Daily (M-F) quotes from Pentecostal pioneers whom the modern Christian is unlikely to come across in contemporary devotional reading.
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.
Thursday, December 30, 2021
To Be Free 12/31 Friday Faith
May God bless you with a wonderful new year! And if you don't have a daily Bible reading or devotional habit, search for one that fits you that you can commit to daily. I suggest Our Daily Bread at https://5dailydevotional.com/category/our-daily-bread-devotional/, todayintheword.org, or americanbible.org.
Evil spirits have no more control, if I believe that God is, and I do, I do. I know I am free from all the powers of darkness, from all the powers of evil, and it is a wonderful thing to be free, and because you are free you step into the liberty of freed men and claim the possessions of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
The Hardest Way 12/30 Thursday Thoughts
The hardest way is the best way; you never hear anything about the person who is always having an easy time. The preachers always tell of how Moses crossed the Red Sea when he was at wit's end. I cannot find the record of anyone in the Scriptures whom God used who was not first tried.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
What a Wonderful Jesus 12/23 Thursday Thoughts
What a wonderful Jesus we have. Something about Him kindles fire in the darkest place. Something about our Lord makes all darkness light. God's Son is for all our human nature, and when we have Him we have more than we can speak about and think about. God's Son can set the world ablaze and bring heaven right into the place where we live.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
The Storehouse of God 12/22 Wednesday Wisdom
I will not be posting between Thursday, December 23, and Wed. or Thurs., Dec. 28 or 29. Have a wonderful Jesus-filled holiday!
You know, beloved, that there are many wonderful treasures in the storehouse of God that we have not yet gotten. But praise God, we have the promise in Corinthians
... Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him (I Corinthians 2:9).
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, December 20, 2021
The Plan of God 12/21 Tuesday Truth
I will not be posting between Thursday, December 23, and Wed. or Thurs., Dec. 28 or 29. Have a wonderful Jesus-filled holiday!
There is no room for anyone to boast, and the man who goes about saying, "Look at me for I am somebody," is of no value whatever. God is done with that man altogether. He will have a people to glorify Him. He is doing what He can with what He has, but we are so unwilling to move in the plan of God that He has to grind us many times to get us where He can use us.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, December 19, 2021
The Mind of the Spirit 12/20 Monday Meditation
Smith Wigglesworth and the others whom I have quoted were all traveling healing evangelists. They did not pastor churches. Therefore, there are no Christmas sermons from which to quote.
I believe we ought to be in the place where we shall always be able to understand the mind of the Spirit amid all the other voices in the world.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Swiss Mountain Streams 12/17 Friday Faith
I am very interested in scenery. When I was in Switzerland I wouldn't be satisfied till I went to the top of the mountain, though I like the valleys also. On the summit of the mountain the sun beats on the snow and sends the water trickling down the mountain right through the meadows. Go there and see if you can stop it. Just so in the spiritual. God begins with the divine flow of His eternal power which is the Holy Ghost, and you cannot stop it.
We must always clearly see that the baptism with the Spirit must make us ministering spirits.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Quenching the Power of God 12/15 Thursday Thoughts
Any assembly [church congregation] that puts its hand on the working of the Spirit will surely dry up. The assembly must be as free in the Spirit as possible, and you must allow a certain amount of extravagance when people are getting through to God. Unless we are very wise, we can easily interfere and quench the power of God which is upon us.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Burning Hearts 12/15 Wednesday Wisdom
If the saints only knew how precious they are in the sight of God they would scarcely be able to sleep for thinking of His watchful, loving care. Oh, He is a precious Jesus! He is a lovely Savior! He is divine in all His attitude toward us, and makes our hearts to burn. There is nothing like it. "Oh," they said on the road to Emmaus, "did not our hearts burn within us, as He walked with us and talked with us?" (Luke 24:32). Oh beloved, it must be so today.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, December 13, 2021
Every Day Some Miracle 12/14 Tuesday Truth
Live every day in the Acts of the Apostles and you will see every day some miracle wrought by the power of the living God. It comes right to the threshold and God brings everything along to you.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Dare the Impossible 12/13 Monday Meditation
If you do not venture, you remain ordinary as long as you live. If you dare the impossible then God will abundantly do far more than you can ask or think.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Friday, December 10, 2021
The Things That Are Not 12/10 Friday Faith
The elders always had a good report because of faith, and if devastating winds blow, it does not matter. The men of faith are not moved by anything they see or hear. The man of faith does not live in time. He has begun in eternity. He does not count on the thing that are; HE RELIES ON THE THINGS THAT ARE NOT.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Prayer Prevents Growing Cold 12/8 Wednesday Wisdom
I will not be posting Thursday Thoughts this week.
Prayer is a personal, intimate interaction with God. Through His Holy Ruach (Spirit), prayer gives God the opportunity to speak into our lives and supernaturally encourage and strengthen us. As Yeshua Himself indicates in this verse, prayer acts as a protection against the possibility that we become cold to Him and fall away. Prayer strengthens our ability to be faithful to God. Truly, regular prayer and the reading of God’s Word are the pillars of a successful life-long relationship with God.
-- Joel Chernoff, Messianic composer / singer, secretary of Messianic Jewish Alliance of America
Monday, December 6, 2021
A Million Times Greater Than You 12/7 Tuesday Truth
God gives us this remarkable substance that is called faith. It consists of the Word of God, of the personality of God, of the nature of God, and the acts of God, and those four things are all in faith. Faith is a deep reality caused by God's personality waking up our humanity to leap into eternal things and be lost forever in something a million times greater than yourself. To be possessed by and be the possessor of something a miliion times greater than you!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, December 5, 2021
Faith Never Feels or Looks 12/6 Monday Meditation
Now God does not want anybody in the world, under any circumstances, to be in a place where they live on eyesight and on feelings. Faith never feels and faith never looks. Faith is an act, and faith without an act is not faith, but doubt and disgrace. Every one of you has more faith than you are using.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Friday, December 3, 2021
Nothing Small About God 12/3 Friday Faith
God has drawn us together and He has something to give us. He is not ordinary, but extraordinary; not measured, but immeasurable, abounding in everything. There is nothing small about our God, and when we understand God we will find out that there ought not to be anything small about us.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
There Is No Stop 12/2 Thursday Thoughts
The Christian life is a going on, a non-stop, until you reach the top. If you ever stop between Calvary and the glory, it is you who blocked the way. There is no stop between Calvary and the glory except by human failure, but if you allow God to have His way, He will surely transform us, for His plan is to change us from what we are to what He intends us to be, and never to lose the ideal of His great plan for us.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
We Have a Big God 12/1 Wednesday Wisdom
We have a big God, only He has to be absolutely and only trusted. The people who really do believe God are strong, and "he that hath clean hands shall be stronger and stronger."
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, November 29, 2021
Hate Sin / Love Righteousness 11/30 Tuesday Truth
No man is any good for God and never makes progress in God who does not hate sin. You are never safe. But there is a place in God where you can love righteousness and where you can hate iniquity till the Word of God is a light in your bosom, quickening every fiber of your body, thrilling your whole nature.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, November 28, 2021
When We Doubt the Word of God 11/29 Monday Meditation
In any measure that we doubt the Word of God, from that moment we have ceased to thrive spiritually and actively. The Word of God is not only to be looked at and read, but received as the Word of God to become life right within our life. "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee (Psalms 119:11).
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
The Grandest Place for Us 11/24 Wednesday Wisdom
This will be my final post of the week. Happy Thanksgiving! God bless!
The most difficult things that come to us are to our advantage from God's side. When we come to the place of impossibilities it is the grandest place for us to see the possibilities of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, November 22, 2021
Not Afraid of Anything 11/23 Tuesday Truth
Read Mark 9. There is an exchange of life, of power until it is absolutely as the Word says, "...greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world" (I John 4:4). God can change you until you will not be afraid of anything.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Evil Thoughts 11/22 Monday Meditation
There are evil thoughts and there are thoughts of evil. Evil thoughts are suggestive of the evil one. We are to be able to understand what is the evil and how to deal with it. The Word of God makes us strong. All evil powers are weak. The devil has nothing strong; the weakest believer dethrones him when he mentions Jesus. "Young men, ye are strong because ye know the Word" (See I John 2:14).
