Jesus healed to fulfill the ancient prophetic picture of the Messiah: "Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses." But if it was necessary then for Him to fulfill that character, it is as much so now...
If this is not true still for us, then Jesus Christ is not "the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." If this is not still true for us, then -- perhaps -- the other promises of the Scriptures are also not true for us, and He has not borne our sins any more than our sickness and suffering. n
No, His heart is still the same.
--A.B. Simpson
Daily (M-F) quotes from Pentecostal pioneers whom the modern Christian is unlikely to come across in contemporary devotional reading.
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.
Monday, December 31, 2018
Sunday, December 30, 2018
The Age of Miracles 12/31 Monday Meditation
The age of miracles is not past. The Word of God never indicated a hint of such a fact. On the contrary, miracles are to be among the signs of the last days. The very adversary himself is to counterfeit them and send forth unto the kings of the earth demon spirits working miracles. The only defense against the false miracles will be the true.
We are in the age of miracles, the age of Christ...
--A.B. Simpson
We are in the age of miracles, the age of Christ...
--A.B. Simpson
Thursday, December 27, 2018
"All Power" Never Withdrawn 12/28 Friday Faith
Christ's "all power" has never been withdrawn. He was to be a perpetual I Am, to be as near at the end as at the beginning. The work we are to do is to be the complement of His own. In fact, it is His own work, for Luke says He "began both to do and teach" (Acts 1:1). He must, therefore, be continuing His work still.
--A.B. Simpson
--A.B. Simpson
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Why Should People Die? 12/27 Thursday Thoughts
Sometimes someone asks, "Why should people ever die if Christ will always heal?" Because faith can only go as far as God's promise, and God has nowhere promised that we shall never die during this dispensation. It is not immortal life that God promises in connection with the healing of the mortal body. The promise is fullness of life and health and strength up to the measure of our natural life and until our life work is done. True, it is the life of the resurrection that we have; but it is not the whole of it - only the firstfruits.
--A. B. Simpson
--A. B. Simpson
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Faith and Seeing 12/21 Friday Faith
This will be my final post until December 26. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas, everyone!
A faith that is going to wait for signs and evidence will never be strong. Plants that begin by leaning will always need support. Indeed, the "faith" which rests upon seeing is not faith. "Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."
--A.B. Simpson
A faith that is going to wait for signs and evidence will never be strong. Plants that begin by leaning will always need support. Indeed, the "faith" which rests upon seeing is not faith. "Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."
--A.B. Simpson
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Twin Princiiples of the Gospel 12/20 Thursday Thoughts
Grace without works and faith without sight must always go together as twin principles of the gospel. The one thing God asks from all who are to receive His grace is that they shall trust His simple Word. But this must be real trust. We must believe and doubt not. If God's Word be true at all, it is absolutely and utterly true.
--A.B. Simpson
--A.B. Simpson
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
I Am With You 12/19 Wednesday Wisdom
Christ did not say, "I will be with you alway." That would have suggested a break. He said, "I am" -- an unchanging now, a presence never withdrawn, a love, a nearness, a power to heal and save as constant and as free as ever, even unto the end of the world. "Jesus Christ the same yea=sterday, and to day, and for ever." (Hebrews 13:8)
-A. B. Simpson
-A. B. Simpson
Monday, December 17, 2018
Anointing by the Elders 12/18 Tuesday Truth
It [the task of anointing the sick] was given to the elders -- the men most likely to be within reach of every sufferer, the men who are to continue till the end of the age. Notice the time at which this commission is given. It was not at the beginning, but at the close of the apostolic age. It was not for that generation, but for the one that was just rising and all the succeeding ages.
--A.B. Simpson
--A.B. Simpson
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Beginning A.B. Simpson quotes 12/17 Monday Meditation
Having completed the Smith Wigglesworth quotes, today we begin quotes by A.B. Simpson, the founder of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. "Lep's Faith Quotes" features quotes from "Pentecostal Pioneers" which one would not encounter in their usual daily devotional readings. In the early days of The C&MA [Alliance], Simpson was closely allied with the Pentecostals, he traded pulpits with them, and he is considered a forefather of the Word of Faith movement. In his later years, Simpson disassociated himself with the Pentecostals and the direction of the C&MA changed.
Christ promised the signs, and they followed as long as Christians continued to believe and expect them. It is important to observe Young's translation of verse 17 [Mark 16:17]: "Signs shall follow them that believe these things." The signs shall correspond to the extent of their faith.
By such mighty "signs and wonders" the church was established in Jerusalem, Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. The unbelief of the world needs these signs today as much as in the apostolic times.
Christ promised the signs, and they followed as long as Christians continued to believe and expect them. It is important to observe Young's translation of verse 17 [Mark 16:17]: "Signs shall follow them that believe these things." The signs shall correspond to the extent of their faith.
By such mighty "signs and wonders" the church was established in Jerusalem, Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. The unbelief of the world needs these signs today as much as in the apostolic times.
Thursday, December 13, 2018
I read the 846-page complete sermons of Smith Wigglesworth around 2012 and marked all the brief stand-alone quotes that didn't require the context of the sermon. I used those quotes in 2012, 2014, and from early 2017 to the present and have finally completed the book. I will be doing some A.B. Simpson quotes starting on Monday. (BTW, this daily post began in 2005.)
The following is a very appropriate conclusion to his transcribed sermons. (He never wrote a book or read any book but the Bible, having been taught to read by his wife. He had dropped out of school at age 7 to be a child laborer in England.)
There is more for us all yet, praise the Lord. This is only the beginning. So far we have only touched the fringe of things. There is so much more for us if we will but yield to God.
Do you want to receive the Spirit?
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? (Luke 11:13)
-- Smith Wigglesworth
The following is a very appropriate conclusion to his transcribed sermons. (He never wrote a book or read any book but the Bible, having been taught to read by his wife. He had dropped out of school at age 7 to be a child laborer in England.)
There is more for us all yet, praise the Lord. This is only the beginning. So far we have only touched the fringe of things. There is so much more for us if we will but yield to God.
Do you want to receive the Spirit?
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? (Luke 11:13)
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Our Father Is Infinite 12/13 Thursday Thoughts
I am a father and I want to give my boys the very best. We human fathers are but finite, but our heavenly Father is infinite. There is no limit to the power and blessing He has laid up for them that love Him. Be filled with the Spirit.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Power from on High (Pt. 2) 12/12 Wednesday Wisdom
Instead of your laboring according to your own plan, it will be God working in you and through you to do His own good pleasure through the power of the Spirit within. Someone has said that you are no good until you have your "I" knocked out. Christ must reign within, and the life in the Holy Ghost means at all times the subjection of your own will to make way for the working out of the good and acceptable and perfect will of God within.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, December 10, 2018
Power from on High (Pt. 1) 12/11 Tuesday Truth
The Lord wants all saved people to receive power from on High - power to witness, power to act, power to live, and power to show forth the divine manifestation of God within. The power of God will take you out of your own plans and put you into the plan of God. You will be unmantled and divested of that which is purely of yourself and put into a divine order. The Lord will change you and put His mind where yours was, and thus enable you to have the mind of Christ. (to be continued)
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, December 9, 2018
The State of Things Today 12/10 Monday Meditation
Where is the fault for the state of things we see today? The lack of a deep spirit of repentance. Weeping is not repentance, sorrow is not repentance. Repentance is a turning away and doing the work of righteousness and holiness.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, December 6, 2018
The Time to Sing 12/ 7 Friday Faith
The strength of a life is the strength of its song. When the pressure is heavy that is the time to sing. Pressure is permitted to strengthen the attitude and spirit of praise. It takes a man to sing in the dark when the storm and battle are raging, and it is such singing that makes the man.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Praise Is God's Sunlight 12/6 Thursday Thoughts
Praise is God's sunlight in the heart. It destroys sin germs. It ripens the fruits of the Spirit. It is the oil of gladness that lubricates life's activities. There can be no holy life without it. It keeps the heart pure and the eye clear. Praise is essential to the knowledge of God and his will.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
When Satan Can Get to Your Body 12/ 5 Wednesday Wisdom
When Satan can get to your body he will, if possible, make the pain, or the weakness, so distracting that it will affect your mind, and always bring your mind down to where the pain is. When that takes place, you haven't the same freedom in the Spirit to lift up your heart and shout, and praise the Lord, because the distraction of the pain brings the elementary power which ought to be full of praise to God, down into the body...
Beloved, I mean precisely this: Anything that takes me from a position where I am in an attitude of worship, of peace, of joy, of a consciousness of the presence of God, of an inward moving of the power of God that makes me able to lift myself up and live in the world as though I was not of it (because I am not of it); anything that dethrones me from that attitude is evil, is Satan.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Beloved, I mean precisely this: Anything that takes me from a position where I am in an attitude of worship, of peace, of joy, of a consciousness of the presence of God, of an inward moving of the power of God that makes me able to lift myself up and live in the world as though I was not of it (because I am not of it); anything that dethrones me from that attitude is evil, is Satan.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, December 3, 2018
God Has Established Truth 12/4 Tuesday Truth
God has established truth in His Word. Men have tried to bring it to nought. God has His Word in the earth, it is also settled in heaven. If you are on the Word you are eternally fixed. God has said it, it is established, the Word of God abideth forever. Men pass away, things change, but God's Word abideth forever.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Disease and Sickness 12/3 Monday Meditation
I have looked through my Bible, and I cannot find where God brings disease and sickness. I know there is glory, and I know it is the power of God that brings the glory; but it isn't God at all, but the devil that brings sickness and disease.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Sons of God With Power 11/30 Friday Faith
Therefore, beloved, if you will hear the truth of the Gospel, you will see that God has made provision for you to be strong, to be on fire, to be as though you were quickened from the dead, as those who have seen the King, as those who have a resurrection touch. We know we are the sons of God with power as we believe His Word and stand in the truth of His Word.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Saturated With God 11/29 Thursday Thoughts
The Holy Ghost coming upon an individual changes him and fertilizes his spiritual life. What is possible if we reach this place and keep in it -- abide in it. Only one thing is going to accomplish the purpose of God -- that is, to be filled with the Spirit we must yield and submit, until our bodies are saturated with God, that at any moment God's will can be revealed. We want a great hunger and thirst for God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Perfect Peace, Blessed Assurance 11/28 Wednesday Wisdom
He will keep you in perfect peace as you stay your mind upon Him and trust in Him. He will bring you to a rest of faith, to a place of blessed assurance that all that happens is working for your eternal good.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, November 26, 2018
Where You Need Him 11/27 Tuesday Truth
The resurrected Christ appeared to Peter and a few more of them early one morning on the shore of the lake. He prepared a meal for the tired, tried disciples. This is just like Him. Count on His presence. Count on His power. Count on His provision. He is always there where you need Him.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, November 25, 2018
In a Needy Place 11/26 Monday Meditation
You say, "I am in a needy place." It is in needy places that God delights to work. For three days the people that were with Christ were without food, and He asked Philip, "From whence shall we buy bread that these may eat?" That was a hard place for Philip, but not for Jesus, for He knew perfectly what He would do. The hard place is where He delights to show forth His miraculous power.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
All the Way With God 11/22 Thanksgiving Weekend
This will be my final post for the week. Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving.
