Daily (M-F) quotes from Pentecostal pioneers whom the modern Christian is unlikely to come across in contemporary devotional reading.
Welcome to Lep's Faith Quotes. This blog will consist of powerful Holy Spirit-led quotes by the early writers of the classic Pentecostal and classic Word of Faith movements, such as E.W. Kenyon, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth, and others. Caution! These quotes may be more powerful than customary daily devotional readings, and you may experience a new burst of Holy Spirit power in your life and ministry.
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Successful Prayer Life 12/30 Friday Faith
Have a blessed new year!
The successful prayer life is one of self-denial. It is a recognition of His Lordship, a giving up of much that is not wrong in itself but that hinders and takes our time.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Sharing With Him: Part 3 12/29 Thursday Thoughts
You and He are working together.
You see, He has made you not only a New Creation and a Son, but He has made you a partner in this work.
You are the fruit-bearing part of the company.
You are the hands and feet and the voice of the company.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Sharing With Him: Part 2 12/28 Wednesday Wisdom
The highest order of prayer is a dialogue: you and He conversing about His work.
You are there to talk things over with Him.
You are a son taking a son's place.
You are not conscious of your standing or righteousness.
You are intent upon doing His will, carrying out His will.
You and He are working together.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, December 26, 2022
Sharing With Him: Part 1 12/27 Tuesday Truth
The highest order of prayer is a love affair: two lovers meeting, sharing with each other.
Not slaves and the master; neither servants and an overlord; but a Father and His children.
We come together as suggested in Matthew 18:19-20: "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything they shall ask of the Father, it shall be done for them."
This is not talking at Him. Much praying is merely talking at the Father.
This is a meeting together. Jesus said, "There am I in the midst of them."
It is a business meeting. It is a meeting in loving council.
You speak telling your needs, then wait, listening for Him to bring to you the Word of assurance.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Thursday, December 22, 2022
If We Are In His Will 12/24 Friday Faith
This will be the last quote until December 27. Have a blessed Christmas!
No matter how much you pray, your prayers will not be effective until you know His will.
1 John 5:14-15: "And this is the boldness which we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us; and if we know that he heareth us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions which we have asked of him."
That settles the issue.
If we are in His will, our prayers are heard and answered and we get the thing for which we are praying.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Love's Right to the Father's Ear 12/22 Thursday Thoughts
When we come to understand love's intimacy, love's privileges, love's right to the Father's ear, we may run into His presence at any time without an apology and lay our needs before Him -- not only our personal needs, but the needs of those about us.
We can enjoy the ability and wisdom of our Father, and we will go out with that strange, sweet fragrance that is found only in the Throne Room, a fragrance that will cling to our garments.
Yes, our very words will have in them Love's own sweet fragrance.
Men willl know that we have been with Jesus, have been in fellowship with Him.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Light of Life 12/21 Wednesday Wisdom
I have found that Light of Life.
I am no longer walking in the darkness of sense knowledge [believing only what I can see].
I am no longer crippled by my inferiority complex or my sense of unworthiness.
I know that I am a son beloved; that I have my place in the Father's presence.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, December 19, 2022
The Ability of God 12/20 Tuesday Truth
You not only received the Nature of God, but when the Spirit came into your life you had in you the ability of God, the very Resources of Heaven.
No one yet knows the limit of that ability.
It must be exhaustless.
Col. 2:9-10 gives us a suggestion. "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodiy, and in him ye are made complete or full, who is the head of all principality and power."
Take with that Gal. 2:20, "For it is no longer I that live, but Christ liveth in me."
He has come into me in all His fulness.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, December 18, 2022
A Faith Man 12/19 Monday Meditation
Faith makes man God-like, just as love makes him God-like.
God is a faith God, and when man links up with God, he becomes a faith man.
He and God work together, and walk together.
2 Cor. 5:8: "We walk by faith, and not by sight."
The believer is a faith person. He does not walk by reason. He does not walk by sense knowledge.
He lives and walks in the realm of faith.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Faith Words 12/16 Friday Faith
It is our words that destroy or build. It is words that are filled with faith or unbelief.
Faith words are constructive. The man who inspires faith is a builder. He is constructive.
The man who inspires unbelief is an enemy of progress. Faith is giving substancve to the Word of God.
It is giving substance to things we have hoped for.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Spirit 12/15 Thursday Thoughts
We contact God with our spirits, not with our reasoning faculties.
No one can find God except through his spirit.
No one can know God except through his spirit.
This is the reason that sense knowledge men in the scholastic world repudiate the Bible; because sense-governed reason cannot understand the Bible or its author.
One must receive God's nature before spiritual things become intelligible.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Everything You Need 12/14 Wednesday Wisdom
Now just take this thing home to your heart and read Ehesians 1:3, "Who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ."
You are blessed with everything that you need.
His very fullness is yours.
His ability is yours.
His love is yours.
Yes, He Himself if yours!
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, December 12, 2022
My Life of Prayer 12/13 Tuesday Truth
I remember that years ago I was praying for money to meet our rent bill. I had prayed. Then I went out on the street and I began to wonder how I could get it.
Before I realized it I had destroyed my prayer. I had nullified the Word.
I came to myself, asked for forgiveness, and then began to thank Him for it. I held myself steady and kept my heart singing songs of victory. That was the beginning of my life of prayer.
- E. W. Kenyon.
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Whatever I Ask 12/12 Monday Meditation
If you say over and over again, "I know whatever I ask of the Father in Jesus' Name, He will give it to me," after a while that truth will permeate your consciousness until it becomes a literal, absolute fact in you.
Men and women will come to you for prayer. They have not learned the secret. They haven't any faith of their own. But they have faith in your faith, because you have learned the secret of confessing to be what God says you are.
-- E.W. Kenyon
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Your Confession 12/9 Friday Faith
You never rise above your confession. If you always confess your failings, your weaknesses, your lack of ability, your weakness and your lack of ability will rule you.
If you say, "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me," you will rise to the level of it.
You never enjoy anything beyond your confession. Your faith is never stronger than your confession...
If you dare say, "I am a branch of the vine, and the same life and love that flows in the vine flows in me, " you will rise to the level of your confession.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Pray All Night?? 12/8 Thursday Thoughts
But you say, "Don't you think sometimes it is necessary to pray all night? Jesus did."
If we knew the nature of Jesus' prayers during those night sessions that might help us.
If you have needs enough that it would take a whole night to cover them, then you should take the night.
"Don't you think that we should keep on praying until our prayer is answered?"
No, I think instead we might remind Him and thank Him for it.
Unbelief becomes insistent, thinking that by works of some kind it can force God to answer.
We are going to act on His Word just as we act on the word of any firm or company. We are going to act on His Word simply as intelligent men and women act on the word of a bank or any other institution that has a record of honesty.
Remember, God cannot lie. He watches over His Word to make it good.
The man that trusts Him is absolutely as safe as Jesus was when He trusted His Father.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Real Prayer 12/7 Wednesday Wisdom
God is the strength of our life.
What more can we ask?
Can't you see what this means as a background for a prayer life?
Can't you hear the Spirit whispering, "Nay, in all these thing we are more than conquerors?"
Real prayer is inspired of the Spirit, backed up by the Living Word. Then it should be a real sharing with Him.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Monday, December 5, 2022
The Throne Room 12/6 Tuesday Truth
And if we are in His will, then we are certain that our prayers are answered.
We don't try to force Him to answer them.
We don't tease Him like some children do their parents until they wear their parents out...
We come into the throne room, that room of love gifts, into the very presence of the Father, and we talk things over with Him.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Hope 12/5 Monday Meditation
Hope is always future. Faith is always now.
Someone comes to me and asks me to pray for them, and I say, "Was the prayer answered?" And they answer, "I hope it was."