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, November 18, 2021
God Wants Us to be Powerful 11/19 Friday Faith
The Word of God is eternal and cannot be broken. You cannot improve on the Word of God, for it is life, and it produces life. Listen! God has begotten you to a "lively hope." You are begotten of the Word that created worlds. If you dare to believe, it is powerful. God wants us to be powerful, a people of faith, a purified people, a people who will launch out in God and dare to trust Him in glorious faith which always takes you beyond that which is commonplace to an abiding place in God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Rise on the Tide 11/18 Thursday Thoughts
Beloved, even with all the faith we have, we are not even so much as touching the hem of God's plan for us. It is like going to the seashore and dipping your toe in the water, with the great vast ocean before you. God wants us to rise on the bosom of the tide, and not keep paddling along the shore. Oh to be connected with that sublime power, that human nature may know God and the glory of the manifestation of Christ!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Living, Active Faith 11/17 Wednesday Wisdom
The Acts of the Apostles were written because the lives of the apostles bore the fruit of active faith. To them faith was an everyday fact. If your life is in the divine order, you will not only have living, active faith but you will always be building up someone else in faith.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, November 15, 2021
Faith Knows No Defeat 11/16 Tuesday Truth
It is possible for the power of God to be so manifest in your human life that you will never be as you were before; for you will be ever going forward, from victory to victory, for faith knows no defeat.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Everything But Power 11/15 Monday Meditation
Any amount of people may be found in the [church] who are very proper in the worldly sense -- always correctly dressed, the elite of the land, welcoming into the church everything but the power of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Faith Is the Victory 11/12 Friday Faith
Not a weapon that is formed against you can prosper. Know the wisdom and purpose of the great hand that is upon you. Glorify God in distresses and persecutions, for the Spirit of God is there made manifest. Be chastened! Be perfected! Press on to heights, lengths, depths, breadths. Faith is the victory. The hope is within you, the joy set before you.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Through All Difficulty 11/11 Thursday Thoughts
The Spirit of the Lord is showing me God must get a people who can see that from before the foundation of the world He has had them in His mind. God has been delivering us through all difficulty. Where sin abounded He has brought in His grace, where disease came in to steal our life, God raised up a standard and we are here having come through tribulation. God has been purifying us, strengthening us, equipping us with divine audacity by the power of almightiness -- till we can say, "What shall we say then to these things?"
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Feel the Fire 11/10 Wednesday Wisdom
God wants us so filled with the Holy Ghost that people feel the power -- feel the fire.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, November 8, 2021
The Less Holy Spirit 11/9 Tuesday Truth
The less Holy Spirit we have, the more cake and coffee we need to keep the church going.
-Reinhard Bonnke
Sunday, November 7, 2021
The Devil Trembles 11/8 Monday Meditation
The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.
--Samuel Chadwick, quoted in Creating a Habitation for God's Glory by Todd Smith
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Nothing Satisfies Me But God 11/5 Friday Faith
When the Holy Ghost comes in, Jesus is Lord -- then His Word floods our souls, and the tide flows out to the needy, the vision increases. Hungrier than ever -- nothing satisfies me but God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
A Recent Quote from my Friend 11/4 Thursday Thoughts
"The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place." Psalms 68:17
When we pray, we can open the gates of heaven and close the gates of hell. Prayer is the most powerful weapon a believer can use to overcome any obstacle. And it is by the Holy Spirit that our prayers can open our eyes to the spiritual realm. Never give up on prayer. Who knows, that the battle your going through, someone is praying for you. Todd Schoppelrei
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
A Modern Quote 11/3 Wednesday Wisdom
Tragically, the "woe" is missing from our gatherings; it has been replaced by the "wow" factor in our church services. Leadership teams work hard on wowing and impressing their attendees and for the most part they are. Worshippers are wowed by the messages, the lights, the haze, the production, the entertainment -- but I believe God wants the "woe" back in our meetings. This can take place when we are confronted with His holiness.
-- Todd Smith, Creating a Habitation for God's Glory
Monday, November 1, 2021
The Inner Light Illuminates 11/2 Tuesday Truth
A brother came to see me to ask about the Holy Ghost. He was so anxious that his ministry should be a success. I pointed out to him the words of Jesus to His disciples, "The Holy Ghost is with you and shall be in you." I said to him, "You see the sun this morning -- how it pours into the room from the outside? But if the light was inside, how the light would shine forth outside illuminating the dark places."
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Resist the Devil 11/1 Monday Meditation
Let us take God's Word and stand upon it, as our strength to resist the devil till he is forced to flee. Amen, amen.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Those Who Trust God 10/30 Friday Faith
Faith! Faith! Making us know God is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. God! Who quickeneth that which was dead, and calleth the things that are not as though they were. There is no want [lack] to those who trust God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
All That God Has for Us 10/28 Thursday Thoughts
What would happen to us and our need of world, if we would get to the place where we could believe God? May God give the desire. Faith is a tremendous power, an inward mover. We have not seen yet all that God has for us.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Move Mountains 10/27 Wednesday Wisdom
Jesus said to His disciples, if ye will believe in your heart... the mountain shall be removed. God wants us to move mountains, anything that appears to be like a mountain can be moved. The mountains of difficulty, the mountains of perplexity, the mountains of depression or depravity. Things that bound you for years. Sometimes things appear as though they could not be moved, but you believe in your heart, stand on the Word of God, and God's Word will never be defeated.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, October 25, 2021
Divine Power 10/26 Tuesday Truth
God wants to purify our minds until we can bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things. God dwells in you, but you cannot have this divine power until you live and walk in the Holy Ghost, until the power of the new life is greater than the old life.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
A John Wesley Quote 10/25 Monday Meditation
Taking a one- or two-day break from Smith Wigglesworth. Sorry for the lateness; I was having internet problems.
Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven upon earth.
-- Rev. John Wesley
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Fruit or Leaves? 10/22 Friday Faith
The Lord was looking for fruit on the tree. He found "nothing but leaves." There are thousands of people like that. They dress up like Christians, but it is all leaves. "Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit..." (John 15:8). He has no way in which to get fruit, only through us. We have not to be ordinary people. To be saved is to be an extraordinary man, an exposition of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Abide by Holiness 10/21 Thursday Thoughts
We are His life, we are members of His body; the Spirit is in us, and there is no way to abide in the secret place of the Lord only by holiness.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
The Power of the Name 10/20 Wednesday Wisdom
Oh, what God has laid up for us, and what we may receive through the name of Jesus! Oh the value of the name, the power of the name; the very name of Jesus brings help from heaven, and the very name of Jesus can bind evil powers and subdue all things unto Himself. Thank God for victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, October 18, 2021
The Everlasting Friend 10/19 Tuesday Truth
I never remember coming to Him when He once denied me anything; He has never turned me away empty. He is such a wonderful Saviour, such a Friend that we can depend upon with assurance and rest and complete confidence. He can roll away every burden. This afternoon think of Him as the exhaustless Saviour, the everlasting Friend, One who knows all things, One who is able to help and deliver us. When we have such a Source as this, we can stretch out our hands and take all that we need from Him.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, October 17, 2021
The Kingdom of God Within You 10/18 Monday Meditation
Every person who has the new nature, the new birth, has the kingdom of God within them. If you believe God's Word, it will make you so live that the kingdom of God will be ever increasing, and the whole creation of the kingdom of God will be crying, "Come, Lord Jesus, Come!"
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Do Not Be Satisfied 10/15 Friday Faith
Beloved, do not be satisfied with anything less than the knowledge of a real change in your nature, a knowledge of the indwelling presence and power of the Holy Ghost. Do not be satisfied with a life that is not wholly swallowed up in God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
The Lord Is Mighty 10/14 Thursday Thoughts
With man things are impossible, but God is the unfolder of the mysteries of life, and He holds the universe in the hollow of His hand. What we need to know this morning is that "The Lord in the midst of thee is mighty," and he works according to His Word.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, October 11, 2021
Every Believer 10/12 Tuesday Truth
I will not be posting on Tuesday (for Wednesday) due to a very busy schedule.
Every believer should be a living epistle of the Word, one who is "read and known of all men." Your very presence should bring such a witness of the Spirit that every one with whom you come in contact would know that you are a "sent" one, a light in the world, a manifestation of the Christ, and last of all, that you are a "biblical" Christian.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Dare to Believe God 10/11 Monday Meditation
Just think of what would happen if we only dared to believe God! Oh, for a faith that leaps into the will of God and says, Amen!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, October 7, 2021
What God Wants Us to Be 10/8 Friday Faith
Just ordered a new book of the complete works of Maria Woodworth-Etter. I'll start quoting her when I finish the Smith Wigglesworth quotes sometime in the winter.
God is love. He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God. God wants to take ordinary men and bring them out into extraordinary conditions.
God has room for the thirsty man, who is crying out for more of Himself.
It is not what we are, but it is what God wants us to be.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
The Living Word 10/7 Thursday Thoughts
For God's Word is:
Supernatural in origin.
Eternal in duration.
Inexpressible in valor.
Infinite in scope.
Regenerative in power.
Infallible in authority.
Universal in application.
Inspired in totality:
Read it through.
Write it down.
Pray it in.
Work it out.
Pass it on.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
If We Open Ourselves to God 10/6 Wednesday Wisdom
God wants to give a great multiplication in the knowledge of Himself. Then faith will rise, and we shall know the wonderful flow of the peace of God. If we open ourselves to God, God will flow through us.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, October 4, 2021
Be on Fire 10/5 Tuesday Truth
But God wants a man to be on fire so that he will always speak as an oracle [spokesman] of God. He wants to so build that man on the foundations of God that everyone who sees and hears him will say, "That is a new man after the order of the Spirit."
"Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." - 2 Corinthians 5:17
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, October 3, 2021
10 Reasons God Used Smith Wigglesworth 10/4 Monday Meditation
Got this from "Smith Wigglesworth a Man of One Book" Facebook group:
#1 Smith always had a deep hunger for God even as a little boy. He never lost this hunger.
#2 Prayer and intimacy with God was number one on Smiths' daily schedule.
#3 He had a passion for souls, never-ending desire to win people to Jesus his whole life as a Christian.
#4 He was a man of one book, the Bible! This is a Major, Major Reason why God could move through him in such mighty ways.
#5 He was a doer of God's word. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, ministering, and sharing the truth even when he could not communicate very well to everyone he met. This is even before he was baptized in the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues.
