
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Light of Life 3/1 Friday Faith

I have found that Light of Life.
I am no longer walking in the darkness of sense knowledge [Kenyon's term for believing only what you can see].
I am no longer crippled by my inferiority complex or my sense of unworthiness.
I know that I am a son beloved; that I have my place in the Father's presence.

--E.W. Kenyon

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Faith Words 2/28 Thursday Thoughts

It is our words that destroy or build.  It is words that are filled with faith or unbelief.
Faith words are constructive.  The man who inspires faith is a builder.  He is constructive...
Faith is giving substance to the Word of God.
It is giving substance to things we have hoped for...

God is a faith God, and when man links up with God, he becomes a faith man.
He and God work together, and walk together.
2 Cor. 5:7:  "We walk by faith, and not by sight."

--E. W. Kenyon

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

He Himself Is Yours 2/27 Wednesday Wisdom

Now just take this thing home to your heart and read Ephesians 1:3, "Who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ."
You are blessed with everything that you need.
His very fullness is yours.
His ability is yours.
His love is yours.
Yes, he Himself is yours!

-- E.W. Kenyon

Monday, February 25, 2019

Real Prayer 2/26 Tuesday Truth

We have within us the ability of God.
We have the wisdom of God.
God is the strength of our life.
What more can we ask?
Can't you see what this means as a background for a prayer life?
Can't you hear the Spirit whispering, "Nay in all these things we are more than conquerors?"
Real prayer is inspired of the Spirit, backed up by the Living Word.  Then it should be a real sharing with Him.

--E.W. Kenyon

Sunday, February 24, 2019

True Safety 2/25 Monday Meditation

Remember, God cannot lie.  He watches over His Word to make it good.
The man that trusts Him is absolutely as safe as Jesus was when He trusted His Father.

--E.W. Kenyon

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Talk Things Over With Him 2/22 Friday Faith

And if we are in His will, then we are certain that our prayers are answered.
We don't try to force Him to answer them.
We don't tease Him like some children do their parents until they wear their parents out.
No.  We come as intelligent men and women, grown up in Christ, and take our place, bearing His burdens, fellowshipping His purposes in saving the world.
We come into the throne room, that room of love gifts, into the very presence of the Father, and we talk things over with Him.

--E.W. Kenyon

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Measure of My Faith 2/21 Thursday Thoughts

There is a vast army of self-deluders today.  They teach the Word, they talk the Word, they preach the Word, but they do not practice it.
The measure that I live the Word is the measure of my Faith.
My Prayer Life is valuable only in the measure that the Word in my lips is a living thing.  It lives only as I practice it.

--E.W. Kenyon

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Never Talk About Failure 2/20 Wednesday Wisdom

Don't try to believe, just act on the Word.
Don't have a double confession so that one moment you confess, "Yes, He heard my prayer.  I am healed," or "I will get the money," and then begin to question how it is going to come and what you ought to do to get it.
Your latter confession destroys the first.
A wrong confession destroys prayer and destroys faith.
Don't trust in other people's faith -- have your own.
Do your own believing.  Have your own faith as you have your own clothes.  Act on the Word for yourself.
Don't talk doubt and unbelief.
Never admit that you are a "Doubting Thomas," that is an insult to your Father.
Don't talk about sickness and disease.
Never talk about failure.  Talk about the Word, its absolute integrity, and of your utter confidence in it; of your ability to act on it; and hold fast to your confession of its truthfulness.

--E.W. Kenyon

Monday, February 18, 2019

What Is Our Confession? 2/19 Tuesday Truth

You see, Christianity is our Confession.
Heb. 4:14 says, "Let us hold fast our confession."
What is our Confession?  Why, that God is our Father, we are His children, we are in His Family.
It is a Confession that our Father knows what our needs are and has made provision to meet every one of them.
It is a Confession of the finished work of Christ, of what I am in Him, and what He is in me.
It is a Confession that "greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world."
It is my Confession that my God does supply every need of mine according to His riches in glory.
It is my Confession that when I pray, the Father hears my prayer and answers me.
This is a manifold Confession.
If I were sick, I would maintain my Confession that "by His stripes I am healed."
If I were weak, I would insist upon this Confession that God is now "the strength of my life," and I can do all things in Him who is enabling me with His own ability.
If it is a problem of wisdom, I confess that Jesus has been made unto me Wisdom from God.

--E.W. Kenyon

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Hoping and Believing 2/18 Monday Meditation

Hope is always future.  Faith is always now.
Someone comes to me and asks me to pray for them, and I say, "Was the prayer answered?"  And they answer, "I hope it was."
Then I know it will not be answered, and I frankly tell them, "No, the Hoper's prayers are seldom answered."
Hope is a beautiful thing when it is about Heaven, or the coming back of the Master, and everything that belongs to the future.  But for present-tense practices and present-tense life, hope is a dangerous enemy.
It is beautiful, but it is dangerous!
The Hoper is always a failure.  It is the Believer that is a success.