Then I know it will not be answered, and I frankly tell them. "No, the Hoper's prayers are seldom answered."
Hope is a beautiful thing when it is about Heaven, or the coming back of the Master, and everything that belongs to the future. But for present-tense practices and present-tense life, hope is a dangerous enemy.
It is beautifu, but it is dangerous!
The Hoper is always a failure. It is the Believer that is a success -- and believeing, you remember, is acting on the Word.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Christianity Is Our Confession 12/2 Friday Faith
You see, Christianity is our Confession.
Hebrews 4:14 He says, "Let us hold fast our confession."
What is our Confession? Why, that God is our Father, we are His Children, we are in His Family.
It is a Confession that our Father knows what our needs are and has made provision to meet every one of them.
It is a Confession of the finished work of Christ, of what I am in Him, and what He is in me.
It is a Confessiion that "greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world."
It is my confesion that my God does suppply every need of mine according to His riches in glory.
It is my Confession that when I pray, the Father hears my prayer and answers me.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Facing God 12/1 Thursday Thoughts
And He is as easily reached now as He ever was. It is not a problem of education, but of knowing your rights and privileges, and daring to enter the throne room facing God with the needs of the world.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Enemies of a Prayer Life 11/30 Wednesday Wisdom
Some have said that prayer is the greatest opportunity ever offered to a man in Christ.
If this is true then you can understand why there would be enemies to stand in the way of a prayer life.
You can understand why the Adversary would make it his business to see that the prayer life of an individual, and of a church, should be ineffective.
Satan would not be a good general, he would not be a strategist, unless the prayer life should be destroyed.
A church is as powerful as its prayer life.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, November 28, 2022
Give the Word the Same Place 11/29 Tuesday Truth
We read articles about the Word.
We sing hymns confessing it.
Any yet we live under the dominion of the Adversary, continually confessing sickness, want, fear, weakness, and doubts in the face of the Revelation from God of our Redemption, of the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ...
We read about it. We talk about it.
And then we act as though it were but a fable!
This is the reason why the church has more sickness and disease than any other organized body of people; why faith is weak; why the average believer is ruled by the Adversary.
All this could be changed if we would give the Word the same place we would give Christ if He were here physically in our presence.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Treating the Word as a Common Book 11/28 Monday Meditation
One of the most dangerous habits that Christians have is treating the Word as though it were a common book.
In one breath we will declare that we believe it to be a Revelation from God, and yet we turn to the arm of flesh for help when the Word has promised perfect deliverance.
We terat the fact of Redemption as though it were a beautiful fiction.
E.W. Kenyon.
Thursday, November 24, 2022
No Limit 11/25 Friday Faith
There is absolutely no limit to the ability of God that is unveiled to us in His Word.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
(I did not post for Thanksgiving.)
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Satan Has No Dominion 11/23 Wednesday Wisdom
We have been taught so long and so persistently about our weaknesses and our lack of ability and our unworthiness that we hardly dare say that we are what He says we are. We are afraid that people will misunderstand us and think that we have become fanatical.
But He says: "Wherefore if any man is in Christ (and we are in Christ) he is a new creation; the old thing are passed away; behold, they are become new, and all these things are of God," and we are reconciled to Him. [2 Cor. 5:17]
We are a part of His very dream.
Satan has no dominion over this new creation.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, November 21, 2022
The Greater One 11/22 Tuesday Truth
Repeat it over and over again.
Hold it as a constant affirmation before your mind that you are what He says you are; that you are a partaker of His very nature as He has declared.
And you remember that "greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." [1 John 4:4] That Greater One is the Holy Spirit.
--E. W. Kenyon.
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Partaker of God's Nature 11/21 Monday Meditation
We should meditate on the fact that we are partakers of the divine nature. "These things have I written unto you, that ye may know that ye have Eternal Life, even to you that believe on His name." I John 5:13.
If we say over and over again to our hearts: "I am a partaker of God's very nature. I have in me His faith nature. This makes me a child of faith. I have been begotten of the Living Word through the Holy Spirit. The real me was recreated in Christ. I have the very nature of the Father and the Father is love, so I have in me the love nature of the Father," if we meditate on this, we will no longer be "double-minded men."
-- E.W. Kenyon
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Underestimation 11/18 Friday Faith
We will say right out, "Oh, I believe the Bible is the Word of God." And yet we turn to the arm of flesh for help.
And when we pray, we do not come with that quiet assurance that we would if some banker had given us his word in regard to our financial standing at the bank.
This is an unconscious underestimation of the Word, and it is an unconscious underestimation of the integrity of the Master Himself, who is the Author of this Word.
This leads to weakness, to doubt and hear.
It makes a vacillating type of faith.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
What You Are In Christ 11/17 Thursday Thoughts
Have you ever taken notice of what you are in Christ? Of what you have, and of what you can do?
Why, you are the very sons and daughters of God Almighty.
You have His life and nature in you.
You have the great mighty Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead.
What can you do?
Measure it by the ability of God that is at work within you.
Measure it by His own wonderful Word.
He knew what needs would face us when He was planning our Redemption and when He was planning the New Creation. I can hear Him say: "I'll identify myself with them; I'll be in them; I'll work through them. My ability shall become their ability, my wisdom their wisdom. I won't let them fail. Through the Word I will build myself into them."
E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Mightier United 11/16 Wednesday Wisdom
Every one of you should hunt for a partner who can believe with you, who can unite his faith with yours.
You become a resistless power the moment you do.
You may be mighty in faith alone, but you can be mightier in faith united with another.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, November 14, 2022
The Word Builds Faith 11/15 Tuesday Truth
His Word is the only source of strength for the recreated human spirit; the only source of building faith.
Faith cannot be built by abstract reasoning.
It is only built by my acting on the Word, letting the Word live in me as it did in Jesus.
By my doing the Word, I build faith in my spirit.
I become a doer of the Word, a practicer of the Word.
The Word becomes a part of my very being.
I absorb it in my daily life, and it builds into me the faith of God.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, November 13, 2022
God Is a Faith God 11/14 Monday Meditation
Our theological schools have never had a department on Faith, so every church should have a faith clinic, one class a week on the study and development of Faith.
Faith is not a product of sense knowledge. [what you can know by your five senses -Lep]
It is not a product of intellectual faculties.
Faith is born of the human spirit.
Whether we want to face it or not, the fact is: there is no love in the natural human heart, and there is no faith in the natural human heart.
Faith and love spring from the recreated human spirit.
Until a man has received Eternal Life, the nature of God, he cannot be a faith man, and he cannot be a love man. He will only have a Sense Knowledge Faith.
God is a faith God.
Faith is His nature just as love is His nature.
-- E. W. Kenyon
Thursday, November 10, 2022
Satan Is Already Conquered 11/11 Friday Faith
I apologize for forgetting to post a "Wednesday Wisdom".
"I have been translated out of the kingdom of Satan, into the kingdom of the Son of the Father's love; in whom I have my Redemption, complete and perfect. [Colossians 1:13]
"Then I do not have to war to conquer Satan, because Satan is already conquered.
"He was conquered for me. He knows that he was conquered for me, so I take my deliverance from him and my victory over him in Jesus' Name, with thankfulness."
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
A Letter to You 11/10 Thursday Thoughts
...When you approach the throne of Grace there is a willing ear, listening to you, and whatever you ask (because the Word is living in you) you will receive.
Do you understand what that means? A lover has written you a letter. It is not written to anyone else. It is too sacred for any other eyes to see. That is your letter. That is your lover writing to you.
God is love and He has written to you the book called the Bibble. Jesus came to unveil love, and the revelation of love is given to us in the Word.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Monday, November 7, 2022
The Holy Spirit Belongs to You 11/8 Tuesday Truth
The Holy Spirit belongs to you.
