Daily (M-F) quotes from Pentecostal pioneers whom the modern Christian is unlikely to come across in contemporary devotional reading.
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Facing God 12/1 Thursday Thoughts
And He is as easily reached now as He ever was. It is not a problem of education, but of knowing your rights and privileges, and daring to enter the throne room facing God with the needs of the world.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Enemies of a Prayer Life 11/30 Wednesday Wisdom
Some have said that prayer is the greatest opportunity ever offered to a man in Christ.
If this is true then you can understand why there would be enemies to stand in the way of a prayer life.
You can understand why the Adversary would make it his business to see that the prayer life of an individual, and of a church, should be ineffective.
Satan would not be a good general, he would not be a strategist, unless the prayer life should be destroyed.
A church is as powerful as its prayer life.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, November 28, 2022
Give the Word the Same Place 11/29 Tuesday Truth
We read articles about the Word.
We sing hymns confessing it.
Any yet we live under the dominion of the Adversary, continually confessing sickness, want, fear, weakness, and doubts in the face of the Revelation from God of our Redemption, of the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ...
We read about it. We talk about it.
And then we act as though it were but a fable!
This is the reason why the church has more sickness and disease than any other organized body of people; why faith is weak; why the average believer is ruled by the Adversary.
All this could be changed if we would give the Word the same place we would give Christ if He were here physically in our presence.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Treating the Word as a Common Book 11/28 Monday Meditation
One of the most dangerous habits that Christians have is treating the Word as though it were a common book.
In one breath we will declare that we believe it to be a Revelation from God, and yet we turn to the arm of flesh for help when the Word has promised perfect deliverance.
We terat the fact of Redemption as though it were a beautiful fiction.
E.W. Kenyon.
Thursday, November 24, 2022
No Limit 11/25 Friday Faith
There is absolutely no limit to the ability of God that is unveiled to us in His Word.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
(I did not post for Thanksgiving.)
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Satan Has No Dominion 11/23 Wednesday Wisdom
We have been taught so long and so persistently about our weaknesses and our lack of ability and our unworthiness that we hardly dare say that we are what He says we are. We are afraid that people will misunderstand us and think that we have become fanatical.
But He says: "Wherefore if any man is in Christ (and we are in Christ) he is a new creation; the old thing are passed away; behold, they are become new, and all these things are of God," and we are reconciled to Him. [2 Cor. 5:17]
We are a part of His very dream.
Satan has no dominion over this new creation.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, November 21, 2022
The Greater One 11/22 Tuesday Truth
Repeat it over and over again.
Hold it as a constant affirmation before your mind that you are what He says you are; that you are a partaker of His very nature as He has declared.
And you remember that "greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." [1 John 4:4] That Greater One is the Holy Spirit.
--E. W. Kenyon.
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Partaker of God's Nature 11/21 Monday Meditation
We should meditate on the fact that we are partakers of the divine nature. "These things have I written unto you, that ye may know that ye have Eternal Life, even to you that believe on His name." I John 5:13.
If we say over and over again to our hearts: "I am a partaker of God's very nature. I have in me His faith nature. This makes me a child of faith. I have been begotten of the Living Word through the Holy Spirit. The real me was recreated in Christ. I have the very nature of the Father and the Father is love, so I have in me the love nature of the Father," if we meditate on this, we will no longer be "double-minded men."
-- E.W. Kenyon
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Underestimation 11/18 Friday Faith
We will say right out, "Oh, I believe the Bible is the Word of God." And yet we turn to the arm of flesh for help.
And when we pray, we do not come with that quiet assurance that we would if some banker had given us his word in regard to our financial standing at the bank.
This is an unconscious underestimation of the Word, and it is an unconscious underestimation of the integrity of the Master Himself, who is the Author of this Word.
This leads to weakness, to doubt and hear.
It makes a vacillating type of faith.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
What You Are In Christ 11/17 Thursday Thoughts
Have you ever taken notice of what you are in Christ? Of what you have, and of what you can do?
Why, you are the very sons and daughters of God Almighty.
You have His life and nature in you.
You have the great mighty Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead.
What can you do?
Measure it by the ability of God that is at work within you.
Measure it by His own wonderful Word.
He knew what needs would face us when He was planning our Redemption and when He was planning the New Creation. I can hear Him say: "I'll identify myself with them; I'll be in them; I'll work through them. My ability shall become their ability, my wisdom their wisdom. I won't let them fail. Through the Word I will build myself into them."
E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Mightier United 11/16 Wednesday Wisdom
Every one of you should hunt for a partner who can believe with you, who can unite his faith with yours.
You become a resistless power the moment you do.
You may be mighty in faith alone, but you can be mightier in faith united with another.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, November 14, 2022
The Word Builds Faith 11/15 Tuesday Truth
His Word is the only source of strength for the recreated human spirit; the only source of building faith.
