's divine power come to us with such sweetness, whispering to us, "Be still, My child.  All is well."

--Smith Wigglesworth

Monday, September 25, 2017

He Is Nigh 9/26 Tuesday Truth

We have not to go down to bring Him up nor up to bring Him down.  He is nigh thee, He is in thy heart.  The word of faith which we preach, and this is a living word, and God wants you all to know in this meeting tonight that if you only dare to act upon the divine principle that is written there the gates of hell shall not prevail.  Praise the Lord.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Only Believe! 9/25 Monday Meditation

Only believe!  Only believe!  All things are possible, only believe.  There is something very remarkable about that chorus.  God wants to impress it so deeply on our hearts tonight that we may in our corner, room, private places, get so engrossed in the fact with this divine truth that if we will! only believe!  He can get in us and out of us for others what otherwise would never be possible. Oh, for this to lay hold of us tonight that God comes to us afresh and says, "Only believe."

-- Smith Wigglesworth

Thursday, September 21, 2017

More So 9./22 Friday Faith

Oh, this blessed Son of God wants to fill us with such glory till our whole body is aflame with the power of the Holy Ghost.  I see there is a "much more."  Glory to God!  My daughter asked some African boys to tell us the difference between being saved and being filled with the Holy Ghost.  "Ah," they said, "when we were saved it was very good, but when we received the Holy Ghost is was 'more so.'"  Many of you have never received the "more so."

--Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

When the Holy Ghost Gets Possession 9/21 Thursday Thoughts

Happy New Year 5778  (Jewish New Year,  Feast of Trumpets)
There were over 100 verified readers of my "Tuesday Truth" online.

When the Holy Ghost gets possession, there is a new man entirely -- the whole being becomes saturated with divine power.  We become a habitation of Him who is all light, all revelation, all power, and all love.  Yea, God the Holy Ghost is so manifested within us that it is glorious.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Filled With All the Fullness of God 9/20 Wednesday Wisdom

The Spirit of the living God sweeps through all weaknesses.  Beloved, God the Holy
Ghost wants to bring us to a great revelation of life.  He wants us to be filled with all the fullness of God.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Monday, September 18, 2017

Dryness Turned Into Springs 9/19 Tuesday Truth

What a wonderful divine position God means us all to have, to be filled with the Holy Ghost.  There is something so remarkable, so divine, as it were, a great open door into all the treasury of the Most High.  As the Spirit comes like rain upon the mown grass, He turns the barrenness into greenness and freshness and life.  Oh, Hallelujah!  God would have you know that there is a place where you are dispensed with and where God comes to be thy assurance and sustaining power spiritually, till thy dryness is turned into springs; till thy barrenness begins to be floods, till thine whole life becomes vitalized by heaven, till heaven sweeps through you and dwells within and turns everything inside out, till you are absolutely so filled with divine possibilities that you being to live in a new creation.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Repentance 9/18 Monday Meditation

If you will turn to God with true repentance, He is plenteous in mercy and He will forgive you. Repentance means getting back to God.  When Samson took hold of the pillars upon which the house stood, he pulled the walls down.  God can give you strength and you can get hold of the posts and He will work through you.  No matter what kind of  backslider you have been, there is power in the blood.  "The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin" (I John 1:7).  Oh, if I could only tell you how God so wonderfully restored me!  And I had my "first love" again and He filled me with the Holy Ghost.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Much More 9/15 Friday Faith

Look at the fifth chapter of Romans and see how many times the expression "much more" is used.  Oh, that we might take this grace of God and revel in the Word of God and be so full of expectancy, that we might have these "much mores" coming out as fruit in our lives.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Unction That Abides Forever 9/14 Thursday Thoughts

Samson has his name recorded in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews as being a man of faith.  He was a man who was chosen of God from his mother's womb, but he only had the power of God coming upon him on certain occasions; whereas now we who have received the fulness of  the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, may have the unction which abides forever.  The Lord has promised that we shall have life and have it abundantly.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Monday, September 11, 2017

God's Rest 9/12 Tuesday Truth

Only believe!  Only believe!  God will not fail you, beloved.  It is impossible for God to fail.  Believe God, rest in Him.  God's rest is an undisturbed place, a place where heaven bends to meet you.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Perfect Blessing vs. Unbelief 9/11 Monday Meditation

The Spirit of God would have us understand that there  is nothing that can interfere with our coming into perfect blessing except unbelief.  Unbelief is a terrible hindrance.  As soon as we are willing to allow the Holy Ghost to have His way, we will find great things will happen all the time.  But oh, how much of our own human reason we have to get rid of, how much human planning we have to become divorced from.  What would happen right now if everybody believed God?

--Smith Wigglesworth

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Suppose No One Believed 9.8 Friday Faith

Suppose that all the people in the world did not believe, that would make no difference to God's Word, it would be the same.  You cannot alter God's Word.  It is from everlasting to everlasting, and they who believe in it shall be like Mount Zion which cannot be moved.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Sons and Joint Heirs 9/7 Thursday Thoughts

By faith, if we receive and accept His Son, God brings us into sonship, and not only into sonship but into joint-heirship, into sharing together with Him all that the Son possesses.

--Smith Wigglesworth

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

How Great Is Your Authority 9/5 Wednesday Wisdom

I have a one-hour Bible study / teaching on the fall festivals of the Old Testament that I have given four times.  If you would like to have this teaching for your circle, house church, Bible study group, or small group, I am willing to give it anywhere within a 40-minute drive of Norwalk.  Here is a reference: 
Penny Ann Samko Williams    I've heard super-good feedback about the presentation by Larry Lepard.
NDFRC is fortunate to have excellent (human) resources for teaching & sharing.
We're already looking forward to hearing him in the Fall.
Thanks Lep!

I am more and more convinced every day I live that very few who are saved by the grace of God who have a right conception of how great is their authority over darkness, demons, death, and every power of the enemy.  It is a real joy when we realize our inheritance.

--Smith Wigglesworth