If we went all the way with God, what would happen? What should we see if we would only seek to bring honor to the name of our God? ... There is no standing still. We must move on to a fuller power of the Spirit, never satisfied that we have apprehended all, but filled with the assurance that God will take us on to the goal we desire to reach, as we press on for the prize ahead.
--Smith Wigglesworth
If we went all the way with God, what would happen? What should we see if we would only seek to bring honor to the name of our God? ... There is no standing still. We must move on to a fuller power of the Spirit, never satisfied that we have apprehended all, but filled with the assurance that God will take us on to the goal we desire to reach, as we press on for the prize ahead.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
More Than Smoke 11/21 Wednesday Wisdom
We need to have something more than smoke to touch the people; we need to be a burning fire for God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, November 19, 2018
The Need in the World Today 11/20 Tuesday Truth
The need in the world today is that we should be burning and shining lights to reflect the glory of Christ. We cannot do it with a cold indifferent experience, and we never shall. His servants are to be flames of fire. Christ came that we might have life, and life more abundantly. And we are to give that life to others, to be ministers of the life and power and healing virtue of Jesus Christ wherever we go.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Come to Empower Us 11/19 Monday Meditation
I'm back from an amazing trip to Israel. I invite you to view my daily postings of pictures on I will be posting selected pictures for the next couple weeks.
God wants you to know by experience what it means to be more than a conqueror. The baptism in the Holy Spirit has come for nothing less than to empower us, to give the very power that Christ Himself had, so that you, a yielded vessel, may continue the same type of ministry that He had when He walked this earth in the days of His flesh. He purposes that we should come behind in no gift. There are gifts of healing and the working of miracles, but we must apprehend these. There is the gift of faith by the same Spirit which we are to receive.
--Smith Wigglesworth
God wants you to know by experience what it means to be more than a conqueror. The baptism in the Holy Spirit has come for nothing less than to empower us, to give the very power that Christ Himself had, so that you, a yielded vessel, may continue the same type of ministry that He had when He walked this earth in the days of His flesh. He purposes that we should come behind in no gift. There are gifts of healing and the working of miracles, but we must apprehend these. There is the gift of faith by the same Spirit which we are to receive.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, November 5, 2018
Authority 11/6 Tuesday Truth
God has given us authority over all the power of the devil. Oh, that we may live in the place where we realize this always!
--Smith Wigglesworth
This will be my last post until November 19 as I will be on a trip to Israel.
--Smith Wigglesworth
This will be my last post until November 19 as I will be on a trip to Israel.
Sunday, November 4, 2018
To Enable Us 11/5 Monday Meditation
I realize that when the Holy Ghost comes, He comes to enable us to show forth Jesus Christ in all His glory, to make Him known as the One who heals today as in the days of old. The baptism in the Spirit is to enable us to preach as they did at the beginning, through the power of the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven and with the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit. Oh, if we would only let the Lord work in us, melting us until a new order arises, moved with His compassion!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
I will be touring Israel Nov. 6 - 15. After my Tuesday post (on Monday), I will not be posting again until Nov. 19.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
I will be touring Israel Nov. 6 - 15. After my Tuesday post (on Monday), I will not be posting again until Nov. 19.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
He Sent the Power 11/2 Friday Faith
On the day of Pentecost He sent the power, and the remainder of the Acts of the Apostles tells of the witnessing of these Spirit-filled disciples, the Lord working with them, and confirming the Word with signs following.
The Lord Jesus is just the same today. The anointing is just the same. The Pentecostal experience is just the same, and we are to look for like results as set forth in Luke's record of what happened in the days of the early church.
--Smith Wigglesworth
I will be touring Israel November 6-15. Monday or Tuesday will be the last Lep's Faith Quotes until November 19.
The Lord Jesus is just the same today. The anointing is just the same. The Pentecostal experience is just the same, and we are to look for like results as set forth in Luke's record of what happened in the days of the early church.
--Smith Wigglesworth
I will be touring Israel November 6-15. Monday or Tuesday will be the last Lep's Faith Quotes until November 19.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
A Life of Power 11/1 All Saints' Day Thursday Thoughts
Oh, for a life of absolute dependence! It is through a life of dependence there is a life of power. If you are not there, get alone with God. If need be, spend a whole night alone with God, and let Him change and transform you. Never let Him go until He blesses you, until He makes you an Israel, a prince with God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Absolutely Dependent Upon Him 10/31 Wednesday Wisdom
Oh, the blessedness of being brought into a life of dependence upon the power of the Holy Spirit. Henceforth we know that we are nothing without Him; we are absolutely dependent upon Him. I am absolutely nothing without the power and unction of the Holy Ghost.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, October 29, 2018
Get Alone With God 10/30 Tuesday Truth
Oh, how we need to get alone with God, to be broken, to be changed, to be transformed! And when we do meet with Him, He interposes, and all care and strife are at an end. Get alone with God and receive the revelation of His infinite grace, and of His wonderful purposes and plans for your life.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, October 28, 2018
His Tender Compassion 10/29 Monday Meditation
Many things may happen in our lives to show us how depraved we are by nature, but when the veil is lifted we see how merciful and tender God is. His tender compassion is over us all the time.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, October 25, 2018
"I Can Never Be Perfect" 10/26 Friday Faith
Someone says, "I can never be perfect! It is beyond my furtherest thought." Just so! It is! But as we press on, the Holy Ghost enlightens and we enter in, as Paul says according to the revelation of the Spirit. I am perfected as I launch out into God by faith, His blood covering my sin, His righteousness covering my unrighteousness, His perfection covering my imperfection. I am holy and perfect in Him.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Our Full Cupboard 10/25 Thursday Thoughts
Our full cupboard is often our greatest hindrance. It is when we are empty and undone and come to God in our nothingness and helplessness, He picks us up.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
With Him in His Great Plan 10/24 Wednesday Wisdom
God can never do all He wants to do, all that He came to do through the Word, until He gets us to the place where He can trust us, and we are in abiding fellowship with Him in His great plan for the world's redemption.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, October 22, 2018
Out of Ourselves Into Himself 10/23 Tuesday Truth
God has come to lead us out of ourselves into Himself, and to take us from the ordinary into the extraordinary, from the human into the divine, and make us after the image of His Son. Oh, what a Savior! What an ideal Savior!
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Sit in Heavenly Places 10/22 Monday Meditation
The Word of God comes in to separate us from everything that is not of God. It destroys. It also gives life. He must bring to death all that is carnal in us. It was after the death of Christ that God raised Him up on high, and as we are dead with Him we are raised up and made to sit in heavenly places in the new life that the Spirit gives.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Finisher and Perfecter of Our Faith 10/19 Friday Faith
He spoke the Word and the stars came into being, can He not speak the Word that will produce a mighty faith in us? Ah, this One who is the author and finisher of our faith comes and dwells within us, quickens us by His Spirit, and molds us by His will. He comes to live His life of faith within us and to be to us all that we need. And He who has begun a good work within us will complete it and perfect it; for He not only is the author but the finisher and perfecter of our faith.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wonderful Days 10/18 Thursday Thoughts
These are wonderful days -- these days of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. You ask me, "When would you have liked to come to earth?" My answer is, "Just now. It suits me beautifully to know that I can be filled with the Holy Spirit, that I can be a temple in which He dwells, and that through this temple there shall be a manifestation of the power of God that will bring glory to His name."
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Be a Heavenly People 10/17 Wednesday Wisdom
If you are living an earthly life, all taken up with sensual things, and expect things from heaven, they will never come. God wants us to be a heavenly people, seated with Him in the heavenlies, and laying hold of all the things in heaven that are at our disposal.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, October 15, 2018
All That You Came For 10/16 Tuesday Truth
Believe that when you come into the presence of God you can have all you came for. You can take it away; and you can use it, for all the power of God is at your disposal in response to your faith. The price for all was paid by the blood of Jesus Christ at Calvary.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, October 14, 2018
We Receive Because We Believe 10/15 Monday Meditation
Beloved, we may do much praying and groaning, but we do not receive from God because of that; we receive because we believe. And yet sometimes it takes God a long time to bring us through the groaning and crying before we can believe.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
By Faith 10/11 Thursday Thoughts
I will not be posting a Friday Faith, as I will be on a short vacation.
We read in the Word that by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain; by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; by faith Noah prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed (Hebrews 11). There is only one way to all the treasures of God, and that is the way of faith. All things are possible, the fulfilling of all promises, to him that believeth. And it is all by grace.
" grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. " Ephesians 2:8
--Smith Wigglesworth
We read in the Word that by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain; by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; by faith Noah prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed (Hebrews 11). There is only one way to all the treasures of God, and that is the way of faith. All things are possible, the fulfilling of all promises, to him that believeth. And it is all by grace.
" grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. " Ephesians 2:8
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Constant Fellowship 10/10 Wednesday Wisdom
Through a constant fellowship with the Father, through bold faith in the Son, through a mighty unction of the blessed Holy Spirit, there will come a right of way for God to be enthroned in your hearts, purifying us so thoroughly that there is no room for anything but the divine presence within. And through the manifestation of this presence, the works of Christ and greater works shall be accomplished for the glory of our triune God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, October 8, 2018
The Same Anointng 10/9 Tuesday Truth
John further says, "...the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you..." (1 John 2:27). We have an anointing, the same anointing which Jesus Christ Himself received. For "God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good..." (Acts 10:38). The same anointing is for us.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Weak and Helpless 10/8 Monday Meditation
How could these weak and helpless fishermen, poor and needy, ignorant and unlearned, do the works of Christ and greater works than He had done? They were incapable. None of us is able. But our emptiness has to be clothed with divine fulness, and our helplessness has to be filled with the power of His helpfulness. Paul knew this when he gloried in all that brought him down in weakness, for flowing into his weakness came a mighty deluge of divine power.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, October 4, 2018
The Place of Believing 10/5 Friday Faith
God wants to bring us to the place of believing, where, despite all contradictions around, we are strong in faith, giving God glory. As we fully believe God, He will be glorified, and we will prove a blessing to the whole world as was our father Abraham.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
A Plentiful Supply 10/4 Thursday Thoughts
What do you have? A well of water? That is good as far as it goes. But Christ wants to see a plentiful supply of the river of the Holy Ghost flowing through you.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
He Knows Your Greatest Need 10/3 Wednesday Wisdom
The Master can give you that which will satisfy. He has in Himself just what you need at this hour. He knows your greatest need. You need the blessed Holy Ghost, not merely to satisfy your thirst, but to satisfy the needs of thirsty ones everywhere; for as the blessed Holy Spirit flows through you like rivers of living water, these floods will break what needs to be broken, they will bring to death that which should be brought to death, but they will bring life and fruitage where there is none.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, October 1, 2018
Our God Is an Active God 10/2 Tuesday Truth
Our God is an active God. His thunder is just as loud today as it was in the first century. His lightning is just as vivid as it was in the days of the early church. The sound of the mighty rushing wind is just the same today as it was on the day of the Pentecost. Pray for the violent blasts of wind from heaven, expect them, and you will get them. And do not be afraid of them.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
[I just discovered that I used this quote exactly six months ago today. Sorry for the repeat, but sometimes reruns are good.]
-- Smith Wigglesworth
[I just discovered that I used this quote exactly six months ago today. Sorry for the repeat, but sometimes reruns are good.]
Sunday, September 30, 2018
The Place Was Shaken 10/1 Monday Meditation
And the place was shaken where they were assembled together, and all were filled afresh with the Holy Ghost. Pentecost repeated! Manifestations again! All filled -- mouths and all! "And they spake the Word of God with" - what? hesitation, moderation, timidity? No... "They spake the Word of God with boldness." And the signs and wonders increased. They never resented the first manifestations on their body on the day of Pentecost, and they prayed and received the second experience -- building and all. Even the place was shaken this time. [Acts 4:29-30]
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Not Made to be a Failure 9/28 Friday Faith
Do you think that God will make you to be a failure? God never made man to be a failure. He made man to be a son, to walk the earth in the power of the Spirit, master over the flesh and the devil, until nothing arises within him except that which will magnify and glorify the Lord.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
God Can Make You an Overcomer 9/27 Thursday Thougths
God can make you an overcomer. When the Spirit of God comes into your surrendered being He transforms you. There is a life in the Spirit that makes you free and there is an audacity about it, and there is a personality in it -- it is God in you.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Lifeless and Powerless 9/26 Wednesday Wisdom
It is an awful thing for me to see people who profess to be Christians lifeless and powerless. The place of holy communion [prayer] is open to us all. There is a place where we can be daily refreshed and renewed and reempowered.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, September 24, 2018
Satisfied With Going to Church 9/25 Tuesday Truth
The reason the world today is not seeing this is because Christian people are not filled with the Spirit of Christ. They are satisfied with going to church, occasionally reading the Bible, and sometimes praying. Beloved, if God lays hold of you by the Spirit, you will find that there is an end to everything in the old life. All the old things will have passed away, and all things will have become new -- all things are of God. You will see that as you are wholly yielded to God, your whole being will be transformed by the Spirit's indwelling. He will take you in hand so that you may become a vessel unto honor.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Immersed in the Life of God 9/24 Monday Meditation
There is a necessity for every one of us to be filled with the Spirit of God. It is not sufficient just to have a touch or to have usually a little. There is only one thing that will meet the needs of the people today, and that is to be immersed in the life of God --- God filling you with His Spirit, then you live right in God and God lives in you so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, it shall be all for the glory of God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, September 20, 2018
God's Pure Gold 9/21 Friday Faith
And if you are really reconstructed it will be in a hard time -- it won't be in a singing meeting, but at a time when you think all things are dried up, when you think there is no hope for you, and you have passed everything, then that is the time that God makes the man, when tried by fired that God purges you, takes the dross away and brings forth the pure gold. Only melted gold is minted. Only moistened clay receives the mold. Only soft wax receives the seal. Only broken, contrite hearts receive the mark as the potter turns us on his wheel, shaped and burnt to take and keep the heavenly mold, the stamp of God's pure gold.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Many Wonderful Treasures 9/20 Thursday Thoughts
You know, beloved, that there are many wonderful treasures in the storehouse of God that we have not yet gotten. But praise God, we have the promise in Corinthians:
...Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. I Corinthians 2:9
-- Smith Wigglesworth
...Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. I Corinthians 2:9
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
The Hardest Way Is the Best Way 9/19 Wednesday Wisdom
The hardest way is the best way; you never hear anything about the person who is always having an easy time. The preachers always tell of how Moses crossed the Red Sea when he was at wit's end. I cannot find the record of anyone in the Scriptures whom God used who was not first tried.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, September 17, 2018
Saved to Save Others 9/18 Tuesday Truth
Don't you know that the only purpose for which God saved you was that you might be a saviour of others? And for you to think that you have to remain stationary and just get to heaven is a great mistake. The baptism [of the Holy Spirit] is to make you a witness for Jesus.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, September 16, 2018
No Idea of the Greatness of the Power 9/17 Monday Meditation
We have a wonderful salvation that fits everybody. I believe that a baptized [in the Holy Spirit] person has no conception of the power God has given him until he uses what he has. I maintain that Peter and John had no idea of the greatness of the power they had but they began to speculate. They said, "Well, as far as money goes, we have none of that, but we do have something; we don't exactly know what it is, but we shall try it on you, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, rise up and walk," and it worked. In order to make yourself realize what you have in your possession you will have to try it, and I can assure you it will work all right.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, September 10, 2018
Life More Abundant 9/11 Tuesday Truth
But Jesus was sent to bear the infirmities and the afflictions of the people and to destroy the works of the devil. He said that the thief (which is the devil) cometh to steal and to kill and to destroy, "...I am come that they might have life, and... have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). I maintain that God wishes all His people to have the life more abundant. We have the remedy for all sickness in the Word of God! Jesus paid the full price and the full redemption for every need, and where sin abounds, grace can come in and much more abound, and dispel all the sickness.
--Smith Wigglesworth
This will be my last post of the week, as I will be on vacation.
--Smith Wigglesworth
This will be my last post of the week, as I will be on vacation.
Sunday, September 9, 2018
No Room to Boast 9/10 Monday Meditation
There is no room for anyone to boast, and the man who goes about saying, "Look at me for I am somebody," is of no value whatever. God is done with that man altogether. He will have a people to glorify Him... He has to grind us many times to get us where He can use us.
--Smith Wigglesworth
The next post, Tuesday Truth, will be my last post for the week, as I will be on vacation.
--Smith Wigglesworth
The next post, Tuesday Truth, will be my last post for the week, as I will be on vacation.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
The Mind of the Spirit 9/7 Friday Faith
I believe we ought to be in the place where we shall always be able to understand the mind of the Spirit amid all the other voices in the world.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
The Power of the Holy Ghost 9/6 Thursday Thoughts
In Acts 1:8 we read: "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you..."
Oh, the power of the Holy Ghost! The power that quickens, that reveals, and prevails! I love to think that Jesus wanted all His people to have power, that He wanted all men to be overcomers. Nothing but this power will do it. Power over sin, power over sickness, power over the devil, power over all the powers of the devil!
--Smith Wigglesworth
Oh, the power of the Holy Ghost! The power that quickens, that reveals, and prevails! I love to think that Jesus wanted all His people to have power, that He wanted all men to be overcomers. Nothing but this power will do it. Power over sin, power over sickness, power over the devil, power over all the powers of the devil!
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
No Idea of What God Has For Us! 9/5 Wednesday Wisdom
(continuing from Tuesday)
In a place in England I was dealing on the lines of faith and what would take place if we believed God. Many things happened... It appeared one man who worked in the colliery [coal mines] had heard me. He was in trouble with a stiff knee. He said to his wife, "I cannot help but think every day that that message of Wigglesworth's was to stir us to do something. I cannot get away from it. All the men in the pit know how I walk with a stiff knee, and you know how you have wrapped it around with yards of flannel. Well, I am going to act. You have to be the congregation." He got his wife in front of him. "I am going to act and do just as Wigglesworth did." He got hold of his leg unmercifully, saying, "Come out, you devils, come out! In the name of Jesus. Now, Jesus, help me. Come out, you devils, come out." Then he said, "Wife, they are gone! Wife, they are gone. This is too good. I am going to act now." So he went to his place of worship and all the collier boys were there. It was a prayer meeting. As he told them this story these men became delighted. They said, "Jack, come over here and help me." And Jack went. As soon as he was through in one home he was invited to another, loosing these people of the pains they had gotten in the colliery.
Ah, brothers and sisters, we have no idea what God has for us if we will only begin!
--Smith Wigglesworth
In a place in England I was dealing on the lines of faith and what would take place if we believed God. Many things happened... It appeared one man who worked in the colliery [coal mines] had heard me. He was in trouble with a stiff knee. He said to his wife, "I cannot help but think every day that that message of Wigglesworth's was to stir us to do something. I cannot get away from it. All the men in the pit know how I walk with a stiff knee, and you know how you have wrapped it around with yards of flannel. Well, I am going to act. You have to be the congregation." He got his wife in front of him. "I am going to act and do just as Wigglesworth did." He got hold of his leg unmercifully, saying, "Come out, you devils, come out! In the name of Jesus. Now, Jesus, help me. Come out, you devils, come out." Then he said, "Wife, they are gone! Wife, they are gone. This is too good. I am going to act now." So he went to his place of worship and all the collier boys were there. It was a prayer meeting. As he told them this story these men became delighted. They said, "Jack, come over here and help me." And Jack went. As soon as he was through in one home he was invited to another, loosing these people of the pains they had gotten in the colliery.
