Daily (M-F) quotes from Pentecostal pioneers whom the modern Christian is unlikely to come across in contemporary devotional reading.
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Watch Your Words! 2/28 Friday Faith
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Watch Your Words! 2/28 Friday Faith
But when you have a negative testimony and you talk about your lack and your weakness, the adversary takes advantage of your confession and brings you down to the level of it.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
He Himself Is Yours 2/27 Thursday Thoughts
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: He Himself Is Yours 2/27 Thursday Thoughts
Now just take this thing home to your heart and read Ephesians 1:3, "Who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ."
You are blessed with everything that you need.
His very fullness is yours.
His ability is yours.
His love is yours.
Yes, he Himself is yours!
-- E.W. Kenyon
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: If Jesus Healed ... 2/26 Wednesday Wisdom
If Jesus healed those people who came to Him in such multitudes, in order to fulfill the prophecy in Isaiah that He had borne their sicknesses, then He will heal me because He has also borne my sicknesses, for He is no respecter of persons. I have to believe the record and to say in faith, "Since Jesus bore my sicknesses on the Cross of Calvary, therefore I need not bear them, and I am healed.": You will find that all of God's gifts are given to faith, and only to faith, and it is only as you realize that they are already yours through Jesus Christ that you can have them at all.
-- Carrie Judd Montgomery, early Christian and Missionary Alliance and Assemblies of God missionary
Monday, February 24, 2025
Resist 2/25 Tuesday Truth
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Resist 2/25 Tuesday Truth
Resist the devil with his doubts and discouraging suggestions. Don't parley with him. Resist him when you hear his first word, and the Spirit of the Lord shall raise up a standard against him. I believe this is often why we lose the victory. After taking our stand of faith and receiving the promise in Christ's name, we dare to listen to Satan's insinuations. Resist, resist him, and he shall flee.
-- Carrie Judd Montgomery
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Where There Isn't a Revival Spirit 2/24 Monday Meditation
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Why There Isn't a Revival Spirit 2/24 Monday Meditation
If you have the Spirit's power upon you, go into that room or somewhere else and never cease till God finishes the work. Outside the church where there isn't a revival spirit, and where people are not born again, you will find the church becomes dead, dry, and barren, and helpless. They enter into entertainments and all kinds of teas. They live on a natural association and lose their grand, glorious hope.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, February 20, 2025
If We Walk in Love 2/21 Friday Faith
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES 2/21 Friday Faith
If we walk in love, we never pray out of His will, and if we understand Heb. 4:16, "Let us therefore draw near with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
This love life permits us to walk into the very presence of the Father. You may go into the throne room and stand in His presence and make your petitions known in that name, and as sure as you do, that petition is heard.
-- E.W. Kenyon
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
The Lord Is Good 2/20 Thursday Thoughts
Circumstances may not be encouraging at the moment, and all may seem dark around us, but the fact still remains "that the Lord is good," and that "His mercy is everlasting." As we continue to wait upon Him with thanksgiving and supplication, He will reveal His enduring goodness and mercy in our lives. No matter how you feel, remember that a fitting approach to [Him] is praise.
-- Carrie Judd Montgomery
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Let Jesus Christ Be Big in You 2/19 Wednesday Wisdom
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Let Jesus Christ Be Big in You 2/19 Wednesday Wisdom
Let Jesus Christ be big in you. Count on Him rather than weakness. Count on Him rather than circumstances. Count on Him rather than the arm of flesh. Rest in Him. Take your place in Him. Give Him his place in your life. Do it now, and say to your heart, "I am more than conqueror: I am more than a victor; I am identified with the very Son of God; He is identified with me." Now live and let Him live in you. -- E.W. Kenyon
Monday, February 17, 2025
Be Nor Afraid 2/18 Tuesday Truth
Now you are thinking of some great trouble in your life, and you are saying, 'Oh, Lord, I have no might.' Yes God knows that. 'Neither know we what to do.' Yes, God knows your helplessness, but will you not ... get your eyes off from circumstances, and get them upon God? Can you say, 'Our eyes are upon Thee?' Not upon circumstances, or this great company, but upon Thee. Then comes the answer from the Lord, 'Be not afraid: the battle is not yours, but God's.'
-- Carrie Judd Montgomery
Sunday, February 16, 2025
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Jesus at the Throne of God 2/17 Monday Meditation
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Jesus at the Throne of God 2/17 Monday Meditation
Did you ever stop to think of Jesus at the throne of God? I like to think of the twentieth century Christ -- not the Jesus that lived in the world two thousand years ago, not the humiliated Jesus, not Jesus dying on the cross for my sin, but the glorified, exalted Son of God at the throne of God who stands declaring, "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death." (Rev. 1:18) Blessed be God.
