Daily (M-F) quotes from Pentecostal pioneers whom the modern Christian is unlikely to come across in contemporary devotional reading.
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Dependence Upon the Holy Spirit 1/31 Friday Faith
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Dependence Upon the Holy Spirit 1/31 Friday Faith
Oh, the blessedness of being brought into a life of dependence upon the power of the Holy Spirit. Henceforth we know that we are nothing without Him; we are absolutely dependent upon Him. I am absolutely nothing without the power and unction of the Holy Ghost.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Secret of Abundant Life 1/30 Thursday Thoughts
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Secret of the Abundant Life 1/30 Thursday Thoughts
That is the secret of the abundant life of which Jesus spoke. Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). The reason we have the more abundant life is because that, receiving God into our being, all the springs of our being are quickened by His living presence. Consequently, if we are living today and we receive God, we live life in a fuller measure. We live life with a greater energy, because we become the recipients of the energy of the living God in addition to our normal energy, through the reception of His being, His nature, His life into ours.
-- John G. Lake
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Peoople Who Are Really Glad 1/29 Wednesday Wisdom
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: People Who Are Really Glad 1/29 Wednesday Wisdom
The children of God are the only people who are really glad. We are glad inside and we are glad outside. Our gladness flows from the inside. God has filled us with joy unspeakable and full of glory... This joy in the Holy Ghost is beyond anything else. And this joy of the Lord is our strength.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, January 27, 2025
Let God Loose! 1/28 Tuesday Truth
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Let God Loose! 1/28 Tuesday Truth
This is one of my all-time favorite quotes. I have repeated it several times over the 19 years that I have been posting Lep's Faith Quotes.
Have you been in Canada? Do you know when I was in Canada, there was one thing that struck me peculiarly. The signs would read, "John Brown, Limited." Everywhere I see that sign. I was holding meetings in the old St. Andrew's Church in Sydney. I asked them one night why they did not put their national symbol on their churches. They wondered what I meant. I said, "every other business house is LTD; why don't you put it over the church?" An old Scotchman said, "We don't have to. Everybody knows [the church is limited].
...Everybody knows the church is limited...
Limited? Sure it is limited. [We] Limit God, limit ourselves, limit His grace, limit the Word. Sure, our God is a little bit of a god. Most of us could carry Him in our vest pocket, and it wouldn't bulge the pocket. Our God with the "LTD" on Him.
Brother, sister, that challenge comes to us today to LET GOD LOOSE.
-- John G. Lake
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Hidden in God 1/27 Monday Meditation
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Hidden in God 1/27 Monday Meditation
Oh, what privileges are ours when we are born of God. How marvelously He keeps us so that the wicked one touches us not. I see a place in God where Satan dare not come. Hidden in God. And He invites us all to come and share this wonderful hidden place where our lives are hid with Christ in God, where we dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. God has this place for you in this blessed realm of grace.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, January 23, 2025
A Neutralizing Force 1/24 Friday Faith
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: A Neutralizing Force 1/24 Friday Faith
Every man and woman in connection with our church who is not spending time in prayer will be a neutralizing force in the church.
They may be in the choir; they may be in the Sunday School; they may have charge of the finances; they may act as deacons or elders; but whatever their place, they carry a certain coldness, they are an inert body.
They have a tendency to lower the spiritual temperature of everyone in close contact with them.
So it is vitally important that the largest possible number of the membership should be led into the Prayer Program of the church.
This isn't any place for theory.
This is the place for positive facts.
A church can't be built up spiritually without prayer.
Numbers can be drawn through personal work or by eloquence, but to build up a real spiritual body, is only possible through prayer.
--E.W. Kenyon
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Optimist or Groaner? 1/23 Thursday Thoughts
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Optimist or Groaner? 1/23 Thursday Thoughts
I have always wondered how a Christian could be anything less that an optimist. It is a sad thing when you hear Christians with a groan in them. When I meet the groaner I say in my heart, "God, move the man on into the place where he comprehends what Christianity is." The Christian with a groan in him never moved the world except to groans.
-- John G. Lake
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
The Devil Is an Angel of Light 1/22 Wednesday Wisdom
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: The Devil Is an Angel of Light 1/22 Wednesday Wisdom
Don't you believe the devil is a big ugly monster; he comes as an angel of light, and he comes at a time when you have done well, and tells you about it. He comes to make you feel you are somebody.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Feed on the Word 1/16 Thursday Thoughts
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Feed on the Word 1/16 Thursday Thoughts
This will be my last post until about a week from today.
The Father's Word in Jesus' lips accomplished things. It hushed the sea. It quieted the wind. It raised the dead. It fed the multitudes.
His Living Word in lips of faith will do the same today.
When you know that the Word is God speaking, you will speak the Word with authority.
You remember that faith in God is faith in His Word.
You want to build your Faith? Feed on the Word; act upon it.