Ah, brothers and sisters, we have no idea what God has for us if we will only begin!
--Smith Wigglesworth
When Will You Begin? 9/4 Tuesday Truth
God wants manifestation and He wants His glory to be seen. He wants us all to be filled with that line of thought that He can look upon us and delight in us subduing the world unto Him. And so you are going to miss a great deal if you don't begin to act. But once you begin to act in the order of God, you will find that God establishes your faith and from that day starts you on the line of the promises. When will you begin? (to be continued)
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Divine Flow of Eternal Power 9/3 Monday Meditation
I am very interested in scenery. When I was in Switzerland I wouldn't be satisfied till I went to the top of the mountain, though I like the valleys also. On the summit of the mountain the sun beats on the snow and sends the water trickling down the mountains right through to the meadows. Go there and see if you can stop it. Just so in the spiritual. God begins with the divine flow of His eternal power which is the Holy Ghost, and you cannot stop it.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Holy Ghost Power 8/31 Friday Faith
We must understand that the Holy Ghost is breath, the Holy Ghost is Person, and it is the most marvelous thing to me to know that this Holy Ghost power can be in every part of your body. You can feel it from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. Oh, it is lovely to be burning all over with the Holy Ghost! And when that takes place there is nothing but the operation of the tongue that must give forth the glory and the praise.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Precious in the Sight of God 8/30 Thursday Thoughts
If the saints only knew how precious they are in the sight of God they would scarcely be able to sleep for thinking of His watchful, loving care. Oh, He is a precious Jesus! He is a lovely Savior! He is divine in all His attitude toward us, and makes our hearts to burn. There is nothing like it. "Oh," they said on the road to Emmaus, "did not our hearts burn within us, as He walked with us and talked with us?" (Luke 24:32). Oh beloved, it must be so today.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Live Every Day in the Spirit 8/29 Wednesday Wisdom
We must not limit the Holy One. And we must clearly see that God brought us forth to make us supernatural, that we might be changed all the time on the line of the supernatural, that we may every day live so in the Spirit, that all of the revelations of God are just like a canvas thrown before our eyes, on which we see clearly step by step all the divine will of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, August 27, 2018
Claim Your Holy Position 8/28 Tuesday Truth
Live in the Acts of the Apostles and you will see every day some miracle wrought by the power of the living God. It comes right to the threshold and God brings everything along to you. Do not fail to CLAIM YOUR HOLY POSITION so that you will overcome the power of the devil.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Something Greater Than We Can See 8/27 Monday Meditation
Faith is the substance and it is a reality, and God wants to bring us to the fact of it. He wants us to know that we have something greater than we can see or handle, because everything you can see and handle is going to pass away. The heavens are going to be wrapped up and the earth melt with fervent heat, but the Word of the Lord shall abide for ever.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Do Not Remain Ordinary 8/24 Friday Faith
If you do not venture, you remain ordinary as long as you live. If you dare the impossible then God will abundantly do far above all you can ask or think.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
What a Wonderful Jesus 8/23 Thursday Thoughts
What a wonderful Jesus we have. Something about Him kindles fire in the darkest place. Something about our Lord makes all darkness light. God's Son is for all our human nature, and when we have Him we have more than we can speak about and think about.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Do Not Give In 8/22 Wednesday Wisdom
Salvation is the beginning; sanctification is a continuation; the baptism of the Holy Ghost is the enlargement of capacity for the risen Christ. God comes along and inspires your thoughts and says, "Now go forward, My child; it will be all right. Do not give in."
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, August 20, 2018
This Remarkable Substance Called Faith 8/21 Tuesday Truth
God gives us this remarkable substance that is called faith. It consists of the Word of God, of the personality of God, of the nature of God, and the acts of God, and those four things are all in faith. Faith is a deep reality caused by God's personality waking up our humanity to leap into eternal things and be lost forever in something a million times greater than yourself. To be possessed by and be the possessor of something a million times greater than you!
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Faith Is an Act 8/20 Monday Meditation
Now God does not want anybody in the world, under any circumstances, to be in a place where they live on eyesight and on feelings. Faith never feels and faith never looks. Faith is an act, and faith without an act is not faith, but doubt and disgrace. Every one of you has more faith than you are using.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, August 16, 2018
The Christian Life is Non-Stop 8/17 Friday Faith
The Christian life is a going on, a non-stop, until you reach the top. If you ever stop between Calvary and the glory, it is you who blocked the way. There is no stop between Calvary and the glory except by human failure, but if you allow God to have His way, He will surely transform us, for His plan is to change us from what we are to what He intends us to be, and never to lose the ideal of His great plan for us.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
God of the Impossible 8/16 Thursday Thoughts
God has drawn us together and He has something to give us. He is not ordinary, but extraordinary, not measured, but immeasurable, abounding in everything. There is nothing small about our God, and when we understand God we will find out that there ought not to be anything small about us. We must have AN ENLARGEMENT OF OUR CONCEPTION OF GOD, then we will know that we have come to a place where all things are possible, for our God is an omnipotent God for impossible positions.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, August 13, 2018
We Have a Big God 8/14 Tuesday Truth
I will not be posting a Wednesday Wisdom due to an extremely tight schedule on Tuesday.
So many people have nervous trouble. I'll tell you how to get rid of your nervous trouble. I have something in my bag, one dose of which will cure you. "... I am the Lord that healeth thee" (Exodus 15:26). How this wonderful Word of God changes the situation. "...Perfect love casteth out fear..." (I John 4:18). "There is no fear in love..." (v. 18). I have tested that so often, casting out the whole condition of fear and the whole situation has been changed. We have a big God, only He has to be absolutely and only trusted.
--Smith Wigglesworth
So many people have nervous trouble. I'll tell you how to get rid of your nervous trouble. I have something in my bag, one dose of which will cure you. "... I am the Lord that healeth thee" (Exodus 15:26). How this wonderful Word of God changes the situation. "...Perfect love casteth out fear..." (I John 4:18). "There is no fear in love..." (v. 18). I have tested that so often, casting out the whole condition of fear and the whole situation has been changed. We have a big God, only He has to be absolutely and only trusted.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, August 12, 2018
It Isn't Saying You Have Faith 8/13 Monday Meditation
"Have faith." It isn't saying you have faith. It is he that believeth in his heart. Is is a grasping of the eternal God. Faith is God in the human vessel. "...This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith" (I John 5:4). He that believeth overcomes the world. "...Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17). He that believeth in his heart! Can you imagine anything easier than that? He that believeth in his heart!
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Make Progress in God 8/10 Friday Faith
No man is any good for God and never makes progress in God who does not hate sin. You are never safe. But there is a place in God where you can love righteousness and where you
can hate iniquity till the Word of God is a light in your bosom, quickening every fiber of your body, thrilling your whole nature.
--Smith Wigglesworth
can hate iniquity till the Word of God is a light in your bosom, quickening every fiber of your body, thrilling your whole nature.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Never Be the Same 8/9 Thursday Thoughts
"I give unto you power... over all the power of the enemy..." (Luke 10:19). There it is. We can accept or reject it. I accept and believe it. It is a word beyond all human calculation. "Have faith in God." These disciples were in the Master's school. They were the men who were to turn the world upside down. As we receive the Word we will never be the same; if we dare to act as the Word goes forth and not be afraid, then God will honor us.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Word of God in First Place 8/8 Wednesday Wisdom
The Word of God must have first place. It must not have a second place. In any measure that we doubt the Word of God, from that moment we have ceased to thrive spiritually and actively. The Word of God is not only to be looked at and read, but received as the Word of God to become life right within our life.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, August 6, 2018
See the Possibilities of God 8/7 Tuesday Truth
The most difficult things that come to us are to our advantage from God's side. When we come to the place of impossibilities it is the grandest place for us to see the possibilities of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Ready for Much More 8/6 Monday Meditation
We can open the door and God will come in. What will happen if we really open the door by faith? God is grater than our thoughts. He puts it to us, "...exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think..." (Ephesians 3:20). When we ask a lot, God says "more." Are we ready for the "more"? And then the "much more"?
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, August 2, 2018
The Word of God Makes Us Strong 8/3 Friday Faith
The Word of God makes us strong. All evil powers are weak. The devil has nothing strong, the weakest believer dethrones him when he mentions Jesus. "Young men, ye are strong because ye know the Word" (See 1 John 2:14).
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Beyond the Commonplace 8/2 Thursday Thoughts
God wants us to be powerful, a people of faith, a purified people, a people who will launch out in God and dare to trust Him in glorious faith which always takes you beyond that which is commonplace to an abiding place in God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Connected With Sublime Power 8/1 Wednesday Wisdom
Beloved, even with all the faith we have, we are not even so much as touching the hem of God's plan for us. It is like going to the seashore and dipping your toe in the water, with the great vast ocean before you. God wants us to rise on the bosom of the tide, and not keep paddling along the shore. Oh to be connected with that sublime power, that human nature may know God and the glory of the manifestation of Christ!
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, July 30, 2018
Active Faith 7/31 Tuesday Truth
The Acts of the Apostles were written because the lives of the apostles bore the fruit of active faith. To them faith was an every-day-fact. If your life is in the divine order, you will not only have living, active faith but you will always be building up someone else in faith.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Saturday, July 28, 2018
God Has So Changed You 7/30 Monday Meditation
I would not have you miss the knowledge that you have heard from God, and to realize that God has so changed you that all weakness, fear, inability -- everything that has made you a failure, has passed away. Faith has power to make you what God wants you to be, only you must be ready to step into the plan and believe His Word.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Faith Knows No Defeat 7/27 Friday Faith
It is possible for the power of God to be so manifest in your human life that you will never be as you were before; for you will be ever going forward, from victory to victory, for faith knows no defeat.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Faith Is the Glorious Knowledge 7/26 Thursday Thoughts
Faith is the glorious knowledge of a personal presence within you, changing you from strength to strength, from glory to glory, until you get to the place where you walk with God, and God thinks and speaks through you by the power of the Holy Ghost. Oh, is is grand, it is glorious!