#6 He was a man Full of Faith and Integrity
#7 He never allowed covetousness to take a hold of his heart. Even though he became extremely successful in the last days of his life, he never used it for personal gain.
#8 He Was a Holy Ghost Man Through And through! Always very responsive to the leading of the spirit.
#9 He Loved God in every part of his being. It could be said of him like it was of David of old: who do I have in heaven but you, there is none on earth I desire besides you!
#10 He was faithful in whatever God called him to do because he had a servant's heart. It never was about Wigglesworth, but all about Jesus. He was a Jesus man through and through!
Thursday, September 30, 2021
If You Believe in Him 10/1 Friday Faith
Faith in God, power with God, lies in the knowledge of the Word of God. We are no better than our faith. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. If you believe in Him, you are purified for He is pure. You are strengthened for He is strong. You are made whole because He is whole.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Power of the Holy Spirit in You 9/30 Thursday Thoughts
If you wish to be anything for God, do not miss His plan. God has no room for you on ordinary lines. You must realize that within you there is the power of the Holy Spirit, who is forming within you everything you require.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
A Vital Power 9/29 Wednesday Wisdom
When a man is filled with the Holy Ghost, he has a vital power that makes people know he has seen God. He ought to be in such a place that if he should go into a neighbor's house, or out amongst people, they will feel that God has come in their midst.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, September 27, 2021
Do What Pleases Him 9/30 Tuesday Truth
God wants you to be so balanced in spiritual unction that you will always be able to do what pleases Him, and not that which shall please other people. or yourself.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Feast on the Word 9/27 Monday Meditation
Beloved, we get God's Word so wonderfully in our hearts that it absolutely changes us in everything. And as we so feast on the Word of the Lord, so eat and digest the truth, inwardly eat of Christ -- we are changed every day from one state of glory to another. You will never find anything else but the Word that takes you there, so you cannot afford to put aside that Word.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Another Hour 9/24 Friday Faith
[How does this contrast with our church services today? Why the difference?]
The meetings ought to be so free in the Spirit that people would always go away with the feeling, "Oh, I wish the meeting had gone on for another hour."
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Be In Tune With God 9/23 Thursday Thoughts
I always say that you cannot sing victory on a minor key. If your life is not in constant pitch, you will never ring the bells of heaven. You must always be in tune with God, and then the music will come out as sweet as possible. We must be the mouthpiece of God, not by letter but by the Spirit, and we must be so in the will of God that He will rejoice over us with singing.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Righteousness 9/22 Wednesday Wisdom
God wants to fix it in our hearts that we are to be like Him; like Him in character. God wants righteousness in the inward parts, that we may be pure through and through. The Bible is the plumb line of everything, and unless we are plumbed right up with the Word of God, we will fail in righteousness.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, September 20, 2021
Feast of Tabernacles -- Happy Birthday, Jesus 9/21 Tuesday Truth
The final and most joyous festival of the year began at sundown Monday, September 20, 2021, and continues for seven days. It is called Feast of Tabernacles (or Shelters or Booths), Feast of Ingathering, Season of Our Rejoicing, or Sukkot. It celebrates God's care and protection during forty years of wandering in the wilderness and His continuing sustenance. It is a time of thanksgiving for the harvest, insuring their survival for another year.
All Jews made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. They made and lived in temporary shelters (sukkah booths) recalling their years of wandering. In modern times families or congregations build outdoor shelters filled with harvest decorations and they often eat their meals and invite guests to visit their sukkahs.
It was during the Feast of Tabernacles' illumination ceremony that Jesus said, "I am the light of the world." It was during the water pouring ceremony that Jesus said, "I am the living water."
There is evidence by comparing time frames in the Scriptures to show that Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles. Many Messianic Jews celebrate the birth of Jesus at this time and not at Christmas.
"Jesus is God tabernacling among men. The word _dwelt_ in Greek implies a temporary dwelling, a sukkah booth. Jesus is God's ultimate sukkah booth. For God, in Jesus Christ, tabernacles among men. As the Temple was a temporary dwelling for the Shekinah (visible Glory of God), so Jesus tabernacling among us manifested the glory of God. He is the source of light and life to all who believe." (The Fall Feasts of Israel, by Mitch and Zhava Glaser)
In God's timetable of the Fall Festivals, Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) foreshadows the Rapture, Yom Kippur foreshadows the Final Judgment, and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) represents the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven.
Sunday, September 19, 2021
I Delight to Do Thy Will 9/20 Monday Meditation
In Him we live and move, and reign over all things. It is no more "thou shalt not." It is God's will, revealed to us in Christ. "I delight to do Thy will, O God." And, beloved, in our hearts there is exceeding glory. Oh, the joy of the celestial touch this morning!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Possessing the Gifts 9/17 Friday Faith
But is there not a vast and appalling unconcern about possessing the gifts? Ask a score of saints chosen at random from almost any assembly, "Have you any of the gifts of the Spirit?" and the answer will be, "No," and given in a tone and with a manner that conveys the thought that the saint is not surprised at not having the gifts, that he doesn't expect to have any of them, and does not expect to seek for them. Isn't this terrible when the living Word exhorts us specifically to "covet earnestly the best gifts"?
So in order that the gift might be everything and in evidence, we have to see that we cease to live excepting for His glory. He works with us, we work with Him, cooperative, working together. This is divine. Surely this is God's plan.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Be Ye Holy 9/16 Thursday Thoughts
I take the words of the epistle this morning, which says by the Holy Ghost, "Be ye holy." (I Peter 1:16). It is as easy as possible to be holy, but you can never be holy by your own efforts. When you lose your heart and Another takes your heart, and you lose your desires and He takes the desires, then you live in that sunshine of bliss which no mortal can ever touch.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
The Meaning of Yom Kippur 9/15 Wednesday Wisdom
As you know, I like to educate Christians on their Hebrew roots. Yom Kippur begins at sunset Wednesday, Sept. 15, and ends at sunset Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021. It is God's appointed day for atonement of sins. Jesus would have observed Yom Kippur, and He is the fulfillment of it.
In biblical times, the high priest made animal sacrifices, and the scapegoat was sent into the wilderness to take away the sins of the people.
from Wikipedia: According to Jewish tradition, God inscribes each person's fate for the coming year into a book, the Book of Life, on Rosh Hashanah, and waits until Yom Kippur to "seal" the verdict. During the ten Days of Awe, a Jewish person tries to amend his or her behavior and seek forgiveness for wrongs done against God and against other human beings... At the end of Yom Kippur, one hopes that their sins have been forgiven by God.
Jesus is the fulfillment of Yom Kippur. By His blood sacrifice He has taken away our sins once and for all so that sacrifices are no longer needed. No longer do we need to "hope" that our sins have been forgiven.
Monday, September 13, 2021
Saved by the Power of God 9/14 Tuesday Truth
You are eternally saved by the power of God. Do not be led astray by anything, do not take your feelings for your salvation, do not take anybody's word for your salvation. Believe that God's Word is true. What does it say?
"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, September 12, 2021
The Secret of Spiritual Success 9/13 Monday Meditation
The secret of spiritual success is a hunger that persists. It is an awful condition to be satisfied with one's spiritual attainment... God was and is looking for hungry, thirsty people.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Let Him Do With You What Seems Good 9/10 Friday Faith
Therefore let Him do with you what seemeth Him good, for He has His hand upon you and He will not willingly take it off till He has performed the thing He knows you need. So if He comes with a fan, be ready for the fan. [fanning mill that separates wheat from chaff -- Lep] If He comes with chastisement, be ready for chastisement. If He comes with correction, be ready for correction. Whatever He wills to do, let Him do it and He will bring you to the land of plenty. Oh, it is worth the world to be under the power of the Holy Ghost!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
God's Love Toward Us 9/9 Thursday Thoughts
I have great love for my boys in England, great love for my daughter here; but it is nothing in comparison to God's love toward us. God's love is desirous that we should walk up and down the earth as His son, clothed, filled, radiant, with fire beaming forth from the countenance, setting forth the power of the Spirit...
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Your Will 9/8 Wednesday Wisdom
When your will becomes entirely the will of God, then you are clearly in the place where the Holy Ghost can make Jesus Lord in your life, Lord over your purchases, Lord over your selling, Lord over your eating and your drinking, your clothing and your choice of companionship.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, September 6, 2021
Never Be Weak Anymore 9/7 Tuesday Truth
I am satisfied that as we get to know the Son of God, we will never be weak anymore, the tide will be so turned.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Feast of Trumpets / Rosh Hashanah 9/6 Monday Meditation
Feast of Trumpets / Yom Teruah / Rosh Hashanah / Jewish New Year. Perhaps you have seen this holiday printed on a calendar and didn't have any idea of its significance. This biblically-mandated holy day begins at sundown on Tishri 1, 5782 (September 6, 2021). God spoke in Leviticus 23:23 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 24 “Speak to the children of Israel, saying: ‘In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. 25 You shall do no customary work on it; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the Lord.’ ” This is the only one of the seven biblical festivals for which no reason is given. The true reason for this festival becomes apparent only in the New Testament when we learn of the blowing of "the last trumpet" when Jesus returns. The first four festivals were fulfilled literally in the life of Christ. The three fall festivals will be fulfilled in The Last Days.
