Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God, and the prisoners heard them. And that praise of faith went straight up to glory, and entered into the ears of the Lord, and He sent a great earthquake . . . I believe they might have prayed all night without having much of an earthquake, but when they took the attitude of deliverance and victory and began to praise the Lord, then came the great earthquake which set them all free. Beloved, if in the time of your greatest trial you take the attitude of victory and praise the Lord for deliverance before you see it, God will send some kind of an earthquake. He will shake things up, and will do something marvelous for you.
-- Carrie Judd Montgomery
Daily (M-F) quotes from Pentecostal pioneers whom the modern Christian is unlikely to come across in contemporary devotional reading.
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.
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