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
What Is Faith? 7/25 Wednesday Wisdom
What is faith? It is the very nature of God. Faith is the Word of God. It is the personal inward flow of divine favor, which moves in every fiber of our being until our whole nature is so quickened that we live by faith, we move by faith, and we are going to be caught up to glory by faith, for "Faith is the Victory!"
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, July 23, 2018
Do Not Resist Him 7/24 Tuesday Truth
Beloved, if there is anything in your life that in any way resists the power of the Holy Ghost and the entrance of His Word into your heart and life, drop on your knees and CRY ALOUD for mercy! When the Spirit of God is brooding over your heart's door, do not resist Him but open your heart to the touch of God. There is a resting... against sin, and there is a resisting of the Holy Ghost that will drive you into sin.
--Smith Wiggglesworth
--Smith Wiggglesworth
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Do Not Be Ordinary! 7/23 Monday Meditation
Once again I come in my book of complete sermons of Smith Wigglesworth to MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE QUOTE, which I repeat every couple years:
God has privileged us in Christ Jesus to live above the ordinary human plane of life. Those who want to be ordinary, and live on a lower plane, can do so; but as for me, I will not! For the same unction, the same zeal, the same Holy Ghost power is at our command as was at the command of Stephen and the apostles. We have the same God that Abraham had, that Elijah had, and we need not come behind in any gift or grace.
God has privileged us in Christ Jesus to live above the ordinary human plane of life. Those who want to be ordinary, and live on a lower plane, can do so; but as for me, I will not! For the same unction, the same zeal, the same Holy Ghost power is at our command as was at the command of Stephen and the apostles. We have the same God that Abraham had, that Elijah had, and we need not come behind in any gift or grace.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Be On Fire For Him 7/20 Friday Faith
Nothing of the past is equal to the present, and nothing of the present can equal the things of tomorrow, for "tomorrow" should be so filled with holy expectations that we will be "living flames" for Him. God never intended His people to be ordinary, or commonplace; His intentions were that they should be on fire for Him, conscious of His divine power, realizing the glory of the cross that foreshadows the crown.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Press On 7/19 Thursday Thoughts
Not a weapon that is formed against you can prosper... Glorify God in distresses and persecutions, for the Spirit of God is there made manifest. Be chastened! Be perfected! Press on to heights, lengths, depths, breadths. Faith is the victory. The hope is within you, the joy set before you. The peace which passeth all understanding.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
From Glory to Glory 7/18 Wednesday Wisdom
There is no stop in the Spirit-filled life: we begin at the cross... and, being filled with Holy Spirit, we go on "from glory to glory." Let us not forget that possessing the baptism in the Holy Spirit means there must be an "ever-increasing" holiness. How the church needs divine unction -- God's presence and power so manifest that the world will know it.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, July 16, 2018
Every Trial Is a Lift 7/17 Tuesday Truth
Every trial is a lift -- every burden a place of exchanging strength. God will work. "Who can lay any thing to the charge of God's elect?" People do it, but it makes no difference. God is for us. "...Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for those that love him" (I Corinthians 2:9).
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Weakness Made Strong 7/16 Monday Meditation
Shall we allow our hearts to fail us in the day of adversity? No! That which God has already strengthened and perfected!! -- weakness made strong! -- corruption changed to purity! Knowing that in the tribulation and the fire God has purified us, what shall we say to these things? These light afflictions are working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, July 12, 2018
When the Holy Ghost Comes In 7/13 Friday Faith
Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? Jesus is king over your desires -- no man can call Jesus Lord but by the Holy Ghost. When the Holy Ghost comes in, Jesus is Lord -- then His Word floods our souls and the tide flows out to the needy, the vision increases. Hungrier than ever -- nothing satisfies me but God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Light Shine Forth 7/12 Thursday Thoughts
A brother came to see me to ask about the Holy Ghost. He was so anxious that his ministry should be a success. I pointed out to him the words of Jesus to His disciples, "The Holy Ghost is with you and shall be in you." I said to him, "You see the sun this morning -- how it pours into the room from the outside? But if the light was inside, how the light would shine forth outside illuminating the dark places."
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Seasoned With Salt 7/11 Wednesday Wisdom
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt..." (Colossians 4:6). Salt has three properties: 1. It smarts; 2. It is healing; and 3. It has preservation. So your words by the Spirit, filled with grace, yet, cut to the heart, and brings preservation. We must be very careful to be salty. His Word shall not return void, it shall accomplish and it shall prosper -- but our mouths must be clean and our desire wholly for God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, July 9, 2018
Stand on the Word 7/10 Tuesday Truth
Let us take God's Word and stand upon it, as our strength to resist the devil till he is forced to flee. Amen, amen.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, July 8, 2018
He Is a Rewarder 7/9 Monday Meditation
Faith! Faith! Making us know God is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. God! Who quickeneth that which was dead, and calleth the things that are not as though they were. There is no want to those who trust God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Faith Is an Inward Mover 7/4 Wednesday Wisdom
What would happen to us and to the need of the world if we would get to the place where we could believe God? May God give the desire. Faith is a tremendous power, an inward mover. We have not seen yet all that God has for us.
--Smith Wigglesworth
What would happen to us and to the need of the world if we would get to the place where we could believe God? May God give the desire. Faith is a tremendous power, an inward mover. We have not seen yet all that God has for us.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, July 2, 2018
God Wants Us to Move Mountains 7/3 Tuesday Truth
God wants us to move mountains, anything that appears to be like a mountain can be moved. The mountains of difficulty, the mountains of perplexity, the mountains of depression or depravity. Things that bound you for years. Sometimes things appear as though they could not be moved, but you believe in your heart, stand on the Word of God, and God's Word will never be defeated.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Divine Power 7/2 Monday Meditation
God wants to purify our minds until we can bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things. God dwells in you, but you cannot have this divine power until you live and walk in the Holy Ghost, until the power of the new life is greater than the old life.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Faith Is... 6/29 Friday Faith
Faith is a divine act, faith is God in the soul. God operates by His Son, and transforms the natural into the supernatural. Faith is active, never dormant; faith lays hold, faith is the hand of God, faith is the power of God, faith never fears, faith lives among the greatest conflict, faith is always active, faith moves even things that cannot be moved.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
To Abide in the Secret Place 6/28 Thursday Thoughts
There is no way to abide in the secret place of the Lord only by holiness.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Nothing But Leaves 6/27 Wednesday Wisdom
The Lord was looking for fruit on the tree. He found "nothing but leaves." There are thousands of people like that. They dress up like Christians, but it is all leaves. "Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit..." (John 15:8). He has no way in which to get fruit, only through us. We have not to be ordinary people.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, June 25, 2018
He Has Never Turned Me Away Empty 6/26 Tuesday Truth
I never remember coming to Him when He once denied me anything; He has never turned me away empty. He is such a wonderful Saviour, such a Friend that we can depend upon with assurance and rest and complete confidence. He can roll away every burden. ...Think of Him as an exhaustless Saviour, the everlasting Friend, One who knows all things, One who is able to help and deliver us.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, June 24, 2018
The Value of the Name 6/25 Monday Meditation
God means for us while here to put on the whole armor of God. He wants us to be covered with the covering of His Spirit, and to grow in grace and the knowledge of God. Oh, what God has laid up for us, and what we may receive through the name of Jesus! Oh, the value of the name, the power of the name, the very name of Jesus brings help from heaven, and the very name of Jesus can bind evil powers and subdue all things unto Himself. Thank God for victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, June 14, 2018
A Life Swallowed Up by God 6/15 Friday Faith
Beloved, do not be satisfied with anything less than the knowledge of a real change in your nature, a knowledge of the indwelling presence and power of the Holy Ghost. Do not be satisfied with a life that is not wholly swallowed up in God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
The Knowledge That the Church Needs Today 6/14 Thursday Thoughts
As I was leaving Jerusalem, some Jews who had heard me preach wanted to travel in the same compartment with me, and they wanted to stay at the same hotel where I was staying. Sitting around the table having food, they said, "What we cannot understand is, when you preach we feel such power; you "move" us. There is something about it that we cannot help but feel that you have something different from what we have been used to hearing. What is it?" I replied that it was because I preached Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit, for He was the Messiah, and He causes a child of His to so live in the reality of a clear knowledge of Himself that others know and feel His power. It is this knowledge that the Church today is very much in need of.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
I Delight to Do Thy Will 6/13 Wednesday Wisdom
The soul that is covered with the blood has moved from a natural to an eternal union with the Lord, and then the commandment, "Thou shalt not," which had so worried the people and brought them into such dissatisfaction because they could not keep the Law, was changed into a new commandment; and it is no more, "Thou shalt not," but "I delight to do thy will, oh, God.:
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, June 11, 2018
The Lord Works According to His Word 6/12 Tuesday Truth
With man things are impossible, but God is the unfolder of the mysteries of life, and He holds the universe in the hollow of His hand. What we need to know this morning is that "The Lord in the midst of thee is mighty," and He works according to His Word.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Be a Living Epistle 6./11 Monday Meditation
Every believer should be a living epistle of the Word, one who is "read and known of all men." Your very presence should bring such a witness of the Spirit that every one with whom you come in contact would know that you are a "sent' one, a light in the world, a manifestation of the Christ; and last of all, that you are a "biblical" Christian.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Human Spirit United With Holy Spirit 6/8 Friday Faith
The human spirit, when perfectly united with the Holy Spirit, has but one place, and that is death, death, and deeper death. The human spirit will then cease to desire to have its own way, and instead of "my" will, the cry of the heart will be, "Thy will, oh, Lord, be done in me."
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Dare to Believe God 5/7 Thursday Thoughts
Just think of what would happen if we only dared to believe God! Oh, for a faith that leaps into the will of God and says, Amen!
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
The Thirsty Man 5/6 Wednesday Wisdom
God has room for the thirsty man, who is crying out for more of Himself...
For God has promised to fulfill, fill full, the desire of those that fear Him.
--Smith Wigglesworth
For God has promised to fulfill, fill full, the desire of those that fear Him.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, June 4, 2018
An Epistle of God 6/5 Tuesday Truth
The Word of God changes a man until he becomes an epistle of God. Transforming the mind, changing the character from grace to grace, giving us an inheritance in the Spirit -- until we are conformed -- God coming in, dwelling in us, walking in us, talking through us, supping with us. There is no God like our God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, June 3, 2018
"The Living Word" 6/4 Monday Meditation
For God's Word is:
- Supernatural in origin.
