
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: If Jesus Healed ... 2/26 Wednesday Wisdom If Jesus healed those people who came to Him in such multitudes, in order to fulfill the prophecy in Isaiah that He had borne their sicknesses, then He will heal me because He has also borne my sicknesses, for He is no respecter of persons. I have to believe the record and to say in faith, "Since Jesus bore my sicknesses on the Cross of Calvary, therefore I need not bear them, and I am healed.": You will find that all of God's gifts are given to faith, and only to faith, and it is only as you realize that they are already yours through Jesus Christ that you can have them at all. -- Carrie Judd Montgomery, early Christian and Missionary Alliance and Assemblies of God missionary

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