Luke 11:13: "How much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?" Only sons and daughters will ever ask Him.
You are His child. You have received His very nature. You are as really His child as was Jesus when He walked in Galilee.
Then you have a right to the Spirit. You can ask Him to come in and make His home in your body; as surely as you ask Him, so surely will He come in, because "No Word from God is void of an answer." The Word of God is very sacred to Him.
--E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, November 6, 2022
It Is Mine 11/7 Monday Meditation
Here are some facts that will help you to begin to build your own faith life.
The Word is yours. It is as though there was no other person in the world but you , and this Revelation had been given especially to you; you can say, "It is mine. No one has a better right to it than I have. Every promise is mine. Every statement of fact is mine."
When He said, "Whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you," you can say, "He was talking to me.
"He is my Father; I am His child. This is His message to me, to help me in my earth walk."
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Thursday, November 3, 2022
The Majority of People 11/4 Friday Faith
I find that the majority of people float on carelessly until they come to a dangerous place. They are sick, or some loved one is sick, some financial or heart problem confronts them that may affect their entire future. Then they frantically hunt for someone who can cry and sob and quote scriptures in what they call their "prayer" and it is of no avail because there is no faith back of it.
If there was faith there, there wiould be no crying and no sobbing. There would be a rejoicing because they would know that whatever they ask of the Father in Jesus' Name, He will do it.
E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Have Your Own Faith 11/3 Thursday Thoughts
One should never trust the great issues of his life to another's faith. He should have faith of his own, faith that can meet any crisis that may come.
Your case is vital to you. It may not be vital to this other party to whose faith you look. He may have troubles that are unsolved, inward struggles that have never been settled. His faith may be at a low ebb when you appeal to his for aid.
It is vitally important to you that you have your own faith to fall back on in these hard places.
Everyone should build his own faith life.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Only Possible by Prayer 11/2 Wednesday Wisdom
Every man and woman in connection with our church who is not spending time in prayer will be a neutralizing force in the church.
They may be in the choir; they may be in the Sunday school; they may have charge of the finances; they may act as deacons or elders; but whatever their place, they carry a certain coldness, they are an inert body.
They have a tendency to lower the spiritual temperature of everyone in close contact with them.
So it is vitally important that the largest possible number of the membership should be led into the Prayer Program of the church.
This isn't an place for theory.
This is the place for positive facts.
A church can't be built up sprittually without prayer.
Numbers can be drawn through personal work or by eloquence, but to build up a real spiritual body, is only possible through prayer.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, October 31, 2022
Beneath Our Feet 11/1 Tuesday Truth
Can't you see what masters we are of demoniacal [demonic] forces?
They are beneath our feet.
"But thanks be unto God, who always leadeth us in triumph in Christ." (2 Cor. 2:14)
-- E.W. Kenyon
Sunday, October 30, 2022
We Are His Body 10/31 Monday Meditation
We are His body -- then all all these malign and wicked influences are beneath our feet.
We are masters of them all.
He did not defeat them for Himself. He defeated them for us.
He did not fight that battle for His glory, but for our good.
Adam had sold us out in his sin of high treason.
Jesus redeemed us, defeated our enemy and put him beneath our feet.
When will the heart take it in?
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Thursday, October 27, 2022
We Are Conquerors 10/28 Friday Faith
You have been delivered out of the authority of Satan. Satan has no authority or legal right to reign over us.
You are the absolute master of Satanic forces in the Name of Jesus.
You are now in the kingdom of the Son of the Father's love.
We are masters there.
We are conquerors..
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
A Rich Prayer Life 10/27 Thursday Thoughts
A rich prayer life depends on your Fellowship [with God].
You must be in Fellowship or you can't enjoy the throne of grace.
If your Fellowship is broken, you know what to do to have it restored.
You can't afford to stay in the dark; too many issues are at stake.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
One of the Greatest Blessings 10/26 Wednesday Wisdom
I am a New Creation, created in Christ Jesus. All the rights and privileges of a child are mine. I did not have to ask for them. They were conferred upon me. When I became His child, these things were a part of the New Creation, so I enter into my rights.
One of the greatest blessings, one of the most wonderul facts is that Satan was defeated for me.
Jesus' victory over him is my victory.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, October 24, 2022
Restoring Fellowship With God 10/25 Tuesday Truth
He is always Righteous. He can always plead our case.
The instant we ask the Father's forgiveness, Jesus takes up our case before the Father and our fellowship is restored.
There is no need of walking in broken fellowship a minute after you have committed sin.
The devil is the author of that sin.
Then to walk on in broken fellowship, grieving over your blunder, is only adding joy and glory to the devil.
The instant you have done wrong and your fellowship is impaired, ask the Father's forgiveness and go on in fellowship with Him. (1 John 1:9, 2:1-2)
Restoring fellowship is restoring joy, restoring power with God.
The richer the fellowship, the deeper one gets into the Word.
--E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
I Am His Own Child 10/24 Monday Meditatoin
I have the Name of Jesus. God is my own Father. What more could I ask? But that is not all. I am His own child. I do not have to try to be His child. I am. I am born of His Spirit. I am a partaker of His nature, Eternal Life.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Past Errors and Sins 10/21 Friday Faith
For you to continually remind yourself of your past errors and sins is to deny the efficacy of His forgiveness and the value of His Word.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Righteousness 10/20 Thursday Thoughts
The church is so woefully ignorant of Righteousness today. She thinks Righteousness means only doing right deeds.
But in the Revelation He gave to Paul, Righteousness means the ability to stand in the Father's presence without a sense of guilt, inferiority, or sun, just as free in the Father's presence as was Jesus.
She thinks we will have to wait until we die before this is possible.
It is ours now, in this present, evil world.
Right here now we may have as sweet fellowship and communion with the Father as Jesus had in His earth walk.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Working Together 10/19 Wednesday Wisdom
Unconsciously I am living in His presence. I am walking in His presence. His eye of love is upon me all the time. He and I are carrying out His will.
Why, prayer just becomes a means of communication between He and I [sic]. It is not a slavish duty. It is not a difficult task. It is not hard work.
He and I are working together.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, October 17, 2022
Take Stock 10/18 Tuesday Truth
In the morning you take stock. You say, "He and I are going together. I have access to His ability, His wisdom, His love, His grace, His strength to meet every issue that confronts me. I shall have physical strength for every need today. I shall have wisdom to meet every issue. I shall have love no matter what the provocation may be."
You see, when you walk like this, your prayer life becomes a realistic thing.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, October 16, 2022
The Father's Word 10/17 Monday Meditation
The Father's Word is Jesus' lips accomplished things. It hushed the sea. It quieted the wind. It raised the dead. It fed the multitudes.
His Living Word in lips of faith will do the same today.
When you know that the Word is God speaking, you will speak the Word with authority.
You remember that Faith in God is faith in His Word.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Facts About the Word 10/14 Friday Faith
Here are some facts about the Word.
The Word is always Now.
It has been, it is, and it will be, the voice of God.
It is never old. It is always fresh and new.
To the heart that is in fellowship with the Father, the Word is a present-tense, loving voice from heaven.
The Word is like its Author: Eternal, Unchanging, Living.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Say Every Morning 10/13 Thursday Thoughts
Then I want you to begin to reckon on Him. I want you to say in the morning, "That mighty One is in me. He can put me over today. I can face any emergency, I can do all things in Him because He is my strength."
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
My Victory 10/12 Wednesday Wisdom
One of the greatest blessings, one of the most wonderful facts is that Satan was defeated for me.
Jesus' victory over him is my victory.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Monday, October 10, 2022
He Has Lost None of His Power 10/11 Tuesday Truth
The God who raised Jesus from the dead is dwelling in you and He has lost none of His ability or power.