- Eternal in duration.
- Inexpressible in valor.
- Infinite in scope.
- Regenerative in power.
- Infallible in authority.
- Universal in application.
- Inspired in totality.
- Read it through.
- Write it down.
- Pray it in.
- Work it out.
- Pass it on. --Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, May 31, 2018
God Is Almighty, No Limitation 6/1 Friday Faith
God is almighty, no limitation. And His purpose is to bring many souls to glory... God's Word is multiplication -- yesterday, today, and forever the same. God wants to give a great multiplication in the knowledge of Himself. Then faith will rise, and we shall know the wonderful flow of the peace of God. If we open ourselves to God, God will flow through us.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
We Are No Better Than Our Faith 5/31 Thursday Thoughts
Faith in God, power with God, lies in the knowledge of the Word of God. We are no better than our faith. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. If you believe in Him, you are purified for He is pure. You are strengthened for He is strong. You are made whole because He is whole.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
An Overflowing Cup 5/30 Wednesday Wisdom
What we want is more of the Holy Ghost... Anybody can hold a full cup, but you cannot hold an overflowing cup, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost is an overflowing cup. Praise the Lord!
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, May 28, 2018
The Holy Ghost Is... 5/29 Tuesday Truth
The Holy Ghost is inspiration, the Holy Ghost is revelation, the Holy Ghost is manifestation, the Holy Ghost is operation, and when a man comes into the fulness of the Holy Ghost he is in perfect order, and built up on scriptural foundations. I have failed to see any man who understood the 12th, 13th, and 14th chapters of First Corinthians unless he had been baptized with the Holy Ghost. He may talk about it, but is is all a surface condition. When he gets baptized with the Holy Ghost he speaks about a deep inward conviction by the power of the Spirit working in him, a revelation of that Scripture.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, May 24, 2018
He Has Seen God 5/25 Friday Faith
When a man is filled with the Holy Ghost, he has a vital power that makes people know he has seen God. He ought to be in such a place that if he should go into a neighbor's house, or out amongst people, they will feel that God has come in their midst.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Awake Out of Your Lethargy 5/24 Thursday Thoughts
You must realize that within you there is the power of the Holy Spirit, who is forming within you everything you require. I believe we have too much preaching, and too little testifying. You will never have a living ... church with a preacher every night preaching, preaching, preaching. The people get tired of this constant preaching, but they never get tired when the whole place is on fire, when twenty or more jump up and once, and will not sit down until they testify.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Do What Pleases Him 5/23 Wednesday Wisdom
God wants you to be so balanced in spiritual unction that you will always be able to do what pleases Him, and not that which shall please other people, or yourself.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, May 21, 2018
There Is None Like Him 5/22 Tuesday Truth
To see Jesus is to see a new way, to see all things differently: new life, new plans; as we gaze at Him we are satisfied; there is none like Him. Sin moves off... Jesus was the express image of the Father. The Father could not be in the midst, so He clothed Jesus with a body -- with eternal resources... He has all we need.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Feats on the Word of the Lord 5/21 Monday Meditation
Beloved, we get God's Word so wonderfully in our hearts that it absolutely changes us in everything. And as we so feast on the Word of the Lord, so eat and digest the truth, inwardly eat of Christ -- we are changed every day from one state of glory to another. You will never find anything else but the Word that takes you there, so you cannot afford to put aside that Word.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Is this your attitude in church ? 5/18 Friday Faith
The meetings ought to be so free in the Spirit that people always go away with the feeling, "Oh, I wish the meeting had gone on for another hour."
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Be in Tune 5/17 Thursday Thoughts
I always say that you cannot sing victory on a minor key. If your life is not in constant pitch, you will never ring the bells of heaven. You must always be in tune with God, and then the music will come out as sweet as possible. We must be the mouthpiece of God, not by letter but by the Spirit, and we must be so in the will of God that He will rejoice over us with singing.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Pure Through and Through 5/16 Wednesday Wisdom
God wants to fix it in our hearts that we are to be like Him; like Him in character. God wants righteousness in the inward parts, that we may be pure through and through. The Bible is the plumb line of everything, and unless we are plumbed right up with the Word of God, we will fail in righteousness.
--Smith Wigglesworth
God wants to fix it in our hearts that we are to be like Him; like Him in character. God wants righteousness in the inward parts, that we may be pure through and through. The Bible is the plumb line of everything, and unless we are plumbed right up with the Word of God, we will fail in righteousness.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Walk in the Spirit 5/10 Thursday Thoughts
God wants us to be entirely eaten up by this holy zeal of God, so that every day we shall walk in the Spirit. It is lovely to walk in the Spirit, for He will cause you to dwell in safety, and rejoice inwardly and praise God reverently.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
It's Easy to be Holy 5/9 Wednesday Wisdom
I'm back from vacation to Charleston and Savannah. I have had computer problems for a few days. I will continue to post as long as this computer holds out while I get a new one.
"Be ye holy." (I Peter 1:16). It is as easy as possible to be holy, but you can never be holy by your own efforts. When you lose your heart and Another takes your heart, and you lose your desires and He takes the desires, then you live in that sunshine of bliss which no mortal can ever touch.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
"Be ye holy." (I Peter 1:16). It is as easy as possible to be holy, but you can never be holy by your own efforts. When you lose your heart and Another takes your heart, and you lose your desires and He takes the desires, then you live in that sunshine of bliss which no mortal can ever touch.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Truly the sufferings of this present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. One hour of eternity, one moment with the Lord will make us utterly forget a lifetime of desolations.
- Horatius Bonar: Night of Weeping

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Never Be Afraid... 4/28 Thursday Thoughts
Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.
-- Corrie ten Boom
-- Corrie ten Boom

Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Completely Obedient 4/25 Wednesday Wisdom
The child of God must be completely obedient to the Word of the Lord. The driver on the highway is safe, not when he reads the signs; but when he obeys them.
--A.W. Tozer
I will be on vacation next week and will not be posting.
--A.W. Tozer
I will be on vacation next week and will not be posting.

Monday, April 23, 2018
God Controls Every Circumstance 4/24 Tuesday Truth
My eye is not on the density of the fog, but on the living God, who controls every circumstance of my life.
- George Mueller
- George Mueller

Sunday, April 22, 2018
We Cannot Glorify God... 4/23 Monday Meditation
We cannot glorify God -- either by our lives or by worship -- unless we are enjoying Him.
--Jerry Bridges
Thursday, April 19, 2018
To Preach the Wrath of God... 4/20 Friday Faith
I am certain that to preach the wrath of God with a hard heart, a cold lip, a tearless eye, and an unfeeling spirit is to harden men, not benefit them.
--Charles Spurgeon
--Charles Spurgeon

Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Prayer Is an Attitude 4/19 Thursday Thoughts
Prayer is not so much an act as it is an attitude... an attitude of dependency... dependency upon God.
--A.W. Pink
--A.W. Pink

Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Prayer Doesn't Change Things... 4/18 Wednesday Wisdom
Prayer doesn't change things -- God changes things in answer to prayer.
--John Calvin
--John Calvin

Monday, April 16, 2018
The Closer We Are to God 4/17 Tuesday Truth
The closer we are to God, the more the slightest sin will cause us deep sorrow.
-- R.C. Sprowl
-- R.C. Sprowl

Sunday, April 15, 2018
The Only Safe Place 4/16 Monday Meditation
For a change of pace, I am going to use quotes from "Christian Devotional Readings" Facebook group for two weeks, then I will be on vacation for a week.
The only safe place for a sheep is by the side of his shepherd, because the devil does not fear sheep, he just fears the shepherd.
-- A.W. Tozer
The only safe place for a sheep is by the side of his shepherd, because the devil does not fear sheep, he just fears the shepherd.
-- A.W. Tozer
Thursday, April 12, 2018
No More "Thou Shalt Not" 4/13 Friday Faith
In Him we live and move, and reign over all things. It is no more "thou shalt not." It is God's will, revealed to us in Christ. "I delight to do Thy will, O God." And, beloved, in our hearts there is exceeding glory.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
"Have You Any of the Gifts?" 4/12 Thursday Thoughts
Ask of a score of saints chosen at random from almost any assembly, "Have you any of the gifts of the Spirit?" and the answer will be, "No," and given in a tone and with a manner that conveys the thought that the saint is not surprised at not having the gifts, that he doesn't expect to have any of them, and does not expect to seek for them. Isn't this terrible when this living Word exhorts us specifically to "covet earnestly the best gifts"?
So in order that the gift might be everything and in evidence, we have to see that we cease to live excepting for His glory. He works with us, we work with Him, cooperative, working together. This is divine. Surely this is God's plan.
--Smith Wigglesworth
So in order that the gift might be everything and in evidence, we have to see that we cease to live excepting for His glory. He works with us, we work with Him, cooperative, working together. This is divine. Surely this is God's plan.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Lord Over All 4/11 Wednesday Wisdom
When your will becomes entirely the will of God, then you are clearly in the place where the Holy Ghost can make Jesus Lord in your life, Lord over your purchases, Lord over your selling, Lord over your eating and your drinking, your clothing and your choice of companionship.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, April 9, 2018
How To Be Saved 4/10 Tuesday Truth
You are eternally saved by the power of God. Do not be led astray by anything, do not take your feelings for your salvation, do not take anybody's word for your salvation. Believe that God's Word is true. What does it say?
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36
--Smith Wigglesworth
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, April 8, 2018
God's Love Toward Us 4/9 Monday Meditation
I have great love for my boys in England, great love for my daughter here; but it is nothing in comparison to God's love toward us. God's love is desirous that we should walk up and down the earth as His son, clothed, filled, radiant, with fire beaming forth from the countenance, setting forth the power of the Spirit, so that the people jump into liberty.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Only God 4/6 Friday Faith
Only God can make people right. Only melted gold is minted. Only moistened clay receives the mold. Only softened wax receives the seal. Only broken, contrite hearts receive the mark as the Potter turns us on his wheel. Oh, Lord give us that blessed state where we are perfectly and wholly made meek.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
The Power of God Fell 4/5 Thursday Thoughts
One day the power of God fell upon me. I came out to the meeting and fell down before the Lord. The people began asking, "What sin has Wigglesworth been committing?" This went on for a fortnight [two weeks]. Every time I came to the altar God used to sweep through me with such a manifestation of my helplessness, that I would go down before God and weep right through. Then the preacher or the leader was broken up and came alongside of me. God made a revival begin in that. God had broken me up and revival began through His revival in me. Oh, it was lovely! At last my wife said, "Since my husband had that touch, I have never been able to cook anything that he was not pleased with. It is never too cold and never too hot."