And that is the Christ that breathes His power into your soul and mine, and that is the consciousness that is breathed from heaven in the Holy Ghost when it comes to your heart. Amen.
-- John G. Lake
Thursday, February 13, 2025
God Is My Own Father 2/14 Friday Faith
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: God Is My Own Father 2/4 Monday Meditation
I have the Name of Jesus. God is my own Father. What more could I ask? But that is not all. I am His own child. I do not have to try to be His child. I am. I am born of His Spirit. I am a partaker of His nature, Eternal Life.
--E.W. Kenyon
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
He Gives His Beloved Sleep 2/13 Thursday Thoughts
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: He Gives His Beloved Sleep 2/13 Thursday Thoughts
"Yesterday, Brother Fogwill quoted that wonderful scripture that, "He giveth his beloved sleep. (Psalm 127:2). And last night after retiring it was impossible for me to sleep. I said, "Dear Lord, I am Your beloved, and I want to sleep," and I slept like a child all night. If you have any trouble with sleeplessness, and you are the beloved of God, just make God come through with His promise."
-- John G. Lake [I have shared this Scripture with many who have sleep problems. --Lep]
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Nine Times Out of Ten 2/12 Wednesday Wisdom
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: 9 Times Out of 10 2/12 Wednesday Wisdom
Nine times out of ten, falling away from God begins in the neglect of private prayer.
-- Charles Spurgeon
Monday, February 10, 2025
A Partaker of God's Very Nature 2/11 Tuesday Truth
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: A Partaker of God's Very Nature 2/11 Tuesday Truth
If we say over and over again to our hearts: "I am a partaker of God's very nature. I have in me His faith nature. This makes me a child of faith. I have been begotten of the Living Word through the Holy Spirit. The real me was recreated in Christ. I have the very nature of the Father and the Father is love, so I have in me the love nature of the Father," if we meditate on this, we will no longer be "double-minded men."
Repeat it over and over again.
Hold it as a constant affirmation before your mind that you are what He says you are; that you are a partaker of His very nature as He has declared.
And you remember that "greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." That Greater One is the Holy Spirit.
--E.W. Kenyon
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Strong in Faith 2/10 Monday Meditation
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Strong in Faith 2/10 Monday Meditation
God wants to bring us to the place of believing, where, despite all contradictions around, we are strong in faith, giving God glory. As we fully believe God, He will be glorified, and we will prove a blessing to the whole world as was our father Abraham.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Man the Crowning Creation 2/7 Friday Faith
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Man the Crowning Creation 2/7 Friday Faith
I once listened to an eminent divine preaching from the text, "What is man?" and when he got through I had a feeling that man was a kind of whipped cur with his tail between his legs, sneaking out to throw himself into the lake saying, "Here goes nothing." I said, "He has never caught the fire of the thing Jesus is endeavoring to teach through the apostle -- that man was the crowning creation of God. That God endowed him with a nature and qualities that by the grace of God can express more of God than any other of God's creations."
-- John G. Lake
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Not Acting, But Being 2/6 Thursday Thoughts
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Not Acting, But Being 2/6 Thursday Thoughts
Men are afraid to say yes to God. When a young man, I sat in a little meeting one night when the Spirit was talking to my heart. I said, "If I am going to be a Christian, I cannot do this, and I cannot do that." Oh, mighty God, it almost makes my soul vomit in these days to think of the average conception a man has of Christianity.
About ninety percent of so-called Christianity is all spelled with four letters, d-o-n'-t. Don't do this and don't do that... Why bless God, religion is all contained in two letters, b-e. Not performing acts, but being the thing that God purposed.
-- John G. Lake
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Stand Still 2/5 Wednesday Wisdom
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Stand Still 2/5 Wednesday Wisdom
No person who has Jesus as the inward power of his body needs to be trembling when Satan comes around. All he has to do is to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, February 3, 2025
Respectability and Decorum 2/4 Tuesday Truth
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Respectability and Decorum 2/4 Tuesday Truth
The motto of the cold, indifferent, worldly church is, "Respectability and decorum," respectability inspired by one who is far from respectable -- Satan. . .
A generation that prides itself upon its respectability and decorum despises the manifestations of the Spirit of God.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Where Men Lack 2/3 Monday Meditation
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Where Men Lack 2/3 Monday Meditation
They [the gospels] will never fail to accomplish the work of God if people will but read and believe them. That is where men lack. All lack of faith is due to not feeding on God's Word. You need it every day. How can you enter into a life of faith? Feed on the living Christ of whom this Word is full. As you get taken up with the glorious fact and the wondrous presence of the living Christ, the faith of God will spring up within you. "...Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17).
-- Smith Wigglesworth
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