You remember Matt. 4:4: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." You can't build faith and feed on any other kind of food.
--E.W. Kenyon
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
What I Am in Christ 1/15 Wednesday Wisdom
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: What I Am in Christ 1/15 Wednesday Wisdom
Tomorrow will be my last post for about a week.
I want you to say in the morning, "That mighty One is in me. He can put me over today. I can face any emergency. I can do all things in Him because He is my strength."
I can hear Him whisper, Isaiah 41:10: "Fear thou not for I am with thee. ("I am in thee.") Be not dismayed for I am thy (Father) God. I will strengthen thee; yea, I will uphold thee; yea, I am today all that you need: your helper, your wisdom your strength, your ability."
You see, it is not what I should be. It is not what I can be.
It is what I am in Christ.
--E. W. Kenyon
Monday, January 13, 2025
When We Possess Nothing 1/14 Tuesday Truth
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: When We Possess Nothing 1/14 Tuesday Truth
"Thursday Thoughts" will be my last post for a week.
One of our workers said to me at Christmas time, "Wigglesworth, I never was so near the end of my purse in my life." I replied, "Thank God, you are just at the opening of God's treasures." It is when we are at the end of our own that we can enter into the riches of God's resources. It is when we possess nothing that we can possess all things.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Having Your "I" Knocked Out 1/13 Monday Meditation
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Having Your "I" Knocked Out 1/13 Monday Meditation
Someone has said that you are no good until you have your "I" knocked out. Christ must reign within, and the life in the Holy Ghost means at all times the subjection of your own will to make way for the working out of the good and acceptable and perfect will of God within.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Believing Prayer 1/10 Friday Faith
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Believing Prayer 1/10 Friday Faith
Believing prayer is not much noise. Believing prayer may not be any noise at all. Believing prayer is a committing, an intelligent committing of yourself to God, and your mind is stayed in God and your heart is stayed in God and you are walking in God. You are ready to die rather than go to anyone but God. This is the real believing prayer. That is the continuous prayer. That is prevailing prayer. Blessed be God!
-- John G. Lake
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
You Can't Be Conquered 1/9 Thursday Thoughts
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: You Can't Be Conquered 1/9 Thursday Thoughts
You can't be conquered.
Your spirit is whispering, "Nay, in all these things I am more than a conqueror."
Every disease is of the Adversary.
All kinds of sin are of the Adversary.
All opposition to the glad tidings is of the Adversary.
God and I are victors.
Greater is He that is in me than this opposition or this disease.
There is no need that is greater than my Lord.
There is no lack that He cannot meet.
This indomitable will that God has wrought in you cannot be overwhelmed, or conquered.
You remember what you are -- you are a New Creation.
You are a branch of the vine.
You are an heir of God.
--E.W. Kenyon
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Pure Right Through 1/8 Wednesday Wisdom
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Pure Right Through 1/8 Wednesday Wisdom
The power of God can remodel you. He can make you hate sin and love righteousness. He can take away bitterness and hatred and covetousness and malice, and can so consecrate you by His power, through His blood, that you are made pure -- every bit holy. Pure in mind, heart and actions -- pure right through.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, January 6, 2025
Live in the Bible 1/7 Tuesday Truth
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Live in the Bible 1/7 Tuesday Truth
I do not find anything in the Bible but holiness, and nothing in the world but worldliness. Therefore, if I live in the world I shall become worldly; but, on the other hand, if I live in the Bible, I shall become holy. That is the truth, and the truth will set you free.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Praise Is God's Sunlight 1/6 Monday Meditation
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Praise Is God's Sunlight 1/6 Monday Meditation
Praise is God's sunlight in the heart. It destroys sin germs. It ripens the fruits of the Spirit. It is the oil of gladness that lubricates life's activities. There can be no holy life without it. It keeps the heart pure and the eye clear. Praise is essential to the knowledge of God and His will.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
I am now posting in eight locations daily. I have recently added Lordsbook.com. It's a Christian social media site that works exactly like Facebook, but all posts are Christian teachings, quotes, and memes, if you might be interested in joining.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
The Touch of Jesus 1/3 Friday Faith
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: The Touch of Jesus 1/3 Friday Faith
The touch of Jesus meant much to a leper. It was long since a hand of love had touched the man. Jesus' touch was not cold or mechanical. He was "moved with compassion." His heart of love and His very life were in it. Yes, Christ helps us not because His promise compels Him, but because His love overflows toward us.
-- A.B. Simpson
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
This Is Faith 1/2 Thursday Thoughts
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: This Is Faith 1/2 Thursday Thoughts
Had the man said, "Lord, help my unbelief" without first saying "Lord, I believe," it would have been vain. Had he said, "Lord, I believe" and stopped there, it would have been equally vain, for it would only have been his own willpower. He put forth his will, and then he depended on Christ for the strength. This is faith.
--A.B. Simpson
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