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Forget Yourself and Get Lost in Him 4/4 Wednesday Wisdom
Never let us do anything to lose this divine love, this close affection in our hearts that says, "Not I, but Christ, not I, but Christ!" I want to say forget yourself and get lost in Him. Love all your identification in the Son of God, let Him become all in all, seek only the Lord and let Him be glorified. You will have gifts, you will have grace, and wisdom. God is waiting for the man that will lay all on the altar, fifty-two weeks in the year, three hundred and sixty-five days in the year, and then continue perpetually in the Holy Ghost.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, April 2, 2018
The Kingdom of God Is Within You 4/3 Tuesday Truth
Could the kingdom of heaven bring weakness, disease, consumption, cancers, tumors? The kingdom of God is within you, it is the life of Jesus, the power of the Highest, pure, holy; it has no disease or imperfection. But Satan cometh to steal and kill and destroy.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Our God Is an Active God 4/2 Monday Meditation
Our God is an active God. His thunder is just as loud today as it was in the first century. His lightning is just as vivid as it was in the days of the early church. The sound of the mighty rushing wind is just the same today as it was on the day of Pentecost. Pray for the violent blasts of wind from heaven, expect them, and you will get them. And do not be afraid of them.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Jesus' Heart of Compassion 3/30 Good Friday Faith
What made Jesus weep over Jerusalem? Because He had a heart of compassion -- sin-sick souls everywhere -- we want a baptism of love which goes to the bottom of the disease...
How we have sinned against God! How we lack this spirit of compassion. Do we weep as we look forth upon the unsaved? If not we are not Pentecost-full. Jesus was moved with compassion, are you?
--Smith Wigglesworth
How we have sinned against God! How we lack this spirit of compassion. Do we weep as we look forth upon the unsaved? If not we are not Pentecost-full. Jesus was moved with compassion, are you?
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Be Flames of Fire 3/29 Thursday Thoughts
God wants men flames of fire, strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Let us live as those that have seen the King, having a resurrection touch. We know we are sons of God as we believe His Word and stand in the truth of it.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Called To Be Saints 3/28 Wednesday Wisdom
Saved, called to be saints, called with a holy calling, holy, pure, Godlike, sons with power. It is a long time now since it was settled and death abolished. Death has no more power; mortality is a hindrance; sin has no more dominion; you reign in Christ, you appropriate His finished work.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, March 26, 2018
God Will Shine in Our Souls 3/27 Tuesday Truth
We must live in such a pure atmosphere that God will shine in and through our souls. Oh, this uttermost salvation! I am satisfied that as we get to know the Son of God, we will never be weak anymore, the tide will be so turned.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, March 25, 2018
God's Word is a Tremendous Word 3/26 Monday Meditation
God's Word is a tremendous Word, a productive Word, producing what it is -- power. Producing God-likeness. We get to heaven through the Word of God, we have peace through the blood of His cross. Redemption is ours through the knowledge of the Word. I am saved because God's Word says so.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Our God 3/23 Friday Faith
Christ the initiative, the Triune God in control, our every thought, word, action must be in line with Him, with no weakness or failure. Our God is a God of might, light, revelation, preparing us for heaven. Our life is hid with Christ in God; when He Who is our life shall be manifested, we also shall appear with Him in glory (Colossians 3:3,4)
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
God Has a Plan for Us 3/22 Thursday Thoughts
God has a plan for us in this life of the Spirit, this abundant life. Jesus came that we might have life. Satan comes to steal and kill and destroy, but God has for us abundance, full measure, pressed down, shaken together, overflowing, abundant measure. God filling us with His own personality, presence, making us salt and light and giving us revelation of Himself. God with us in all circumstances and afflictions, persecutions, in every trial, girding us with truth.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Just the Same 3/21 Wednesday Wisdom
Satan will make the pain and weakness so distracting that it will always bring down your mind to where the pain is. Anything that takes me from an attitude of worship is of Satan... The blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the poor have the Gospel preached unto them.
Just the same, just the same / He is just the same today.
Praise the Lord. Amen
--Smith Wigglesworth
Just the same, just the same / He is just the same today.
Praise the Lord. Amen
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, March 19, 2018
Knowledge of the Power of God 3/20 Tuesday Truth
I come across men who might be giants in faith, leaders who might subdue kingdoms, but they go down because they allow Satan to dethrone their better knowledge of the power of God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Resisting 3/19 Monday Meditation
Beloved, if there is anything in your life that in any way resists the power of the Holy Ghost and the entrance of His Word into your heart and life, drop on your knees and CRY ALOUD for mercy! When the Spirit of God is "brooding" over your heart's door, do not resist Him, but open your heart to the touch of God. There is a "resisting unto blood" striving against sin. and there is a "resisting of the Holy Ghost" that will drive you into sin.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Everything But the Power of God 3/16 Friday Faith
Any amount of people may be found in the "synagogue," who are very proper in a world sense -- always correctly dressed, the "elite" of the land, welcoming everything into the church but the power of God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
One of My Favorite Quotes 3/15 Thursday Thoughts
God has privileged us in Christ Jesus to live above the ordinary human plane of life. Those who want to be "ordinary" and live on a lower plane, can do so, but as for me, I will not! For the same unction, the same zeal, the same Holy Ghost power is at our command as was at the command of Stephen and the apostles. We have the same God that Abraham had, that Elijah had, and we need not come behind in any gift or grace.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
A Race to be Run 3/14 Wednesday Wisdom
Beloved, there is a race to be run, there is a crown to be won; we cannot stand still! I say unto you, be vigilant! Be vigilant! "Let no man take thy crown!"
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, March 12, 2018
Ever-Increasing Holiness 3/13 Tuesday Truth
Let us not forget that possessing the baptism in the Holy Spirit means there must be an "ever-increasing" holiness. How the Church needs divine unction -- God's presence and power so manifest that the world will know it. The people know when the tide is flowing; they also know when it is ebbing.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Never Ordinary 3/12 Monday Meditation
God never intended His people to be ordinary, or common-place; His intentions were that they should be on fire for Him, conscious of His divine power, realizing the glory of the cross that foreshadows the crown.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Expectation for Tomorrow 3/9 Friday Faith
He has a plan for every individual life, and if we have any other plan in view, we miss the grandest plan of all! Nothing of the past is equal to the present, and nothing of the present can equal the things of tomorrow, for "tomorrow" should be so filled with holy expectations that we will be "living flames" for Him.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
What Is Belief? 3/8 Thursday Thoughts
And what is belief? Sum it up in a few sentences. To believe is to have the knowledge of Him in whom you believe, it is not to believe in the word Jesus, but to believe in the nature, to believe in the vision, for all power is given unto Him, and greater is He that is within thee in the revelation of faith than he that is in the world.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Don't Just Keep Pace 3/7 Wednesday Wisdom
It is a disgrace to God for a person just to keep pace. We must press on; if you are making no headway, you must be a backslider, because you have had such opportunities.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, March 5, 2018
Hot Today and Cold Tomorrow 3/6 Tuesday Truth
God has no need of a man who is hot today and cold tomorrow; He needs men who are hot today and hotter tomorrow and still hotter the next day -- that is the man who is going to touch the glory.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, March 4, 2018
If You Cannot Move Mountains 3/5 Monday Meditation
Beloved, do not stumble if you cannot move mountains; oh no, there may be some molehills need moving first.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, March 1, 2018
If I Dare Believe 3/2 Friday Faith
There is healing through the blood of Christ and deliverance for every captive. God never intended His children to live in misery because of some affliction that comes directly from the devil. A perfect atonement was made at Calvary. I believe that Jesus bore my sins, and I am free from them all. I am justified from all things if I dare believe. He Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses; and if I dare believe, I can be healed.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
I Believe the Word of God... 3/1 Thursday Thoughts
I believe the Word of God is so powerful that it can transform any and every life. There is power in God's Word to make that which does not appear to appear. There is executive power in the Word that proceeds from His lips. The psalmist tells us, "He sent His word, and healed them..." (Psalm 107:20). And do you think that Word has diminished in its power? I tell you nay, but God's Word can bring things to pass today as of old.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
What God Has Designed For Us 2/28 Wednesday Wisdom
We are in a lifting place. It is not what we are now: it is what God has designed for us.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, February 26, 2018
Triumphant Over the World 2/27 Tuesday Truth
It is the divine plan, and the divine will that we should live in the world triumphant over it, so the lust of the flesh and the pride of life will not control.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Real Men (and women) 2/28 Monday Meditation
Only as men become Godlike and holy do they become real men.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Billy Graham quote #2 2/23 Friday Faith
We can change the course of events if we go to our knees in believing prayer.
--Billy Graham
--Billy Graham
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Billy Graham's Call 2/22 Thursday Thougths
Was God calling him to full-time preaching?...
"I used all kinds of rationalizations to convince God to let me do something else," he wrote. [But] the inner urge would not subside. Finally, one night, he got down on his knees at the edge of one of the greens. He prostrated himself on the dewy turf. "Oh God," he sobbed. "If you want me to serve you, I will."
The moonlight , the moss, the breeze, the golf course -- all his surroundings stayed the same. There was no voice from above. But in his spirit, Billy knew he had been called to the ministry.
And he knew his answer was yes.