"Ancient Jewish tradition held that the resurrection of the dead would occur on Rosh Hashanah." (The Feasts of the Lord, by Kevin Howard and Marvin Rosenthal)
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Get Lost in Him 9/3 Friday Faith
Never let us do anything to lose this divine love, the close affection in our hearts that say, "Not I, but Christ, not I, but Christ!" I want to say forget yourself and get lost in Him. Lose all your identification in the Son of God, let Him become all in all, seek only the Lord and let Him be glorieied. You will have gifts, you will have grace, and wisdom. God is waiting for the man that will lay all on the altar, 52 weeks in the year, 365 days in the year, and then contiue perpetually in the Holy Ghost.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Greater Is He 9/2 Thursday Thoughts
Anything that takes me from an attitude of worship, peace, and joy, of consciousness of God's presence, has a satanic source. Greater is He that is in you.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
One Idea 9/1 Wednesday Wisdom
We must all have one idea -- to be filled with the Holy Ghost, to be filled with God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, August 30, 2021
God Has a Plan for Us 8/31 Tuesday Truth
God has a plan for us in this life of the Spirit, this abundant life. Jesus came that we might have life. Satan comes to steal and kill and destroy, but God has for us abundance, full measure, presssed down, shaken together, overflowing, abundant measure. God filling us with His own personality, presence, making us salt and light and giving us revelation of Himself. God with us in all circumstances and afflictions, persecutions, in every trial, girding us with truth.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Open Your Heart 8/30 Monday Meditation
Beloved, if there is anything in your life that in any way resists the power of the Holy Ghost and the entrance of His Word into your heart and life, drop on your knees and CRY ALOUD for mercy! When th Spirit of God is "brooding" over your heart's door, do not resist Him, but open your heart to the touch of God.
--- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Holy Expectations 8/27 Friday Faith
He has a plan for every individual life, and if we have any other plan in view, we miss the grandest plan of all! Norhting of the past is equal to the present, and nothing of the present can equal the things of tomorrow, for "tomorrow" should be so filled with holy expectatiions that we will be "living lfames" for Him.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
The Heritage of the Church 8/26 Thursday Thoughts
"Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" "Are you filled with divine power?"
This is the heritage of the Church, to be so endued with power that God can lay His hand upon any member at any time to do His perfect will. There is no "stop" in the Spirit-filled life.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
What Is Belief? 8/25 Wednesday Wisdom
And what is belief? Sum it up in a few sentences. To believe is to have the knowledge of Him in whom you believe, it is not to believe in the word Jesus, but to believe in the nautre, to believe in the vision, for all power is given untio Him, and greater is He that is within thee in the the revelation of faith than he that is in the world.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, August 23, 2021
Hot Today and Cold Tomorrow 8/23 Tuesday Truth
God has no need of a man who is hot today and cold tomorrow; He needs men who are hot today and hotter tomorrow and still hotter the next day -- that is the man who is going to touch the glory. The Lord never changes, He is just the same; if you change it does not mean to say God has changed.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Executive Power in the Word 8/23 Monday Meditation
I believe the Word of God is so powerful that it can transform any and every life. There is power in God's Word to make that which does appear to appear. There is executive power in the Word that proceeds from His lips. The psalmist tells us, "He sent His word, and healed them..." (Psalm 107:20). And do you think that Word has diminished in its power. I tell you nay, but Goid's Word can bring things to pass today as of old.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, August 19, 2021
Get Your Eyes on God 8/20 Friday Faith
Here they lay, a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, around that pool, waiting for the moving of the water. Did Jesus heal everybody? He left many around that pool unhealed. There were doubtless many who had their eyes on the pool and who had no eyes for Jesus. There are many today who have their confidence all the time in things seen. if they would only get their eyes on God instead of on natural things, how quickly they would be helped.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
In a Lifting Place 8/19 Thursday Thoughts
We are in a lifting place. It is not what we are now: it is what God has designed for us.
--- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Sin and Righteousness 8/18 Wednesday Wisdom
Sin has death in its sting; righteousness has heaven in its illumination.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, August 16, 2021
Real Men 8/17 Tuesday Truth
Only as men become Godlike do they become real men.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, August 15, 2021
The Divine Plan 8/16 Monday Meditation
It is the divine plan, and the divine will that we should live in the world triumphant over it, so the lust of the flesh and the pride of life will not control.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, August 12, 2021
When We Have Nothing 8/13 Friday Faith
When we have nothing, we possess all things. It is absolutely at the end of us that God begins. When you come to a place where He alone girds you with strength, then all the promises are yours.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Victory Straight Ahead 8/12 Thursday Thoughts
As soon as you reach a standard where you hate sin, victory is right over you.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Victory Over Temptation 8/11 Wednesday Wisdom
There is no person ever able to talk about the victory over temptation without [unless] he goes through it. All the victories are won in battles.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, August 9, 2021
Make Higher Ground 8/10 Tuesday Truth
You must every day make higher ground. You must deny yourself to get on with God. You must refuse everything that is not pure and holy and separate. God wans you pure in heart. He wants your intense desire after holiness.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, August 8, 2021
The Divine Likeness 8/9 Monday Meditation
May the divine likeness of Him who is the express image of the Father dwell in you richly, abounding through all, supplying every need, bringing you into a place where you know the hand of God is leading you from treasure to treasure, from grace to grace, from victory to victory, from glory until glory, by the Spirit of the Lord.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, August 5, 2021
He Alone 8/6 Friday Faith
It is only He, it is He who rolls away the cloud. He alone is the One who lifts the fallen, cheers the faint, brings fresh oil, and changes the countenance. It is the Lord thy God. He has seen thy misery, He has known thy heart brokenness, and He has known how near you seem to be to despair...
Oh, beloved, God is in the midst of us to help us into these wonderful divine places of appointment!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Two Kinds of Baptism 8/5 Thursday Thoughts
Baptizing in water is an emblem of death, and the moment a person is immersed in the water, he is lifted out. But not so with the baptism with the Holy Spirit. To be baptized in the Holy Ghost is every day to be deeper in, never lifted out, never coming out...
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, July 22, 2021
You Never Lose So Much 7/23 Friday Faith
This will be my last post until about August 4.
Remember this: you never lose so much as when you lose your peace.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
"But" 7/22 Thursday Thoughts
I will not be posting July 26 - August 4 (starts next Monday).
BE NOT LOPSIDED. Lots of people have good things -- but. Lots of people might be very remarkably used -- but. Lots of people might soar into wonderful places of divine positions with God -- but. And it is the "but" that spoils it... So it is the "but" in the way that is spoiling the best.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, July 19, 2021
Let Him Be Lord! 7/20 Tuesday Truth
The Lord wants you to be in a great place, the Holy Ghost having such control of your inner eyes to reveal the fulness of the Lord of life, till Jesus is magnified tremendously by the revelation of the Holy Ghost, till He becomes Lord over all things, over your affections, your will, your purposes, your plans, and your wishes forever. Let Him be Lord!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, July 18, 2021
To Believe God 7/19 Monday Meditation
Oh, to believe God! Oh, to rest upon what He says, for there is not one jot or tittle of the Word which shall fail till all is fulfilled! Has He not promised and will He not also perform? Our blessed Lord of life and glory impressed upon us before He left that He would send the Comforter and when He came He should take the words of Jesus and He would pray through us and whatsoever we would ask, the Lord would hear us.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, July 12, 2021
There God Will Meet You 7/13 Tuesday Truth
This will be my last post of the week.
Jacob cried, "Don't go till you have blessed me." God will bless you there. A place of helplessness and brokenness, there God will meet you. Have you been there?
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, July 11, 2021
Strength Will Come to You 7/12 Monday Meditation
I will be posting only for Monday and Tuesday this week.
Yea, beloved, this is the day of the visitation of the Lord... Look at Him tonight, you needy ones.
As you gaze upon Him you will be changed, a strength will come to you, you will exchange strength. He is the God of Jacob, the God of the helpless and undone.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, July 8, 2021
Transforming and Changing You 7/9 Friday Faith
I will be posting only for Monday and Tuesday next week.
It is a new creation, a birth unto righteousness by faith in the Atonement, transforming and changing you till you are controlled, dominated, and filled with the Spirit of Jesus. Still in the body, governed by the Spirit, with fruit unto holiness and the end eternal life... Oh, Lord, reveal Thyself unto this people, and give them unfeigned love and faith. Then [they] will stand persecution, ridicule, slander.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Transforming Us 7/8 Thursday Thoughts
He can make us overcomers, destroying the power of sin and indwelling us by His mighty power, transforming us until we love righteousness and hate iniquity, so that we can be holy.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, July 5, 2021
God Saves Through the Heart 7/6 Tuesday Truth
Posting today but maybe not tomorrow.
No person need be without the knowledge that they are not only saved, but that God can live in these bodies. You are begotten the moment you believe, until a lively hope. "He that believeth hath eternal life." You have eternal life the moment you believe. The first life is temporal, natural, material, but in the new birth you exist as long as God -- forever. We are begotten by an incorruptible power, but the Word of God. The new birth is unto righteousness, begotten by God the moment that you believe. God always saves through the heart. He that believeth in the heart and confesseth with his mouth shall be saved.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Only Believe 7/2 Friday Faith
I will not be posting on Monday or Tuesday.