When He enters into your life to dwell there, He doesn't lay aside His glory and Majesty and might.
When God's Son took upon Him the garment of flesh, He laid aside some of His glory.
But when the Holy Spirit comes into you, He comes full-fledged. He is the same mighty Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Feast of Tabernacles -- Happy Birthday, Jesus! 10/10 Monday Meditation
The final and most joyous festival of the year began at sundown Sunday, October 9, and continues for seven days until the folowing Sunday sundown. It is called Feast of Tabernacles (or Shelters or Booths), Feast of Ingathering, Season of Our Rejoicing, or Sukkot. It celebrates God's care and protection during forty years of wandering in the wilderness and His continuing sustenance. All Jews made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. They made and lived in temporary shelters (sukkah booths) recalling their years of wandering. In modern times families or congregations build outdoor shelters filled with harvest decorations. It was during the Feast of Tabernacles' illumination ceremony that Jesus said, "I am the light of the world." It was during the water pouring ceremony that Jesus said, "I am the living water."
The prophetic significance of the Feast of Tabernacles is to fully trust God, renewing your covenant with the Lord. Declare, “I am completely sold out to do you, Lord.”
How is this depicted in the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot?
The Feast of Tabernacles is… A commemoration of Israel wandering in the desert.
During their wandering, they built booths or sukkahs—a 3-sided tent structure with an open top. When they would look out the top of the sukkah, they would see the stars of Heaven and be reminded that the God of Heaven and earth provided for them and kept His promises.
Even when there are “holes” in our “roofs,” the protection of God is still present. (Curt Landry Ministries)
There is evidence by comparing time frames in the Scriptures to suggest that Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles and that He will return during the Feast of Tabernacles.
"Jesus is God tabernacling among men. The word _dwelt_ in Greek implies a temporary dwelling, a sukkah booth. Jesus is God's ultimate sukkah booth. For God, in Jesus Christ, tabernacles among men. (The Fall Feasts of Israel, by Mitch and Zhava Glaser)
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Never Talk . . . 10/7 Friday Faith
Never talk failure.
Never talk defeat.
Never for a moment acknowledge that God's ability can't put you over.
Become "God-inside minded," remembering that greater is He that is in you than any force that can come against you.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
An Heir of God 10/6 Thursday Thoughts
There is no need that is greater than my Lord.
There is no lack that He cannot meet.
This indomitable will that God has wrought in you cannot be overwhelmed, or conquered.
You remember what you are -- you are a New Creation.
You are a branch of the vine.
You are an heir of God.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Yom Kippur 10/5 Wednesday Wisdom
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Yom Kippur 10/5 Wednesday Wisdom
YOM KIPPUR: As you know, I like to educate Christians on their Hebrew roots. Yom Kippur begins at sunset Tuesday, October 4 and concludes at sunset on Wednesday.. It is God's appointed day for atonement of sins. Jesus would have observed Yom Kippur, and He is the fulfillment of it.
The high priest made animal sacrifices, and the scapegoat was sent into the wilderness to take away the sins of the people.
from Wikipedia: "According to Jewish tradition, God inscribes each person's fate for the coming year into a book, the Book of Life, on Rosh Hashanah, and waits until Yom Kippur to "seal" the verdict. During the Days of Awe [between the holy days] a Jewish person tries to amend his or her behavior and seek forgiveness for wrongs done against God and against other human beings. The evening and day of Yom Kippur are set aside for public and private petitions and confessions of guilt. At the end of Yom Kippur, one hopes that they have been forgiven by God."
Jesus is the fulfillment of Yom Kippur. By His blood sacrifice He has taken away our sins once and for all so that sacrifices are no longer needed. No longer do we need to "hope" that our sins have been forgiven.
For Christians, Yom Kippur can be a day of repentance and also of thankfulness for the atonement that Jesus made for our sins.
I plan to attend services and to read Isaiah 53 and the Good Friday passages from the gospels.
Monday, October 3, 2022
You Can't Be Conquered 10/4 Tuesday Truth
You can't be conquered.
Your spirit is whispering, "Nay, in all these things I am more than a conqueror."
Every disease is of the adversary.
All kinds of sin are of the adversary.
All opposition to the glad tidings is of the adversary.
God and I are victors.
Greater is He that is in me than this opposition or this disease.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, October 2, 2022
You Talk 10/3 Monday Meditation
You talk of your doubts and your fears, and you destroy your faith.
You talk of the ability of the Father that is yours, and fill your lips with praise for answers to prayers that you have asked. Its reaction upon the heart is tremendous: Faith grows by leaps and bounds.
You talk about your trials and your difficulties, of your lack of faith, of your lack of money, and faith shrivels, loses its viritlity.
Your whole spirit life shrinks.
You study about what you are in Christ and then confess it boldly...
Regardless of appearance, you take your stand; make your confession and hold fast to it in the face of apparent impossibilities.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Thursday, September 29, 2022
The Impossible 9/30 Friday Faith
Faith doesn't ask for possible things. Faith is demanding the impossible.
Prayer is never for the possible, but always for the thing that is out of reason.
It is God who is at work with us, in us and for us.
"How shall he not with him freely give us all things."
--E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
More Than a Conqueror 9/29 Thursday Thoughts
You take your position in Christ that you are more than a conqueror, that no matter what the testing may be, God cannot let you fail.
You are not standing on sense evidence.
You are not standing on the faith of other people.
You are standing squarely upon His own Word.
Your confidence is not in the prayers of others, but in this unchanging, unbreakable Word; and you refuse to allow your lips to destroy the effectiveness of that Word in your case.
You hold fast to your confession though it would appear as though the prayer was never answered.
It is your quiet assurance in His Word that gives you the supremacy over your Adversaries.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Defeating the Adversary 9/28 Wednesday Wisdom
Every person who walks by faith will have testings.
They do not come from the Father; they come from the Adversary.
He is refusing to allow you to escape him.
You become dangerous to the Adversary when you become strong enough to resist him -- when you have learned to trust in the ability of the Father to meet your every need.
When that becomes a reality in your consciousness, the Adversary is defeated.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Monday, September 26, 2022
The Word Cannot Be Broken 9/27 Tuesday Truth
Our confession is that the Word cannot be broken; that what the Father says is true.
When we doubt the Father, we are doubting His Word.
When we doubt His Word, it is because we believe something else that is contrary to the Word.
Our confidence may be in the arm of the flesh; it may be in medicine; it may be in institutions; but whatever our confidence is in, if it contradicts the Word it destroys our faith life.
It destroys our prayers.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Effect of Our Spoken Word 9/26 Monday Meditation
Our faith or unbelief is determined by our confession.
Few of us realize the effect of our spoken word on our own heart or on our Adversary.
He hears us make our confession of failure, of sickness, of lack, and apparently he doesn't forget; and we unconsciously go down to the level of our confession.
No one ever rises above it.
If you confess sickness, it develops sickness in your system.
If you confess doubt, the doubts become stronger...
You say, "I can't understand this."
No. Because most of us live in the sense realm and spiritual things are very indistinct.
-- E.W. Kenyon
Bottom line: You will never be more than you tell yourself you will be. - Lep
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Man's Word and God's Word 9/23 Friday Faith
Man's word, like grass. withers.
God's Word, like Himself, can never die, can never lose its freshness, its power, its ability to recreate, to strengthen and give courage.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
The Word Is Always Now 9/22 Thursday Thoughts
Man's word may fascinate and satisfy reason for a time, but the heart demands the Word of God.
This Word illuminated by the Holy Spirit is God's light on life's pathway.
The Word is a part of Himself.
You can lean on the Word as you would lean on Him.
You can rest in the Word as you would rest in Him.
You can act on the Word as you would act if He had just spoken to you.