--by Jerri Menges, in Decision magazine, December 2017
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
When We Have Nothing... 2/21 Wednesday Wisdom
When we have nothing, we possess all things. It is absolutely at the end of us that God begins. When you come to a place where He alone girds you with strength, then all the promises are yours.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, February 19, 2018
One Great Plan 2/20 Tuesday Truth
There is one great plan the Lord is seeking thee for: it is to make thee like Himself that thee might be in the world as He was.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Victories Are Won in Battles 2/9 Friday Faith
There is no person ever able to talk about the victory over temptation without [unless] he goes through it. All the victories are won in battles.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
You Never Lose So Much 2/8 Thursday Thoughts
Remember this: you never lose so much as when you lose your peace.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Every Day Higher Ground 2/7 Wednesday Wisdom
You must every day make higher ground. You must deny yourself to get on with God. You must refuse everything that is not pure and holy and separate. God wants you pure in heart. He wants your intense desire after holiness.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, February 5, 2018
Is Is Only He 2/6 Tuesday Truth
It is only He, it is He who rolls away the cloud. He alone is the One who lifts the fallen, cheers the faint, brings fresh oil, and changes the countenance. It is the Lord thy God. He has seen thy misery, He has known thy heart brokenness, and He has known how near you seem to be in despair...
Oh, beloved, God is in the midst of us to help us into these wonderful divine places of appointment!
--Smith Wigglesworth
Oh, beloved, God is in the midst of us to help us into these wonderful divine places of appointment!
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, February 4, 2018
"But" (original sermon subtitle: "Be Not Lopsided") 2/5 Monday Meditation
Lots of people have good things -- but. Lots of people might be very remarkably used -- but. Lots of people might soar into wonderful places of divine positions with God -- but. And it is the "but" that spoils it...
So it is the "but" in the way that is spoiling the best...
[T]he "but" is that you have not really got your own human spirit under control by the divine Spirit, the human is mingled and it is spoiling the divine.
--Smith Wigglesworth
So it is the "but" in the way that is spoiling the best...
[T]he "but" is that you have not really got your own human spirit under control by the divine Spirit, the human is mingled and it is spoiling the divine.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Oh, To Believe God! 2/2 Friday Faith
Oh, to believe God! Oh, to rest upon what He says, for there is not one jot or tittle of the Word which shall fail till all is fulfilled! Has He not promised and will He not also perform? Our blessed Lord of life and glory impressed upon us before He left that He would send the Comforter and when He came He should take the words of Jesus and He would pray through us and whatsoever we would ask, the Lord would hear us.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Dwell in You Richly 2/1 Thursday Thougths
May the divine likeness of Him who is the express image of the Father dwell in you richly, abounding through all, supplying every need, bringing you into a place where you know the hand of God is leading you from treasure to treasure, from grace to grace, from victory to victory, from glory unto glory, by the Spirit of the Lord.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
He Can Make Us Overcomers 1/31 Wednesday Wisdom
He can make us overcomers, destroying the power of sin and indwelling us by His mighty power, transforming us until we love righteousness and hate iniquity, so that we can be holy.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, January 29, 2018
You Have Eternal Life 1/30 Tuesday Truth
No person need be without the knowledge that they are not only saved, but that God can live in these bodies. You are begotten the moment you believe, unto a lively hope. "He that believeth hath eternal life. You have eternal life the moment you believe. The first life is temporal, natural, material, but in the new birth you exist as long as God -- forever -- we are begotten by an incorruptible power, by the Word of God. The new birth is unto righteousness, begotten by God the moment that you believe. God always saves through the heart. He that believeth in the heart and confesseth with his mouth shall be saved.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Only Believe 1/29 Monday Meditation
He speaks the word just in time! Jesus is never behind time. When the tumult is the worst, the pain the most severe, the cancer gripping the body, then the word comes, "Only believe." When everything seems as though it will fail, and is practically hopeless, the Word of God comes to us, "Only believe."
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Weak or Strong 1/26 Friday Faith
When you are weak, then you are strong. When you are strong in your own strength, you are weak. You must realize this and live only in the place where the power of God rests upon you, and where the Spirit moves within you. Then God will mightily manifest His power and you will know as Jesus said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me."
-- Smith Wigglesworth
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Stand on the Word 1/25 Thursday Thoughts
God wants everybody without exception, to begin on the Word of God, and to act it will be the most surprising thing that ever came, as you stand on the word it will be an amazing thing.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Into a Life Where God Rules 1/24 Wednesday Wisdom
The Lord wants us to understand that we must come to a place where our natural life ceases, and by the power of God we rise into a life where God rules, where He reigns. Do you long to know Him? Do you long to be found in Him? Thy longing shall be satisfied this day. This is a day of putting on and being clothed upon in God. I ask you to fall in the presence of God, all you that want to know God, yield to His mighty power and obey the Spirit.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, January 22, 2018
A Greater Plan 1/23 Tuesday Truth
My brother, my sister, you have been nearly weighed down with troubles. They have almost crushed you. Sometimes you thought you would never get out of this place of difficulty but you have no idea that behind the whole thing God has been working a plan greater than all.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, January 21, 2018
He Is Always There 1/22 Monday Meditation
There is a place of seclusion, a place of rest and faith in Jesus where there is nothing else like it. Jesus came to them on the water and they were terrified, but He said, "It is I; be not afraid." My brother, He is always there. He is there in the storm as well as in the peace; He is there in the adversity. When shall we know He is there? When we are "found in Him" not having our own work, our own plan, but resting in the omnipotent plan of God.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Things That Need To Be Broken 1/19 Friday Faith
There are a thousand things in the nucleus of a human heart which need softening a thousand times a day. There are things in us that unless God shows us the excellency of the knowledge of Him, will never be broken and brought to ashes. But God will do it. Not merely to be saved, but to be saved a thousand times over! Oh, this transforming, re-regeneration by the power of the Spirit of the living God makes me see there is a place to win Him, that I may stand complete there. As He was, so am I to be. The Scriptures declare it, it shall be.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
New All the Time 1/18 Thursday Thoughts
Every day there must be a revival touch in our hearts. Every day must change us after His fashion. We are to be made new all the time. There is no such thing as having all grace and knowledge -- there is a beginning, and God would have us begin in all these beatitudes of power this morning, and never cease, but rise and rise and go on to perfection.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
God Makes Weakness Strength 1/17 Wednesday Wisdom
And I say, brother, sister, unless God brings us into a place of brokenness of spirit, unless God remolds us in the great plan of His will for us, the best of us shall utterly fail. But when we are absolutely taken in hand by the Almighty God, God makes even weakness strength. He makes even that barren, helpless, groaning cry come forth, so that men and women are born in the travail. There is a place where the helplessness is touched by the almightiness of God and where you come out shining as gold tried in the fire.
--Smith Wiggleswroth
--Smith Wiggleswroth
Monday, January 15, 2018
How a Man Falls 1/16 Tuesday Truth
"A man does not fall because he makes a blunder, he falls because he makes a blunder the second time." But God does not want us to fall but to be kept by His grace from falling, and to strive for holiness.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, January 14, 2018
God in Us for the World 1/15 Monday Meditation
God in us for a world, that the world may be blessed. Power to lay hold of omnipotence and impart to others the Word of life. This is to be a new epoch, new vision, new power. Christ in us is a thousand times greater than we know. All things are possible if you dare believe. The treasure is in earthen vessels that Jesus may be glorified.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Thirsty for More of God 1/12 Friday Faith
Jesus had divine authority with power, and He left it for us. We must preach truth, holiness and purity in the inward parts... I am thirsty for more of God. He was not only holy, but He loved holiness.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Weak and Helpless When We Forget 1/11 Thursday Thoughts
We are only weak and helpless when we forget the visitation of the Lord. From the uttermost to the uttermost. Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
God Has Never Failed 1/10 Wednesday Wisdom
If thou wilt believe. Awake to the fact, knowing the Scriptures, resting unconditionally, absolutely upon the Word of God. God has never failed anyone relying upon HisWord. Some human plan or you mind may come between, but rest upon what God's Word says. Only believe.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, January 8, 2018
He Is Willing 1/9 Tuesday Truth
The Spirit of God will always reveal the Lord Jesus Christ. Serve Him, love Him, be filled with Him. It is lovely to hear Him as He makes Himself known to us. He is the same yesterday; today and forever. He is willing to fill us with the Holy Ghost and faith just as He filled Stephen.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Failing at Prayer 1/8 Monday Meditation
Taking a one-day break from Smith Wigglesworth for this quote from Leonard Ravenhill, quoted in Trail of Fire, by Daniel K. Norris:
No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying... Poverty-stricken as the church is today in many things, she is most stricken here, in the place of prayer. We have many organizers, but few agonizers; many player and payers, few pray-ers; many singers, few clingers; lots of pastors, few wrestlers; many fears, few tears; much fashion, little passion; many interferers, few intercessors; many writers, but few fighters. Failing here, we fail everywhere.
No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying... Poverty-stricken as the church is today in many things, she is most stricken here, in the place of prayer. We have many organizers, but few agonizers; many player and payers, few pray-ers; many singers, few clingers; lots of pastors, few wrestlers; many fears, few tears; much fashion, little passion; many interferers, few intercessors; many writers, but few fighters. Failing here, we fail everywhere.
Thursday, January 4, 2018
A Man Full of Faith 1/5 Friday Faith
A man full of faith hopes against hope. He shouts while the walls are up and they come down while he shouts! God has this faith for us in Christ. We must be careful that no unbelief is found in us, no wavering.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Forgiven and Forgotten 1/4 Thursday Thoughts
He sees our bitter tears and our weeping night after night. There is none like Him. He knows. He forgives. We cannot forgive ourselves; we oftentimes would give the world to forget, but we cannot. The devil won't let us forget. But God has forgiven and forgotten. Do you believe self, or the devil, or God? Which are you going to believe? Believe God. I know the past is under the blood and that God has forgiven and forgotten, for when He forgives He forgets.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Burning and Shining Lights 1/3 Wednesday Wisdom
God has set us here in the last days, these of apostasy, and would have us be burning and shining lights in the midst of an untoward generation. God is longing for us to come into such a fruitful position as the sons of God, with the marks of heaven upon us, His divinity burning through our humanity, so that He can express Himself through our lips of clay. He can take clay lips, weak humanity, and make of such an oracle [spokesman] for Himself. He can take frail human nature and by His divine power make our bodies meet to be His holy temple, washing our hearts whiter than snow.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, January 1, 2018
Be Like Stephen 1/2 Tuesday Truth
God wants us to be like Stephen, full of faith and full of the Holy Ghost. You can never be the same again after you have received this wonderful baptism in the Holy Spirit. It is important that day by day we should be full of wisdom and faith, and full of the Holy Ghost, acting by the power of the Holy Ghost.
--Smith Wigglesworth
--Smith Wigglesworth
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