But Jesus said, "Be not afraid, only believe" (Mark 5:36). He speaks the word just in time! When the tumult is the worst, the pain the most severe, the cancer gripping the body, then the word comes, "Only believe." When everything seems as though it will fail, and is practically hopeless, the Word of God comes to us, "Only believe."
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Weak and Strong 7/1 Thursday Thoughts
I will not be posting for next Monday and Tuesday.
If it is God, it is all right, but if it yourself, it is all wrong. When you are weak, then you are strong. When you are strong in your own strength, you are weak. You must realize this and live only in the place where the power of God rests upon you, and where the Spirit moves within you. Then God will mightily manifest His power and you will know as Jesus said, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me."
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
After Tonight 6/30 Wednesday Wisdom
I cannot be any more after tonight what I was today, and tomorrow is mightier than today.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, June 28, 2021
Stand on the Word 6/28 Tuesday Truth
God wants everybody without exception, to begin on the Word of God, and to act. It will be the most surprising thing that ever came, as you stand on the word it will be an amazing thing.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, June 27, 2021
A Life Where God Rules 6/28 Monday Meditation
The Lord wants us to understand that we must come to a place where our natural life ceases, and by the power of God we rise into a life where God rules, where He reigns. Do you long to know Him? Do you long to be found in Him? The longing shall be satisfied this day. This is a day of putting on and being clothed upon in God. I ask you to fall in the presence of God, all you that want to know God, yield to His mighty power and obey the Spirit.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Troubles Almost Crushed You 6/24 Friday Faith
My brother, my sister, you have been nearly weighed down with troubles. They have almost crushed you. Sometimes you thought you would never get out of this place of difficulty but you have no idea that behind the whole thing God has been working a plan greater than all.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
He Is Always There 6/24 Thursday Thoughts
There is a place of seclusion, a place of rest and faith in Jesus where there is nothing else like it. Jesus came to them on the water and they were terrified, but He said, "It is I; be not afraid." My brother, He is always there. He is there in the storm as well as in the peace; He is there in the adversity. When shall we know He is there? When we are "found in Him," not having our own work, our own plan, but resting in the omnipotent plan of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Softening 1000 Times a Day 6/23 Wednesday Wisdom
There are a thousand things in the nucleus of a human heart which need softening a thousand times a day. There are things in us that unless God shows us the excellency of the knowledge of Him, will never be broken and brought to ashes. But God will do it.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, June 21, 2021
God Makes Weakness Strength 6/22 Tuesday Truth
And I say, brother, sister, unless God brings us into a place of brokenness of spirit, unless God remolds us in the great plan of His will for us, the best of us shall utterly fail. But when we are absolutely taken in hand by the Almighty God, God makes even weakness strength... where you come out shining as gold tried in the fire.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Strive for Holiness 6/21 Monday Meditation
A man does not fall because he makes a blunder, he falls because he makes a blunder the second time. But God does not want us to fall but to be kept by His grace from falling, and to strive for holiness.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, June 17, 2021
A Quote for Fathers' Day 6/18 Friday Faith
Only as men become godlike and holy do they become real men.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
New All the Time 6/17 Thursday Thoughts
Every day there must be a revival touch in our hearts. Every day must change us after His fashion. We are to be made new all the time.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Let Us Live Holiness 6/16 Wednesday Wisdom
Let us live holiness, and revival will come down.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, June 14, 2021
A Thousand Times Greater 6/15 Tuesday Truth
God [is] in us for a world, that the world may be blessed. Power to lay hold of omnipotence and impart to others the Word of life. This is to be a new epoch, new vision, new power. Christ in us is a thousand times greater than we know. All things are possible if you dare believe. The treasure is in earthen vessels that Jesus may be glorified.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, June 13, 2021
God Is Our Foundation 6/14 Monday Meditation
God is our foundation, the Word of God is our standing. We are here to glorify God. I know how weak I am... Believe what God has said. We must be in our place ready for the opportunity. God wants to give us divine life from heaven. The gates of hell shall not prevail against it... You shall open the kingdom of heaven and shut the gates of hell.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, June 10, 2021
When We Forget the Lord 6/11 Friday Faith
We are only weak and helpless when we forget the visitation of the Lord. From the uttermost to the uttermost. Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
He Is Always There 6/10 Thursday Thoughts
Oh, to be found in the place where He is -- always there, never out of order, ripe. How did He get there? He was there all the time. We need to have our eyes open. Always there, to bring us to the place where we are confident; the Lord is with us. There is such a place; Abraham touched it. Jesus lived in it. Paul desired to have it. Have you got it?
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Willing to Fill Us 6/9 Wednesday Wisdom
The Spirit of God will always reveal the Lord Jesus Christ. Serve Him, love Him, be filled with Him. It is lovely to hear Him as He makes Himself known to us. He is the same yesterday; today and forever. He is willing to fill us with the Holy Ghost and faith just as He filled Stephen.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, June 7, 2021
Made Extraordinary in God 6/8 Tuesday Truth
Stephen was an ordinary man made extraordinary in God. We may be very ordinary, but God wants to make us extraordinary in the Holy Ghost. God is ready to touch nd to transform you right now.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, June 6, 2021
No Unbelief, No Wavering 6/7 Monday Meditation
Stephen was a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost. God declares it. God so manifested Himself in Stephen's body that he became an epistle of truth, known and read of all. Full of faith! Such men never talk doubt. You never hear them say, "I wish it could be so; or if it is God's will." No if's. They know. You never hear them say, "Well, it does not always act." They say, "It is sure to be." They laugh at impossibilities and cry, "It shall be done!" A man full of faith hopes against hope. He shouts while the walls are up and they come down while he shouts! God has this faith for us in Christ. We must be careful that no unbelief is found in us, no wavering.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, June 3, 2021
God Has Forgiven and Forgotten 6/4 Friday Faith
It is not what we are that counts, but what we can be as He disciplines and chastens us and transforms us by His all-skilled hands... There is none like Him. He knows. He forgives. We cannot forgive ourselves; we oftentimes would give the world to forget, but we cannot. The devil won't let us forget. But God has forgiven and forgotten. Do you believe self, or the devil, or God? Which are you going to believe? Believe God. I know the past is under the blood and that God has forgiven and forgotten, for when He forgives He forgets. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
--Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
He'll Never Forget to Keep Me 6/3 Wednesday Wisdom
Who are of the tribe of Abraham? All who believe in Jesus Christ are the seed of faith, Abraham's seed. If we dare come believing, God will heal, God will restore, will lift the burden and wake us up to real overcoming faith. Look up! Take courage! Jesus has shaken the foundations of death and darkness. He fighteth for you and there is none like Him. He is the great I Am. His name is above every name. As we believe we are lifted into a place of rest, a place of conformity to Him. He says to us as He did to Abraham, "...I will bless thee... and thou shalt be a blessing" (Genesis 12:2). He says to us as He did to His people of old, "With lovingkindness have I drawn thee." Hallelujah! "He'll never forget t keep me, He'll never forget to keep me; my Father has many dear children, but He'll never forget to keep me." Believe it. He will never forget.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Free in the Spirit 6/2 Wednesday Wisdom
I knew a brother who carried out bags of coal. He had been in bed three weeks away from his work. I showed him a verse in Romans 7:25. "I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin." I said, "Keep your mind on God and go to work, shout victory." He did, and the first day he was able to carry a hundred bags, his mind stayed on God and kept in peace. If your peace is disturbed, there is something wrong. If you are not free in the Spirit, your mind is in the wrong place.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, May 31, 2021
The Presence of God 5/28 Friday Faith
Taking a one-day break from Smith Wigglesworth to share this great quote from Charles G. Finney.
I will not be posting for Memorial Day or probably Tuesday.
If the presence of God is in the church, the church will draw the world in. If the presence of God is not in the church, the world will draw the church out.
-- Charles G. Finney
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Because He Said It 5/27 Thursday Thoughts
I will not be posting for Memorial Day and probably not for Tuesday.
"Greater works than these shall ye do." You say, "How?" Only believe. What is it to believe? It is to have such confidence in what the Lord said that we take Him at His Word because He said it. Glory to God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
God Never Fails 5/16 Wednesday Wisdom
God says, "Not one word shall fail, of all that I have promised." Sometime we fail, but God never does. Hallelujah.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, May 24, 2021
So Filled 5/25 Tuesday Truth
We should be so filled with the power of God that we should not know what it is to have a body. Hallelujah!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Greater Power Within You 5/24 Monday Meditation
The baptism of the Holy Ghost should empower you for any emergency. "Ye shall have power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you." Within you there is a greater power than there is in the world. Oh, to be awakened out of our unbelief into a place of daring for God!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, May 20, 2021
A Constant Offering 5/21 Friday Faith
Nothing less will please the Lord, only a constant, full burnt offering for God, where He is in absolute and utter authority over my whole being, until I am living, thinking, acting in the power of the Holy Ghost. Praise the Lord!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Too Big to Tell 5/20 Thursday Thoughts
There is no power that can convert a man except the power of the blood of Jesus. Brother, the carnal life is not subject to the will of God, neither indeed can be. Carnality is selfishness and uncleanness. It cannot be subject to God; it interferes with you; it binds and keeps you in bondage; but, beloved, God destroys carnality by a new life, which is so much better, and fills you with joy unspeakable and full of glory. The half can never be told. Everything that God does is too big to tell. His grace, His love, His mercy, His salvation, are all too big to understand.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Holy Ghost Has Got Me 5/19 Wednesday Wisdom
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Holy Ghost Has Got Me 5/19 Wednesday Wisdom
It was a tremendous thought for me to know that I had received the Holy Ghost, but I am coming to a great wonderment of splendor to know that the Holy Ghost has at last got me!