The Word is always Now.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Makes His Home in Us 9/21 Wednesday Wisdom
We have made a great deal of receiving the Holy Spirit.
It has been majored [sic] and we have ignored the fact of His being in us.
I John 4:4: "Ye are of God my little children, and have overcome them because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."
Phil. 2:13: "For it is God who is at work within you, willing and working his own good pleasure."
Not only are we Born Again, have become the very sons and daughters of God, but He comes and makes His home in us.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, September 19, 2022
Into Perfect Liberty 9/20 Tuesday Truth
That Redemption meant that Satan had been utterly defeated, stripped of his authority and dominion so that any man no matter what his contition has been, how deeply he has been enmeshed in sin, can by whispering the name of Jesus and by confessing His Lordship, step out of bondage into perfect liberty.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Sunday, September 18, 2022
The Source of Faith 9/19 Monday Meditation
Fasting and long hours of prayer do not build faith.
Reading books about faith, and about men of faith and their exploits stirs in the heart a deep passion for faith, but does not build faith.
The Word alone is the source of faith.
But the Word will not build faith unless it becomes a part of us. "If ye abide in me and my words have their place in you." That is, they have their place in our conduct.
Jesus gave us the key. He said, "The words that I speak are not mine, but my Father's."
Faith is built in us by the Word being built into us, by our acting upon it.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Thursday, September 15, 2022
You Are a Son 9/16 Friday Faith
You are not a servant.
You are not a slave.
You are a son. You are taking Jesus' place, acting in His stead, doing the Father's will.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
I Believe in Miracles 9/15 Thursday Thoughts
We will have to give up our prayer life utterly, or we will have to believe in Miracles.
I believe in Miracles.
I believe in divine intervention.
I believe that the prayer of Faith reaches God our Father, and when it reaches Him He acts in response to that Faith.
When He acts in response to our Faith, His action is above our Reason. It is in the Realm of Miracles.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
We Live by Faith 9/14 Wednesday Wisdom
The instant that you say that there are no Miracles in this dispensation, you deny that our walk is a walk by Faith, and you declare that our walk is a walk by Reason.
I challenge you to find one place where God tells us as believers to walk by Reason.
God is a Faith God.
We are a Faith family.
We are all born by Faith.
We live by Faith.
By Faith we live, breathe, and have our being in Christ.
If there are no Miracles, then there is no reason for Faith.
If there are no Miracles, God can't answer prayer, because He can't answer prayer of any character that is not a Miracle.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, September 12, 2022
It Is a Miracle 9/13 Tuesday Truth
For God the Father to hear my prayer is equivalent to His answering it.
Now, for God to hear me is Miracle.
For God to answer my prayer, regardless of its nature, is a Miracle.
Whether my petition is for a postage stamp or for a million dollars, it is a miracle.
Any divine intervention, any arrest of the laws of nature that comes in answer to Faith, is a Miracle.
-- E. W. Kenyon
Sunday, September 11, 2022
The Two-Fold Value of Prayer 9/12 Monday Meditation
The two-fold value of prayer lies first in sitting in His presence, or in direct Fellowship with the Father.
The second benefit is the answer that comes to us.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Thursday, September 8, 2022
The Pray-ers 9/9 Friday Faith
One cannot spend an hour in conscious communion with the Father, the Son, the Spirit and the Word without carrying away from that trysting place the fragrance that fills the atmosphere.
There is a heavenly fragrance about Jesus that lingers with the pray-ers.
They are slow to speak.
They are slow to judge.
They are quick to love and quick to help.
There is a holy calmness about their lives that challenges the restless ones; they crave that quietness of spirit.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Begin It Now 9/8 Thursday Thoughts
It is a pity that more of us do not force ourselves into a life of prayer.
We have the time.
We use it in useless talk, or careless reading.
While the Spirit is searching for an outlet He must pass us by because we are not ready.
Oh, I beseech you, Reader, not to talk about it any more, or plan when you will do it, but begin it now.
-- E.W. Kenyon
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Prayer Alone Gives Success 9/7 Wednesday Wisdom
Preaching and personal work are God-honored and blessed vocations or mnistries, but prayer is the foundation of it all.
A man might preach with the eloquence of a Beecher and be the most skilled of diplomats as a soul winner, but he will fall short of his ministry in both fields if he isn't backed up by the prayer life.
The failure of all Christian enterprises is a prayer failure.
Prayer alone gives success.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Monday, September 5, 2022
Partaker of the Divine Nature 9/6 Tuesday Truth
God wasn't any more His [Jesus'] Father than He is ours.
[Jesus] said, "The Father loveth you even as He loves me."
He was the Son of God.
You are a son of God.
He was Deity.
You are a partaker of the Divine Natures, that is Deity.
He had the Holy Spirit dwelling in Him.
You have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you.
The difference is that Jesus gave the Holy Spirit right of way in a sense of which we have never yet learned.
He took advantage of the God-life within Him in a way that we have never yet been able to take advantage of the God-ife within us.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Sunday, September 4, 2022
We Do Not Know What Belongs to Us 9/5 Monday Meditation
The more that I study the life of Jesus, I am convinced that He did not exercise divine power in excess of what every intelligent child of God possesses today.
The difference is that Jesus knew what belonged to Him and Jesus used His rights.
We do not know what belongs to us. Not knowing what is ours, we cannot use our rights.
When Jesus cast out demons, He used authority that He has delegated to the church.
He said, "In my Name ye shall cast out demons."
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Thursday, September 1, 2022
The Lack of Prayer 9/2 Friday Faith
There is no denying that the lack of prayer is the bane [death, destruction, ruin] of the individual believer.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
A Visit With Our Father 9/1 Thursday Thoughts
This prayer habit will be born of your own will.
This habit is hard to form for most people.
It should never be a duty, for just as we do not enjoy those who visit us because it is their duty, so it is with the Father.
We want those who love us to come because they cannot help it.
Prayer is a visit with our Father.
We should think of it as a rare opportunity.
-- E. W. Kenyon.
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Talking It Over With Him 8/31 Wednesday Wisdom
So we are laboring together with Him, and what we have considered personal needs are really His needs.
The work that we are doing is His work, so that prayer is not what we have thought it was; but it is a fellowship, a sharing; it is community interest. ...
So prayer is simply talking it over with Him, getting His views, His will, His plans, and our carrying out those plans with His grace, ability and wisdom.
-- E.W. Kenyon.
Monday, August 29, 2022
As Enjoyable as Eating 8/30 Tuesday Truth
Prayer should be as natural as breathing and as enjoyable as eating.
Prayer should be as unconscious as our communication with each other.
It should not be the child of need, but should be based on a spiritual fellowship with the Father and with the Master so that our needs are His needs; for we are not our own, we are a part of Him.
-- E.W. Kenyon
Sunday, August 28, 2022
What Prayer Can Mean 8/29 Monday Meditation
Now we can see what prayer can mean.
It isn't the old idea of getting on our knees and crying and begging.
It is a son coming into the Father's Presence for one of our brethren who has been injured, or for one who for some reason cannot come and make his appeal personally. We come on his behalf and ask for a blessing.
Or it may be that we are taking up the need of the great unsaved world.
We stand there in fulness of Fellowship and fulness of Joy to get a portion for another.
This is entering by the New and Living Way.
This is coming boldly to the Throne of Grace.
This is fellowshipping the Father.
This is visitng with Him.
-- E. W. Kenyon
Thursday, August 25, 2022
The Prayer Responsibility 8/26 Friday Faith
If you don't take time to pray, you are losing out.
You can't say that you have no responsibility in the prayer life, for you have.
To see a need is to have a call to prayer.
There are people who will be utterly lost unless you take your place.
Unless you do your part, men will cry against you through eternity.