Faith cannot be built by abstract reasoning.
It is only built by my acting on the Word, letting the Word live in me as it did in Jesus.
By my doing the Word, I build faith in my spirit.
I become a doer of the Word, a practicer of the Word.
The Word becomes a part of my very being.
I absorb it in my daily life, and it builds into me the faith of God.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, November 13, 2022
God Is a Faith God 11/14 Monday Meditation
Our theological schools have never had a department on Faith, so every church should have a faith clinic, one class a week on the study and development of Faith.
Faith is not a product of sense knowledge. [what you can know by your five senses -Lep]
It is not a product of intellectual faculties.
Faith is born of the human spirit.
Whether we want to face it or not, the fact is: there is no love in the natural human heart, and there is no faith in the natural human heart.
Faith and love spring from the recreated human spirit.
Until a man has received Eternal Life, the nature of God, he cannot be a faith man, and he cannot be a love man. He will only have a Sense Knowledge Faith.
God is a faith God.
Faith is His nature just as love is His nature.
-- E. W. Kenyon
Thursday, November 10, 2022
Satan Is Already Conquered 11/11 Friday Faith
I apologize for forgetting to post a "Wednesday Wisdom".
"I have been translated out of the kingdom of Satan, into the kingdom of the Son of the Father's love; in whom I have my Redemption, complete and perfect. [Colossians 1:13]
"Then I do not have to war to conquer Satan, because Satan is already conquered.
"He was conquered for me. He knows that he was conquered for me, so I take my deliverance from him and my victory over him in Jesus' Name, with thankfulness."
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
A Letter to You 11/10 Thursday Thoughts
...When you approach the throne of Grace there is a willing ear, listening to you, and whatever you ask (because the Word is living in you) you will receive.
Do you understand what that means? A lover has written you a letter. It is not written to anyone else. It is too sacred for any other eyes to see. That is your letter. That is your lover writing to you.
God is love and He has written to you the book called the Bibble. Jesus came to unveil love, and the revelation of love is given to us in the Word.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Monday, November 7, 2022
The Holy Spirit Belongs to You 11/8 Tuesday Truth
The Holy Spirit belongs to you.
Luke 11:13: "How much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?" Only sons and daughters will ever ask Him.
You are His child. You have received His very nature. You are as really His child as was Jesus when He walked in Galilee.
Then you have a right to the Spirit. You can ask Him to come in and make His home in your body; as surely as you ask Him, so surely will He come in, because "No Word from God is void of an answer." The Word of God is very sacred to Him.
--E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, November 6, 2022
It Is Mine 11/7 Monday Meditation
Here are some facts that will help you to begin to build your own faith life.
The Word is yours. It is as though there was no other person in the world but you , and this Revelation had been given especially to you; you can say, "It is mine. No one has a better right to it than I have. Every promise is mine. Every statement of fact is mine."
When He said, "Whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you," you can say, "He was talking to me.
"He is my Father; I am His child. This is His message to me, to help me in my earth walk."
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Thursday, November 3, 2022
The Majority of People 11/4 Friday Faith
I find that the majority of people float on carelessly until they come to a dangerous place. They are sick, or some loved one is sick, some financial or heart problem confronts them that may affect their entire future. Then they frantically hunt for someone who can cry and sob and quote scriptures in what they call their "prayer" and it is of no avail because there is no faith back of it.
If there was faith there, there wiould be no crying and no sobbing. There would be a rejoicing because they would know that whatever they ask of the Father in Jesus' Name, He will do it.
E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Have Your Own Faith 11/3 Thursday Thoughts
One should never trust the great issues of his life to another's faith. He should have faith of his own, faith that can meet any crisis that may come.
Your case is vital to you. It may not be vital to this other party to whose faith you look. He may have troubles that are unsolved, inward struggles that have never been settled. His faith may be at a low ebb when you appeal to his for aid.
It is vitally important to you that you have your own faith to fall back on in these hard places.
Everyone should build his own faith life.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Only Possible by Prayer 11/2 Wednesday Wisdom
Every man and woman in connection with our church who is not spending time in prayer will be a neutralizing force in the church.
They may be in the choir; they may be in the Sunday school; they may have charge of the finances; they may act as deacons or elders; but whatever their place, they carry a certain coldness, they are an inert body.
They have a tendency to lower the spiritual temperature of everyone in close contact with them.
So it is vitally important that the largest possible number of the membership should be led into the Prayer Program of the church.
This isn't an place for theory.
This is the place for positive facts.
A church can't be built up sprittually without prayer.
Numbers can be drawn through personal work or by eloquence, but to build up a real spiritual body, is only possible through prayer.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
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