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
An Abundant God 5/13 Thursday Thoughts
Do you not know that ours is an abundant God, who is able to do for us far exceeding and abundantly above all that we can ask or think? We are illuminated and quickened by the Spirit, looking forward to a day of rapture when we will be caught up and lifted into the presence of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
I will not be posting late this week or early next week (dates uncertain) due to vacation.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
A Godlikeness to Attain 5/12 Wednesday Wisdom
Brother, sister, I tell you there is a redemption, there is an atonement in Christ, a personality of Christ to dwell in you; there is a Godlikeness for you to attain unto; a blessed resemblance of Christ, of "God in you"that shall not fail if you believe the Word of God.
--- Smith Wigglesworth
I will not be posting late this week or early next week (dates uncertain) due to vacation.
Monday, May 10, 2021
Perfect and Entire and Overcoming 5/11 Tuesday Truth
I will not be posting late this week or early next week (dates uncertain) due to vacation.
May the Holy Ghost give us today an inward knowledge of what it is to believe. It is God's purpose to make every believer to subdue everything and to make you perfect and entire and overcoming.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Believe the Word 5/10 Monday Meditation
It is one thing to read the Word of God, another thing to believe it. It is possible to be real and earnest and have zeal and fastings and yet not to have faith. And do you not know that one little bit of faith which can come through the Word of God is worth more than all your cryings --all your rolling on the floor -- all your screaming and everything; but beloved, God is better than anything.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, May 6, 2021
You Have Been With Jesus 5/7 Friday Faith
Directly after the baptism of the Holy Ghost came, those crooked, indifferent and peculiar disciples were transformed till one day Peter and John came down and mixed with the people who said: "They are unlearned and ignorant but we see that they have been with Him." Can they say that about us? Have we been with Jesus? Do not think you will comfort people by singing wonderful hymns -- they are lovely. Do not think you will comfort people any other way but by the Word of God being made manifest in that you have been with Jesus.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
God Can Take Our Weakness 5/6 Thursday Thoughts
When I know that God can take my weakness and make it power; when He can take our weakness and depravity and make us holy, then I know I have a God of immensity.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Only Fire Will Make Water Boil 5/5 Wednesday Wisdom
If you have to be the oracles of God -- the apostles of Christ, and as those quickened from the dead, enlarged by the Spirit, intensified with the zeal of the Almighty and made a river -- you will have to be on fire, for nothing but fire will make the water boil.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, May 3, 2021
Why We Do Not Receive the Holy Ghost 5/4 Tuesday Truth
Then why do we not all receive the Holy Ghost, you ask? Because the bodies are not ready for it; the temples are not cleansed. When the temples are purified and the minds put in order so that carnalities and fleshly desires and everything has gone, then the Holy Ghost can take full charge.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Ready for the Kingdom 5/3 Monday Meditation
Thank you to several people who were concerned about my health. I am fine now. Thanks for asking and for your concern.
Paul goes so far as to say that some people have very strange ideas of who will be ready for the coming of the Kingdom. All in Christ will be ready, and you have got to decide whether you are in that or not. The Scripture says in the first verse of Romans eighth chapter:
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
If you are there -- Praise the Lord! That is a good position. I pray the Lord that He will bring us all into that place -- what a wonder it will be.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Friday, April 30, 2021
Great God, Little Devil 4/30 Friday Faith
I have not posted the last couple days due to illness.
If you have a great God, you will have a little devil; if you have a big devil, you will have a little God, so may the Lord let us see that we must be so full of the order of the Spirit of life that we are always overcoming him which had the power of death -- even the devil.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, April 26, 2021
God Has Wonderful Things 4/27 Monday Meditation
I'm sorry that there was no Monday Medittion due to illness.
God has for us wonderful things. Many days in the past have been wonderful, but no day is like the present. The Holy Ghost lifting us into His presence, the power flowing, our whole being flaming with the glory of God. Here is God's divine plan for humanity when the Holy Ghost has come. Today we are nearer the goal, the vision is clearer, the Holy Ghost bringing us into the treasure of the Most High... There is no room for weakness if we see this mighty incoming life through the Spirit.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, April 22, 2021
What Things God Does 4/23 Friday Faith
Ah, what things God does for us when we only believe. He is so rich to all that call upon Him. What possibilities there are in this meeting if we would only believe in the divine presence, for God is here. The power of the Spirit is here... All things are possible to him that believeth...
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Jesus Is With Us Today 4/22 Thursday Thoughts
"And besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live. And Jesus went with him..." (Mark 5:23,24). I want you to know that this same Jesus is in the midst of His people today. He is right here with His ministry of power and blessing.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
He Will Carry You Through 4/21 Wednesday Wisdom
We never know how weak we are until we are covered by His mighty strength -- not to fail -- but to stand for God and having done all to stand, Jesus will carry us through.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, April 19, 2021
God Wants Firebrands 4/20 Tuesday Truth
It is a poor people who cannot praise the Lord. Suppression of praise never disturbs the devil. God wants firebrands -- lives aflame by the power of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, April 18, 2021
No Dreary Days 4/19 Monday Meditation
When we get into the Spirit, time has gone. In the Spirit and the glory a thousand years are as one day. If I live in the Spirit, I have no dreary days. Some days the sun shines more, but it makes no difference.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, April 12, 2021
Your "I" Knocked Out 4/13 Tuesday Truth
This will be the final post of the week.
The greatest opportunity God has afforded to men -- submit to Almighty God... Your "I" must be knocked out and your personality be fully surrendered to God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, April 11, 2021
In Him in Spite of the Storm 4/12 Monday Meditation
Are you at your wit's end, or in a tried place... ? Brothers and sisters, there is a place where God puts you in a place, where you are in Him, however severe the storm or strain my come.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Friday, April 9, 2021
Let God Have You For the Future 4/9 Friday Faith
"I have failed a thousand times," you say. Never mind, brother. Is your heart warmed? Do you love to be beaten, or do you love to come into line with Him? . . . What is the desire of your heart? You may be sorry for the past, but let God have you for the future.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
I will be posting only Monday and Tuesday next week.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Never Mind the Past 4/8 Thursday Thoughts
I look back at you today and I say never mind the past. You may have a thousand things that spoil you -- forget them. Count that God has overcome for you in order that you shall overcome and present you faultless, yea spotless, in the presence of the King...
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Know Him More 4/7 Wednesday Wisdom
Oh, we have a wonderful God, we must know Him and we must let nothing come between us that we do not get to know Him more...
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, April 5, 2021
Greater Than the Adversary 4/6 Tuesday Truth
No man, whoever he is, will ever make progress without [unless] he learns that he is greater than the adversary. If you don't learn, if you don't understand, if you don't come into line today with the thought that you are greater than the adversary, you will find out that you have a struggle in your life.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Good Friday Meditation 4/2 Friday Faith
I will not be posting on Easter Monday, April 5. Have a blessed Resurrection Day, everyone!