--E.W. Kenyon

Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Greatest Neglected Opportunity 2/15 Friday Faith

Some have said that prayer is the greatest opportunity ever offered to a man in Christ.
If this is true than you can understand why there would be enemies to stand in the way of a prayer life.
You can understand why the Adversary would make it his business to see that the prayer life of an individual, and of a church, should be ineffective.
Satan would not be a good General, he would not be a Strategist unless the prayer life should be destroyed.
A church is as powerful as its prayer life.
The men and women who learn the secret of reaching the throne, getting the ear of God, become dangerous to the hosts of darkness.

--E. W. Kenyon

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Give the Word First Place 2/14 Valentine's Values

We sing hymns confessing it.
We read about it.  We talk about it.
And then we act as though it were but a fable!
This is the reason why the church has more sickness and disease than any other organized body of people; why faith is weak; why the average believer is ruled by the Adversary.
All this could be changed if we would give the Word that same place we would give Christ if He were here physically in our presence.

--E.W. Kenyon

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Dangerous Habit of Christians 2/13 Wednesday Wisdom

One of the most dangerous habits that Christians have is treating the Word as though it were a common book.
In one breath we will declare that we believe it to be a Revelation from God, and yet we turn to the arm of flesh for help when the Word has promised perfect deliverance.

--E. W. Kenyon

Monday, February 11, 2019

A New Creation 2/12 Tuesday Truth

We are a new creation and Satan has no dominion over us.
Jesus is the Head and Lord of this new creation.
We have been taught so long and so persistently about our weaknesses and our lack of ability and our unworthiness that we hardly dare say that we are what He says we are.  We are afraid that people will misunderstand us and think that we have become fanatical.
But He says:  "Wherefore if any man is in Christ (and we are in Christ) he is a new creation: the old things are passed away: behold, they are become new, and all these things are of God," and we are reconciled to Him.
We are a part of His very dream.
Satan has no dominion over this new creation.

--E.W. Kenyon

Sunday, February 10, 2019

A Partaker of God's Very Nature 2/11 Monday Meditation

(continued from Friday)
If we say over and over again to our hearts:  "I am a partaker of God's very nature.  I have in me His faith nature.  This makes me a child of faith.  I have been begotten of the Living Word through the Holy Spirit.  The real me was recreated in Christ.  I have the very nature of the Father and the Father is love, so I have in me the love nature of the Father," if we meditate on this, we will no longer be "double-minded men."
Repeat it over and over again.
Hold it as a constant affirmation before your mind that you are what He says you are; that you are a partaker of His very nature as He has declared.
And you member that "greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."  That Greater One is the Holy Spirit.

--E.W. Kenyon

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Underestimating Jesus 2/8 Friday Faith

One cannot conceive of anything that will cripple faith and put the believer in bondage more quickly and surely than underestimating what He is, and what we are in Him.
Along with that will come an underestimation of the Word.
We will say right out, "Oh, I believe the Bible is the Word of God." And yet we turn to the arm of flesh for help.
And when we pray, we do not come with that quiet assurance that we would if some banker had given us his word in regard to our financial standing at the bank.
This is an unconscious underestimation of the Word, and it is an unconscious underestimation of the integrity of the Master Himself, who is the Author of this Word.
This leads to weakness, to doubt and fear.
It makes a vacillating type of faith.
We become what James calls "a double-minded man that is unstable in all his ways."
What will change it?
When we realize what He has done for us in His great Substitution and in the New Creation.
(to be continued)

--E.W. Kenyon

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

What You Are in Christ 2/7 Thursday Thoughts

Have you ever taken notice of what you are in Christ?  Of what you have, and of what you can do?
Why, you are the very sons and daughters of God Almighty.
You have His life and nature in you.
You have the great mighty Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead.
What can you do?
Measure it by the ability of God that is at work within you.
Measure it by His own wonderful Word.
He knew what needs would face us when He was planning the New Creation.  I can hear Him say: "I'll identify myself with them; I'll be in them; I'll work through them.  My ability shall become their ability, my wisdom their wisdom.  I won't let them fail.  Through the Word I will build myself into them."

--E.W. Kenyon

Monday, February 4, 2019

Faith Partner 2/6 Wednesday Wisdom

Everyone of you should hunt for a partner who can believe with you, who can unite his faith with yours.
You become a resistless power the moment you do.
You may be mighty in faith alone, but you can be mightier in faith united with another.

-E.W.  Kenyon

Building Faith 2/5 Tuesday Truth

His Word is the only source of strength for the recreated human spirit; the only source of building faith.
Faith cannot be built by abstract reasoning.
It is only built by my acting on the Word, letting the Word live in me as it did in Jesus.
By my doing the Word, I build faith in my spirit.
I become a doer of the Word, a practicer of the Word.
The Word becomes a part of my very being.
I absorb it in my daily life, and it builds into me the faith of God.

--E.W. Kenyon

Sunday, February 3, 2019

God Is My Own Father 2/4 Monday Meditation

I have the Name of Jesus.  God is my own Father.  What more could I ask?  But that is not all.  I am His own child.  I do not have to try to be His child.  I am.  I am born of His Spirit.  I am a partaker of His nature, Eternal Life.

--E.W. Kenyon