You can't plead that you have too mcuh work to do. You can pray while you work.
You can't put up the plea that you do not know how; you can learn if you wish.
For you to disobey the prayer call is for you to disobey the call of your Father.
The prayer responsibility today is the most important thing of our lives.
-- E.W. Kenyon
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Weakened Because of You 8/25 Thursday Thoughts
(continued) If anyone thinks that because of lack of training or for lack of this or that, he hasn't a place, he is deluded by the enemy.
You have a place.
With that place comes responsibility, and with responsibility comes a reward or demerit.
If you do not take your place in the Family of God, in the Church, and begin to function, the body of Christ is weakened because of it.
-- E.W. Kenyon
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Everyone Has a Place 8/24 Wednesday Wisdom
Every one of us has a place in the prayer life.
God has no unused members.
There isn't a useless member in the physical body; neither is there in the spiritual body of Christ.
God has planned with divine wisdom, the body of Christ; and the moment that you are born into that body, you have your place in which to function. (to be continued)
-- E.W. Kenyon
Monday, August 22, 2022
Welcome to the Throne Room 8/23 Tuesday Truth
That love impels Him to call us to Prayer.
That call is the proof of our ability to stand in His presence. It is the proof of His making us reighteous enough to stand in His presence without reproof or condemnation.
It means that we are ever welcome to the Throne Room.
How few of us have ever realized this.
It is sons visiting their Father.
It is children coming joyously into the presence of a Loving Parent.
-- E.W. Kenyon
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Introduction to E. W. Kenyon 8/22 Monday Meditation
I have quoted from E.W. Kenyon several times over the past 17 years. This series of quotes will be repeats from eleven years ago.
E.W. Kenyon (1867-1848) was an evangelist, pastor, president of a Bible institute, and author who is best known for his many books which still remain popular today. These quotes come from his book, In His Presence.
The call to prayer is the Father's invitation to visit with Him. This is more than the consciousness of a great need that often drives us to intercession. It is the call of Love to come and Fellowship. It is really visiting with the Father.
Few of us have realized the fact that the Father's heart is hungry for the companionship of His children. His heart hunger is the reason for man and the reason for redemption. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son."
-- E. W. Kenyon
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Final Maria Woodworth-Etter Quote 8/19 Friday Faith
This is my final quote from Maria Woodworth-Etter. I post Lep's Faith Quotes in 8 places on the internet and in an email group. I have had the most comments on Etter of anyone whom I have quoted in the past 17 years. Thank you. On Monday I will go back to quoting E.W. Kenyon, repeating some quotes I posted at least 6 years ago.
We shall all sit down to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Oh, what a company-- apostles, martyrs, fathers, mothers, children, friends and neighbors, brothers and sisters in the Lord, ministers and converts! Oh, what a reunion, what a gathering that will be, as we look along the table at the bright and shining faces! Then to behold the dear Savior smiling on His children. Dear friends, will you be there?
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Resist the Devil 8/18 Thursday Thoughts
Friday's quote will be the last Maria Woodworth-Etter quote. If you've forgotten, she was a farm girl from east central Ohio who became a world-renowned tent evangelist in the late 1800's when women did not preach. On Monday I will begin to quote from E.W. Kenyon.
Resist the devil in the name of the Lord. Sometimes, when I am standing up preaching, the devil tries to interfere. He would make me drop dead, if I would listen to him. I resist in the name of th eLord, and he has to go. (See James 4:7.) We have such a wonderful Savior!
--Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Calling for Soldiers 8/17 Wednesday Wisdom
Oh, hear the Master calling for soldiers! He says He will lead us on to victory. Oh, who will respond to the call? Who will place his name on the heavenly roll? Who will enlist in the war and help to conquer the mighty foe? Who will help to beat back the powers of darkness? He does not ask you to die, but to live forever. He will give a glorious bounty -- eternal life.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, August 15, 2022
Building the Church 8/16 Wednesday Wisdom
God has left the glorious work of saving souls in the hands of the church. What is the church composed of? Men, women, and children. We are putting up a building of God. Everyone has a part in this building; if we cannot be a pillar or cornerstone, let us be a spike or a nail or a brick; let us not despise the day of small things. Whatever we do for Jesus, with the right motive, is precious in His sight.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, August 14, 2022
If He Had Stopped at Calvary 8/15 Monday Meditation
If He had stopped short at Calvary or at going down into the cold grave, His work would have been a failure. Many people look only at the dead Savior. They have only a dead religion of form and of works. They have no life or power. Remember Jesus brought life and immortality to light, to us, through the Resurrection.
--Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, August 11, 2022
God Has Not Changed 8/12 Friday Faith
One of the elementary and fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion is... the fixed belief that God has not changed, and will not change, in His dealings with mankind as long as this dispensation lasts; that He is all powerful, and that He has not lost any of His power during the centuries that have elapsed since the days of the early church; that He is still faithful and true to fulfill all that He has promised to so, on the conditions specified in His Word; that He has not lost any of the love that He once had for mankind; and ... will do as much for us as He ever did for anyone else.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Claim the Promise 8/11 Thursday Thoughts
Claim the promise that He will shield us from all dangers, from all the arrows of the enemy, and from the pestilence: "There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come near thy dwelling" (Ps. 91:10). The promises contained in the 91st Psalm are for all of God's true children in these last days. Oh, glory to His name who lives forever and ever, who is able to deliver His children "out of all their troubles" (Ps. 34:16)! Then why should we fear when storms arise and trouble comes? (See Matthew 8:23-27.) We must have trials to perfect us for our future home.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Clothed With Light and Power 8/10 Wednesday Wisdom
Jesus said they hated Him without a cause. The real children of God are clothed with light and power, with the Holy Spirit from heaven, sent from the eternal throne of God. The world does not know us, because it did not know Him, so the devil brings all his forces into the battle against Jesus and His saints. But He that is in us is greater than all that are against us, and the Lord will fight our battles, if He has to bring down all the armies of heaven.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, August 8, 2022
We Had a Pentecost 8/9 Tuesday Truth
Conviction fell on the people, the fear of God made them tremble. The children of the Lord said, "We had a Pentecost." Praise the Lord! As Brother Talmage said, "We ought not to be looking at a dead Pentecost of the past, but we ought to have thousands of Pentecosts all along the way."