He trod the winepress alone, despising the cross and the shame. He bore it all alone that we might be partakers of the divine nature, sharers in the divine plan of living, holiness... He was without sin. They saw the Lamb of God in a new way... All Jesus said came to pass. Signs, wonders, mighty deeds. Only believe, and yield and yield, until all the vision is fulfilled.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Able to Stand 4/1 Thursday Thoughts
These are days when Satan is very great, oh yes, he is tremendously busy seeking whom he may devour, but I am finding out this: that God has blessed me and has blessed us that we will be in a place where we are more than overcomers. It is to have a shout at the end off the fight -- to not only overcome, but to be able to stand when we have overcome, not fallen down.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Come Up Higher 3/31 Wednesday Wisdom
The design of God's Son for us is to be so much greater in this world than we have ever comprehended... My eyes are looking up, my heart is surrendered. My heart is big and enlarged in the presence of God, for I want to hear one word from God, "Come up higher" and God will give us that. Higher into a holy association.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, March 29, 2021
Knowledge, Joy, Faith, Peace 3/30 Tuesday Truth
You cannot have the knowledge of the Lord without joy. Joy in the knowledge of Him. Faith, grace is peace. Not long petitions, but faith is peace. Where faith is undisturbed is peace. Eternal faith daring to believe what God has said.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, March 28, 2021
The Word of God 3/29 Monday Meditation
All our hope is in the Word of the living God. The Word of God abideth forever. Oh, the glorious truths found therein. Never compare this Book with other books. This is from heaven; it does not contain the Word of God, it is the Word of God. Supernatural in origin, eternal in duration, value, infinite in scope, divine in authorship. Read it through, pray it in, write it down. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, March 25, 2021
We Who Have Seen the King 3/26 Friday Faith
We are those who have seen the King, we have been quickened from the dead. God has wrought special miracles in us all; we are made with one great design and purpose.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Measure Yourself by the Word 3/25 Thursday Thoughts
We must not measure ourselves by ourselves, if we do we shall always be small. Measure yourself by the Word of God, the great measurement that God brings to you. Don't be fearful, He wants to make you strong, powerful, stalwart, resolute, resting upon the authority of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Trusting in Nothing but God 3/24 Wednesday Wisdom
When you have nothing you can possess all things. If you rely upon anything else, you cannot possess the greater things. The infinite God is behind the man who has no trust in earthly things, you are in a place where you are trusting in nothing but God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, March 22, 2021
Never Be the Same 3/23 Tuesday Truth
The Holy Ghost comes to abide... We can never be the same after that the Holy Ghost has come upon us (Acts 1:8). We must be instant in season and out of seaon, full of the Spirit, always abounding, always full of the life of God. Ready for every emergency.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, March 21, 2021
In a Great Place 3/22 Monday Meditation
A man is in a great place when he has no one to turn to but God. With only God to help, we are in a great place, God shall change the situation.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
I was interviewed for my friend's You Tube channel regarding my personal testimony of salvation and Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Here is a link: https://youtu.be/bklX4pQ3Re0
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Joy in the Morning 3/19 Friday Faith
Ah yes, the bitterness may come at night, but joy will come in the morning, Hallelujah! So many believers never look up. Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, "...Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me" (John 11:41). He cried with a loud voice, "...Lazarus, come forth" (v. 43). Beloved, God wants us to have some resurrection touch about us. We may enter into things that will bring us sorrow and trouble, but through them God will bring us to a deeper knowledge of Himself.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
He Can Mold You Afresh 3/18 Thursday Thoughts
Only melted gold is minted; only moistened clay is molded; only softened wax receives the seal; only broken, contrite hearts receive the mark as the Potter turns us on His wheel, shapen and burnt to take and keep the mark, the mold, the stamp of God's pure gold. He can put the stamp on this morning. He can mold you afresh. He can change the vision. He can move the difficulty. The Lord of Hosts is in the midst of thee and is waiting for thy affection.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
God Has a Way Out 3/17 Wednesday Wisdom
God wants us to see that every obstacle can be moved away. God brings us into a place where the difficulties are, where the pressure is, where the hard corner is, where everything is so difficult that you know there are no possibilities on the human side -- God must do it. All these places are of God's ordering. God allows trials, difficulties, temptations and perplexities to come right along our path, but there is not a temptation or trial which can come to man but God has a way out. You have not the way out; it is God who can bring you through.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, March 15, 2021
All Is Well 3/16 Tuesday Truth
It does not matter where you are if God is with you. He that is for you is a million times more than all who can be against you. Oh, if we could by the grace of God see that the beatitudes of God's divine power come to us with such sweetness, whispering to us, "Be still, My child. All is well."
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Hell Shall Not Prevail 3/15 Monday Meditation
We have not to go down to bring Him up nor up to bring Him down. He is nigh thee, He is in thy heart. The word of faith which we preach, and this is a living word, and God wants you all to know in this meeting tonight that if you only dare to act upon the divine principle that is written there, the gates of hell shall not prevail. Praise the Lord.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Only Believe! 3/21 Friday Faith
Only believe! Only believe! All things are possible, only believe. There is something very remarkable about that chorus. God wants to impress it so deeply on our hearts tonight that we may in our corners, rooms, private places, get so engrossed in the fact with this divine truth that if we will! only believe! He can get in us and out of us for others what otherwise would never be possible. Oh, for this to lay hold of us tonight that God comes to us afresh and says, "Only believe."
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Filled With Glory 3/11 Thursday Thoughts
Oh, this blessed Son of God wants to fill us with such glory till our whole body is aflame with the power of the Holy Ghost. I see there is a "much more." Glory to God! My daughter asked some African boys to tell us the difference between being saved and being filled with the Holy Ghost. "Ah," they said, "when we were saved it was very good, but when we received the Holy Ghost is was 'more so.'" Many of you have never received the "more so."
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Filled With All the Fulness of God 3/10 Wednesday Wisdom
Beloved, God the Holy Ghost wants to bring us to a great revelation of life. He wants us to be filled with all the fulness of God. [see Eph. 3:19]
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, March 8, 2021
True Repentance 3/9 Tuesday Truth
If you will turn to God with true repentance, He is plenteous in mercy and He will forgive you. Repentance means getting back to God. When Samson took hold of the pillars upon which the house stood, he pulled the walls down. God can give you strength and you can get hold of the posts and He will work through you. No matter what kind of a backslider you have been, there is power in the blood. "...the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin" (I John 1:7).
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Much More 3/8 Monday Meditation
Look at the fifth chapter of Romans and see how many times the expression "much more" is used. Oh, that we might take this grace of God and revel in the Word of God and be so full of expectancy, that we might have these "much mores" coming out as fruit in our lives.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Life Abundantly 3/5 Friday Faith
Samson has his name recorded in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews as being a man of faith. He was a man who was chosen of God from his mother's womb, but he only had the power of God coming upon him on certain occasions; whereas now we who have received the fulness of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, may have the unction which abides forever. The Lord has promised that we shall have life and have it abundantly.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
I Have All 3/4 Thursday Thoughts
Oh, the calmness of meeting with Jesus. All fears are gone. His tender mercy and indescribable peace is ours. I have all if I have Jesus.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Only Believe! 3/3 Wednesday Wisdom
Only believe! Only believe! God will not fail you, beloved. It is impossible for God to fail. Believe God, rest in Him. God's rest is an undisturbed place, a place where heaven bends to meet you.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, March 1, 2021
If Everybody Believed God 3/2 Tuesday Truth
There is nothing that can interfere with our coming into perfect blessing except unbelief. Unbelief is a terrible hindrance. As soon as we are willing to allow the Holy Ghost to have His way, we will find great things will happen all the time. But oh, how much of our own human reason we have to get rid of, how much human planning we have to become divorced from. What would happen right now if everybody believed God?
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Cannot Be Moved 3/1 Friday Faith
I'm sorry. I was unable to get out a "Friday Faith" due to illness.
Suppose that all the people in the world did not believe, that would make no difference to God's Word, it would be the same. You cannot alter God's Word. It is from everlasting to everlasting, and they who believe in it shall be like Mount Zion which cannot be moved.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Joint-Heirship 2/25 Thursday Thoughts
By faith, if we receive and accept His Son, God brings us into sonship, and not only into sonship but into joint-heirship, into sharing together with Him all that the Son possesses.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Limitless Possibilities 2/24 Wednesday Wisdom
I want you to see that as you receive the Son of God, and as Christ dwells in your heart by faith, there is a divine force, the power of limitless possibilities, within you, and that as a result of this incoming Christ, God wants to do great things through you.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, February 22, 2021
More Convinced Every Day 2/23 Tuesday Truth
I am more and more convinced every day I live that very few who are saved by the grace of God have a right conception of how great is their authority over darkness, demons, death, and every power of the enemy.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, February 21, 2021
The Word Has Power 2/22 Monday Meditation
The Word of God is wonderful. It is not only wonderful, but it has power to change conditions. Any natural condition can be changed by the Word of God, which is a supernatural power. In the Word of God is the breath, the nature, and the power of the living God, and His power works in every person who dares to believe His Word.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, February 18, 2021
God Has a Real Plan 2/19 Friday Faith
This Jesus is just the same today, and He says to you, "I will, be thou clean." He has an overflowing cup for thee, and fulness of life. He will meet you in your absolute helplessness. All thing are possible if you will only believe. God has a real plan. It is so simple. Just come to Jesus. You will find Him just the same as He was in days of old.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Was Jesus Willing? 2/18 Thursday Thoughts
The man cried, "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean" (Matthew 8:2). Was Jesus willing? You will never find Jesus missing an opportunity of doing good. You will find that He is always more willing to work than we are to give Him an opportunity to work. The trouble is, we do not come to Him, we do not ask Him for what He is more than willing to give.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Lack No Good Thing 2/17 Wednesday Wisdom
He that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God overcomes the world. You ask, "How can a man overcome the world because he believes that Jesus is the Son of God?" Because Jesus is so holy and you become His habitation. Jesus is so sweet, His love passeth all understanding. His wisdom passeth all knowledge, and therefore He comes to you with the wisdom of God and not of this world. He comes to you with peace not as the world giveth. He comes to you with boundless blessing, with a measure pressed down and running over. You do not require the world, for you have meat to eat that the world knows not of. God is a rewarder of all them that diligently seek Him, for they that seek Him shall lack no good thing.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, February 15, 2021
Be So Built Up 2/16 Tuesday Truth
God wants us all to be so built up in truth, righteousness, and the life of God that every person we come in contact with may know of a truth that we are of God. And we who are of God can assure our hearts before Him, and we can have perfect confidence.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, February 14, 2021
The Future Begins Today 2/15 Monday Meditation
The future is what you are today. The future is not what you are going to be tomorrow. This is the day when God makes the future possible. When God can get something through you today, tomorrow is filled with further illumination of God's possibility for you.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, February 11, 2021
More Than Ordinary 2/12 Friday Faith
Beloved, God wants us to be something more than ordinary people. Remember this, whoever you are, if you are ordinary you have not touched the ideal principles of God. The only thing that God has for a man is to be extraordinary... There are millions of ordinary people in the world... But when God lays hold of a man He makes him extraordinary in personality, power, unction, thought and activity.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
To Change Our Weakness 2/11 Thursday Thoughts
The power of possibility is in the reach of every man. The Holy Ghost is full of the rising tide. Every one of us can be filled to overflowing. God is here with His divine purpose to change our weakness into mighty strength and faith. The Word of God! Oh, brother, sister, have you got it! It is marrow to your bones. It is unction. It is resurrection from every weakness, it is life from the dead.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
A Quenchless Thirst 2/10 Wednesday Wisdom
God, just come and make me so that there is not a possibility for me to ever be satisfied but to have a quenchless thirst for the living God! And then I shall not be overtaken. Then I shall be ready. Then I shall have eyes which beam, filled with the extremity of delight looking at the Master.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, February 8, 2021
Wanting God 2/9 Tuesday Truth
Wanting God! Wanting fellowship in the Spirit! Wanting the walk with Him! Wanting communion with Him! Everything else is no good. You want the association with God, and God says, "I will come and walk with you. I will sup with you and you with Me, and I will live in you." A joyful hallelujah! Attaining to a spiritual majority, a fulness of Christ, a place where God becomes the perfect Father and the Holy Ghost has a rightful place now as never before.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, February 7, 2021
A Million Times Bigger 2/8 Monday Meditation
The Holy Ghost would have us clearly understand that we are a million times bigger than we know. Every Christian in this place has no conception of what you are. My heart is so big that I want to look in your faces and tell you if you only knew what you had, your body would scarcely be able to contain you.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Stand Still 2/5 Friday Faith
No person who has Jesus as the inward power of his body needs to be trembling when Satan comes around. All he has to do is to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
His Word So Precious 2/4 Thursday Thoughts
God has made His Word so precious that, if I could not get another copy, I would not part with my Bible for all the world. There is life in the Word. There is virtue in it. I find Christ in it, and He is the One I need for spirit, soul, and body. It tells me of the power of His name and of the power of His blood for cleansing. The lions may lack and suffer hunger, "...but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing" (Psalm 34:10).
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Where Men Lack 2/3 Wednesday Wisdom
They [the gospels] will never fail to accomplish the work of God if people will but read and believe them. That is where men lack. All lack of faith is due to not feeding on God's Word. You need it every day. How can you enter into a life of faith? Feed on the living Christ of whom this Word is full. As you get taken up with the glorious fact and the wondrous presence of the living Christ, the faith of God will spring up within you. "...Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17).
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, February 1, 2021
Keep These Things in Memory 2/2 Tuesday Truth
Do you keep in memory how God has been gracious in the past? God has done wonderful things for all of us. If we keep these things in memory we shall become strong in faith. We should be able to defy Satan in everything. Remember all the way the Lord has led.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, January 31, 2021
More and More 2/1 Monday Meditation
The grace of God that was given to the persecuting Saul is available for you. The same Holy Ghost infilling he received is likewise available. Do not rest satisfied with any lesser experience than the baptism that the disciples received on the day of Pentecost, then move on to a life of continuous receiving of more and more of the blessed Spirit of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, January 28, 2021
People Who Are Really Glad 1/29 Friday Faith
The children of God are the only people who are really glad. We are glad inside and we are glad outside. Our gladness flows from the inside. God has filled us with joy unspeakable and full of glory... This joy in the Holy Ghost is beyond anything else. And this joy of the Lord is our strength.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Walking Epistles 1/28 Thursday Thoughts
The Lord would have us to be walking epistles of His Word. Jesus is the Word and is the power in us, and it is His desire to work in and through us His own good pleasure. We must believe that He is in us. There are boundless possibilities for us if we dare to act in God and dare to believe that the wonderful virtue of our living Christ shall be made manifest through us...
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Hidden in God 1/27 Wednesday Wisdom
Oh, what privileges are ours when we are born of God. How marvelously He keeps us so that the wicked one touches us not. I see a place in God where Satan dare not come. Hidden in God. And He invites us all to come and share this wonderful hidden place where our lives are hid with Christ in God, where we dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. God has this place for you in this blessed realm of grace.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, January 25, 2021
God's Word Is Everlasting 1/26 Tuesday Truth
God's Word is from everlasting to everlasting. His Word cannot fail. God's Word is true and when we rest in the fact of its truth, what mighty results we can get.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, January 24, 2021
The Blessing of Our Faith 1/25 Monday Meditation
Yes, every person in the whole wide world who is saved by faith is blessed with faithful Abraham. The promise which came to him because he believed God was that in him all the families of the earth should be blessed. When we believe God there is no knowing where the blessing of our faith will end.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Devil Is an Angel of Light 1/22 Friday Faith
Don't you believe the devil is a big ugly monster; he comes as an angel of light, and he comes at a time when you have done well, and tells you about it. He comes to make you feel you are somebody.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
A Mighty Thing 1/21 Thursday Thoughts
I want to impress you with this fact that every believer should reach a place in the Holy Ghost where he has no desire except the desire of God. The Holy Ghost has to possess us till we are filled, led, yes, divinely led by the Holy Ghost. It is a mighty thing to be filled with the Holy Ghost.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Don't Be Satisfied 1/20 Wednesday Wisdom
Beloved, there is such a thing as people thinking they are full and rich, and knowing not that they are hungry, poor, and blind. The worst thing that can come to anyone, to a child of God, is to be satisfied.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, January 18, 2021
Gift of Faith 1/19 Tuesday Truth
People say to me, "Have you not the gift of faith?" I say that it is an important gift, but what is still more important is for us every moment to be making an advancement in God. Looking at the Word of God today I find that its realities are greater to me today than they were yesterday. It is the most sublime, joyful truth that God brings an enlargement. Always an enlargement. There is nothing dead, dry, or barren in the life of the Spirit; God is always moving us on to something higher, and as we move on in the Spirit of faith, it will always rise to the occasion as different circumstances arise.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Under His Power 1/18 Monday Meditation
Oh, thank God for Jesus. I want you to notice that Jesus wants you to be so under His power, so controlled by, and filled with the Holy Ghost, that the power of authority in you will resent all evil.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, January 14, 2021
The Power of God 1/15 Friday Faith
The power of God is beyond all our conception. The trouble is that we do not have the power of God in a full manifestation because of our finite thoughts, but as we go on and let God have His way, there is no limit to what our limitless God will do in response to a limitless faith. But you will never get anywhere except [unless] you are in constant pursuit of all the power of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Meditate on the Message 1/13 Wednesday Wisdom
It is as we feed on the Word and MEDITATE ON THE MESSAGE it contains, that the Spirit of God can vitalize that which we have received, and bring forth through us the word of knowledge that will be as full of power and life as when He, the Spirit of God, moved upon holy men of old and gave them these inspired Scriptures.
-- Smith Wigglesworth (emphasis his)
When We Possess Nothing 1/14 Thursday Thoughts
I forgot to post the Wednesday quote. It will be posted separately following this post.
One of our workers said to me at Christmas time, "Wigglesworth, I never was so near the end of my purse in my life." I replied, "Thank God, you are just at the opening of God's treasures." It is when we are at the end of our own that we can enter into the riches of God's resources. It is when we possess nothing that we can possess all things.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, January 11, 2021
Thirst for the Word 1/12 Tuesday Truth
Thank you to the several who commented on (or liked) the previous post. There are 70-80 verified readers a day in the eight places where I post, but I rarely get feedback. I thank God that that post spoke to many people.
The child of God ought to thirst for the Word. He should know nothing else but the Word, and should know nothing among men save [except] Jesus. "...Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Defeat Every Device of Satan 1/11 Monday Meditation
I believe that Satan has many devices and that they are worse today than ever before; but I also believe that there is to be a full manifestation on the earth of the power and glory of God to defeat every device of Satan.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Live In the Bible 1/7 Thursday Thoughts (posting belatedly)
I'm sorry, I forgot to post this yesterday. I post in 8 locations, and I overlooked this one. Here is Thursday's, and I have also posted Friday's.
I do not find anything in the Bible but holiness, and nothing in the world but worldliness. Therefore, if I live in the world I shall become worldly; but, on the other hand, if I live in the Bible, I shall become holy. That is the truth, and the truth will set you free.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Pure Right Through 1/8 Friday Faith
The power of God can remodel you. He can make you hate sin and love righteousness. He can take away bitterness and hatred and covetousness and malice, and can so consecrate you by His power, through His blood, that you are made pure -- every bit holy. Pure in mind, heart and actions -- pure right through.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Made to be a Failure? 1/6 Wednesday Wisdom
Do you think God would make you to be a failure? God has never made man to be a failure. He made man to be a "son"; to walk about the earth in power... Yes, there is the capacity of the power of Christ to dwell in you, to bring every evil thing under you till you can put your feet upon it, and be master over the flesh and the devil.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, January 4, 2021
Parallel With the World 1/5 Tuesday Truth
I do not know what your state of grace is -- whether you are saved or not; but it is an awful thing for me to see people, who profess to be Christian, lifeless and powerless, and in a place where their lives are so parallel with the world's that it is difficult to discriminate which place they are in, whether in the flesh or in the Spirit. Many people live in the place which is described to us by Paul in Romans 7:25: ...with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh, the law of sin.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Source of Strength and Power 1/4 Monday Meditation
It was quite natural for Jesus after He had served a whole day amongst the multitudes to want to go to His Father and pray all night. Why? He wanted a source of strength and power, and an association with His Father which would bring everything else to a place of submission; and when Jesus came from the mountain after communion with His Father, and after being clothed with His Holy presence and Spirit, when He met the demon power it had to go out. When He met sickness, it had to leave. He came from the mountain with power to meet the needs of the people, whatever they were.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
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