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Thousands in the Churches Lost 8/8 Monday Meditation
There are thousands in the churches today who think they are all right, think they have eternal life, but are in a lost condition. May God have mercy on blind leaders and false teachers, and send something to arouse them before they and their followers go down to hell together.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, August 4, 2022
No Thought of Going Back 8/5 Friday Faith
We commenced meeting in Oakland, California, October 28, 1889. The wet weather had set in. We pitched our tents during a rain, such as was never known in Oakland before. People looked on in wonder and amazement. From a human standpoint, everything looked dark and discouraging. Surely God's ways are not our ways. It takes a great deal of confidence, faith, and courage in God to move forward at His command not knowing one step of the way. Here we were in a starnge land, with our money about gone and no means to go back Keast. We confessed we were pilgrims in a strange country but knew we were seeking a city out of sight. We had no thought of going back until a great work had been done for the Master. We had no fear of suffering for lack of means; we knew our God would supply all our needs (Rom. 8:28).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
This World Is Not My Home 8/4 Thursday Thoughts
People wonder at me traveling from one place to another, suffering all kinds of hardships, deprived of many comforts of life, exposed to wet and cold, heat and storms. I make this sacrifice for the Lord. Christ is all in all to me. This world is not my home. It has no attraction for me. I am laying up treasures in heaven. I have a mansion there that is built of pure gold, and it can never be destroyed or taken from me. Praise God for the privilege of leaving all to follow Jesus.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Never Get Discouraged 8/3 Wednesday Wisdom
The devil is mighty, but God is Almighty. Let no one who reads this ever get discouraged in doing the work of the Lord. There never was a meeting [tent revival] held under more discouraging circumstances. Everything was against us, nothing for us but God. He was more than all that was against us.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, August 1, 2022
Glorious Work for God 8/2 Tuesday Truth
There was never a glorious work done for God but that the devil came around in person or in the form of a Judas and tried to overthrow it.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Leap Into Eternity 8/1 Monday Meditation
If the pale messenger of death should come for you today, would you take a leap into eternity, and hear the Judge say: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire ... [where] there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matt. 25:41, 51) or would you go shouting home to glory? God help you to make heaven your home.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Takes Away Fear 7/29 Friday Faith
Oh, praise the Lord for His tender care over us and for His wonderful salvation that fills our souls with glory; that takes away the fear of persecution, the fear of man, and the fear of devils; and makes us rejoice in the midst of trials, remembering that "all things work together for good to them that love God" (Rom. 8:28), etc.; that takes away the fear of death, and as we look at the grave we hear a shout from Calvary saying, "I am the resurrection and the life" (John 11:25). Death is the gate to glory.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Victory Every Time 7/28 Thursday Thoughts
If the Holy Spirit is dwelling in our hearts and shining out through our lives and actions; if we, by faith, take God at His Word, we will find at all times and places that His grace is sufficient, and He will give us victory every time. We must claim the victory by faith, before the walls fall (Josh. 6:20).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
God Has Promised 7/27 Wednesday Wisdom
Let me say for the encouragement of those who are starting in the work of the Lord, God has promised to be with us always, even to the end. We are nothing but the clay God speaks through. It is "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts" (Zech. 4:6).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, July 25, 2022
The Wonderful Love of God 7/26 Tuesday Truth
Oh, the wonderful love of God! The half has never been told. It never can be told. It will take all eternity to tell of the redeeming love in the wonderful plan of redemption to a dying world. Dear readers, will you not give up all and follow Jesus, and meet me in that beautiful land where sorrow will never come?
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Never Be Discouraged 7/25 Monday Meditation
Today I switch to Maria Woodworth-Etter's autobiography, Signs and Wonders.
Praise God, the work is going on, and the wilderness of sin has been made to blossom as the rose! Where there was cursing and blaspheming, there is singing and praising God. Let us never be discouraged, but lean hard on God, and He will give us victory every time, if we only trust Him and give Him the glory. Praise God for victory through faith in His promise and through the efficiency of the blood of the Lamb!
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Are We Watching? 7/22 Friday Faith
This is the last of the quotes from Maria Woodworth-Etter's collected works. However, on Monday I will start quoting from her autobiography, Signs and Wonders. It is harder to find good stand-alone quotes in an autobiography.
Oh beloved, are we watching? Are we waiting? Will we be ready to escape all the awful things that are coming on the earth? To many who are looking, it will be a day of darkness, and there will be no light in it for them. He will come as suddenly as a flash of lightning, and we will be taken as quickly.
He will come with all the brightness of heaven. The saints will see all His glory and will hear all the bells of heaven ringing. Amid the singing of the great angelic choir, they will be caught away, swallowed up in all this brightness and glory. But the poor lost world will sleep on, not knowing what has happened.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Brotherhood of Man 7/21 Thursday Thoughts
Fear God, for the hour of his judgment is at hand. Can you not see these things? People are preaching the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, but they are leaving out the blood of Christ entirely.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Show What He Can Do 7/20 Wednesday Wisdom
God is calling us to give this old world the last call. He is taking men and women whom He can trust with His power to show forth His goods to the world. A traveling salesman shows his goods and secures orders. If he did not show his goods, he would not get the orders. People want to see the goods before they purchase them.
So God calls us to show the samples. We are not only to tell what God can do, but to put Him to the test and show what He can do.
--Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, July 18, 2022
Become a Philadelphian 7/19 Tuesday Truth
He warns us that we will have trouble. We will be persecuted. We will be misrepresented by false prophets who call themselves "Jews" -- or, in today's term, "great Christians" and "leaders" -- but who are of the "synagogue of Satan" (Rev. 2:9), who lie, and who do not practice the truth (v. 9; see also 1 John 1:6).
Come out of the "Laodicean" church, which represents spiritual lukewarmness, and become a "Philadelphian." (See Revelation 3:7-12; 14-21).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, July 17, 2022
We Shall Be Like Him 7/18 Monday Meditation
We now bear the image of Adam, the first man, but our fleshly bodies will be changed and made "like unto his glorious body" (Phil. 3:21). Our mortal bodies will be changed into immortal bodies (1 Cor. 15:53-54). In the same body He had before His crucifixion, Jesus ate fish with His disciples after He rose from the dead; it will be the same with us, for "we shall be like him" (1 John 3:2). Our bodies will be resurrected or translated and glorified.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, July 14, 2022
We Will Be True to God 7/15 Friday Faith
The disciples met together and they knew that the demonstration of the power of God had caused all their persecution. They knew that if they had a form of religion but denied the power (see 2 Timothy 3:5), they would have no more trouble with the authorities. But, beloved, they said, "We will be true to God. We will preach the Word if we die."
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
God Has a Gift for You 7/14 Thursday Thoughts
God says He has a gift for you. Oh, "the gift of God is eternal life" (Rom. 6:23). When you receive this gift, then you are God's man. You are no longer a stranger or foreigner, but have been brought near by the blood of Christ. Through Him, you will have access to the Father by one Spirit. You are a citizen with the saints and of the household of God; you are a living stone (I Peter 2:5) in the building that is being fitly framed together, a holy temple in the Lord. (See Ephesians 2:12-22).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
The Prayer of Faith 7/13 Wednesday Wisdom
That is a good place to be -- way up above the world with the devil under your feet. How beautiful on the mountain are the feet of those who are running up the mountain and hurling down the glad tidings that Jesus is coming! (See Isaiah 52:7.) That is a good place to go in order to pray, if you pray correctly. Bless the Lord, it is not the long prayer or the loud prayer that is effective but, hallelujah, the prayer of faith.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, July 11, 2022
Kings and Priests 7/12 Tuesday Truth
We are a nation despised and hated, a "nation not desired" (Zeph. 2:1). The devil hates us, and all his imps hate us. But Jesus says, "Come, hide away. Come together: bind yourselves together and get ready for the 'manifestation of the sons of God' (Rom. 8:19). 'Fear not, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom' (Luke 12:32)." He will make us kings and priests in the sight of our God (Rev. 1:6). Kings and priests -- glory to God!
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, July 10, 2022
Get Ready 7/11 Monday Meditation
So God is warning you through His saints and getting people ready. He is sending out the warning in every direction, telling people to escape from the city of destruction and not to linger in the plains. Put on your wedding garments, accept the invitation, and get ready to take the flight through the air.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, July 7, 2022
The Wise Will Know 7/8 Friday Faith
When Jesus comes, there will be tribulation and a time of trouble on the earth such as was never known before. The darkness will be so great the people will be able to feel it. When Jesus comes to catch His bride away, there will be a time such as the world never heard of before. . . You will not be overtaken as by a "thief in the night" (1 Thess. 5:2), for you are the children of light. The wise will know. Glory to God.
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
When These Things Come to Pass 7/7 Thursday Thoughts
When you see the things that are making the world turn pale and tremble -- when these things come to pass -- lift up your heads and rejoice. Rejoice at every calamity, because it will soon be over. Although the disciples sighed and cried, they still rejoiced because they knew they were saved.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
True Wisdom 7/6 Tuesday Truth
No man can understand "the deep things of God" (I Cor. 2:10) except by the Spirit. Paul had much knowledge, but He said that the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the sight of God (3:19). True wisdom comes from heaven. The Word must be preached in simplicity. Jesus had the eloquence of high heaven at His command, yet He used langauge that the most uneducated could understand.
Preach in a simple way and demonstrate. The seal is put upon the Word by the Holy Spirit.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, June 30, 2022
God Never Changes 7/1 Friday Faith
Reminder: I may miss a day or two next week.
As I wrote earlier, whenever anyone, minister or lawyer, can take the platform and prove by the Word of God that the Holy Spirit and His mighty, miraculous power have been taken away from the church, I am willing to go to prison, but not before. It cannot be done. God never recalls His gifts (Rom. 11:29). God never changes. My Bible says, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever" (Heb. 13:8).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Our Privileges 6/30 Thursday Thoughts
I may miss one or more days between now and July 8.
What a wonderful people we are in our privileges! Today, every believer may be God's priest (Rev. 1:6). If we abide in Him, and His words abide in us, we may ask what we will, and it will be done (John 15:7). We indeed have wonderful privileges. The power of the Lord shines forth a hundred times greater than under the law; the power then was typical of Pentecost.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
No Doubts 6/29 Wednesday Wisdom
Are you full of joy, with no doubts that Jesus is your Lord and Savior? You need power to do the work of God; you need to be clothed with power. God says He will baptize you with fire, bestowing on you wisdom, knowledge, and gifts. He will cause you to understand the "deep things of God' (1 Cor. 2:10). As you teach them and live them, God will be with you.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, June 27, 2022
Be On Fire For God 6/28 Tuesday Truth
We will also be on fire for God. The glory of the Lord was seen over the ark. Inside the tabernacle, the lamp was always burning. Since it was kept supplied with oil, it never went out. In the temple that is each of our bodies, God puts His love in our hearts. He wants us to keep the light always burning and never let it go out.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, June 26, 2022
We Will Run It Ourselves 5/17 Monday Meditation
With all these past warnings and examples of mercy and awful calamities that came with or followed the loving voice of God -- who so tenderly called people to Himself from their evil ways, called them to fly to His outstretched arms -- with all these past warnings and examples, the poor, blinded, debauched world does not, and will not, take warning. Instead, after six thousand years, she keeps on sinning. She still seems to take the management from God, saying, "God does not know. He does not care. We will run the machinery ourselves."
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, June 23, 2022
The Agent of Christ 6/24 Friday Faith
The Holy Spirit is the agent of Christ, sent by God to work through the church, the body of Christ. Each member is to possess one or more of these gifts as the church walks in the light and believes and accepts these blessings or gifts.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
The Little Word "Not" 6/23 Thursday Thoughts
There are many wonderful things all around us in these last days, things the natural man cannot understand, demonstrations of God's power. There are other powers, too, and many do not know the difference. God's power is the greatest, and it is the only power that will bring peace to your soul.
God wants you to be pure and holy, filled with the Holy Spirit, but the devil is right here, too. If you do not know the difference, you will be listening to Satan. He comes sometimes as an "angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14). One word by the devil in the Garden of Eden upset the world -- the little word "not" (Gen. 3:4).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
He Takes Care of His Own 6/22 Wednesday Wisdom
Children of God, those of you who think you are something are really nothing. When you realize you are nothing, God fights for you. . .
When God says, "Go forward," obey Him; He takes care of His own.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, June 20, 2022
Ready to Stand for God 6/21 Tuesday Truth
What happens in 2 Chronicles 7:1-3 is like Pentecost; it represents Pentecost. The first verse reads, "When Solomon had made an end of praying." So many people never look to God to answer their prayers; they would be frightened if He did. Solomon stretched out His hands and prayed to God, and God heard him.
When he had finished praying, something happened. God will will come forth if you are not afraid of the power; if you are ready to stand for God with everything that is within you.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, June 19, 2022
The Coming of the Spirit 6/20 Monday Meditation
I had this bookmarked to use around Easter and just found it.
The Lamb of God left the realm of glory and came down here to be footsore, dusty, weary, and spit upon. He said, "I come to do thy will, O God" (Heb. 10:9). If He had not borne all these things, if He had not gone all the way to the cross, the Holy Spirit never could have come. If Jesus had been left in the tomb, the Holy Spirit never could have come. As soon as He arose from the dead and ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit could come.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Side Issues 6/17 Friday Faith
Don't talk about side issues; don't get a bone of contention and talk about it. When people know Him, they will know what to do, what to wear, how to get married, and how to live when they are married. Preach Jesus. Glory to God! People will not change their ideas to please you. God Almighty has to show them. These things break up meetings [congregations], and the people lose their power. Lift up Jesus. It is not by might or by power; it is Almighty God doing the work (Zech. 4:6). We must show forth what He is doing. Let us stand by Him during this short time when the command goes forth to blow the trumpet.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Lift Up Jesus 6/16 Thursday Thoughts
There never was such a responsibility on the people of God as there is today. There never was such a time for Jesus Christ to be lifted up as He is today. Gods of science and nature and other gods are on the earth today. At a gathering of 23 ministers in Boston, only three accepted the divinity of Christ. We have to drop all side issues and hobbies, everything else but Jesus; we must lift up Jesus.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Expecting a Message 6/15 Wednesday Wisdom
Oh, dearly beloved, let us "abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul" (1 Peter 1:11). Let our words be few and well chosen; let our conversation be in heaven (Phil. 3:20), from which we are expceting a message from the King, telling us that He is coming.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, June 13, 2022
Something Wonderful 6/14 Tuesday Truth
All heaven is waiting is hear the shout, "Go forth and meet her." Something wonderful is going to take place soon. The Mighty God, who inhabits eternity, and all the heavenly hosts have been wa waitng thousands of years for this great event: for the mystical body to come together --
Christ our living Head, and the bride, the living body -- for the Marriage of the Son of God, the Great Jehovah. "For the marriage of the Lamb is come" (Rev. 19:7).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Living Stones 6 /13 Monday Meditation
As living stones, we are being built up into a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:5). Oh, glory to God! We are God's temple, in which He lives and moves. He molds us as clay in order to show His glorious presence, and so the world can see that the treasure is in our earthen vessels and that it is all of God (2 Cor. 4:7).
--Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, June 9, 2022
A Power Plant for Him 6/10 Friday Faith
You need to take down your umbrellas and get your buckets right-side up. God will fill the vessels and make you a power plant for Him. Then God will show Himself mighty to pull down the strongholds of the devil and build up the kingdom of Christ. (See 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.) You will have power to preach, and signs and wonders will be worked, as in the days of the apostles. The Lord was with them. He was invisible, but He was with them, confirming the Word with signs and wonders (Mark 16:20). He will never forsake us if we obey Him.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Pilgrims and Strangers 6/9 Thursday Thoughts
Oh, praise the Lord. He is calling out a people for a special purpose in these last days. He calls them the wise ones, a chosen generation, a nation called out from among the nations, a royal kingly nation or nation of kings, a holy priesthood, a special people, who confess that they are not of this world, for our citizenship and kingdom are not of this world. We confess that we are pilgrims and strangers in this world (Heb. 11:13).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
He Will Come 6/8 Wednesday Wisdom
He Himself will come to take His bride, to take us, if we are part of his bride, to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in the skies. He says, "I am coming quickly," meaning "soon" (Rev. 22:7). Hold fast to all you have received until He comes. See that no man takes your crown. "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in [My church]" (Rev. 3:12).
"Watch and pray" (Mark 13:33) so that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that are coming on the earth and to stand before the Lord.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, June 6, 2022
The Wise Will Know 6/7 Tuesday Truth
None of the wicked will know anything about when Jesus comes, but the wise will know. Hear Jesus shout, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne" (Rev. 3:21). Oh, praise the Lord! The wise will sit with Christ on His throne.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, June 5, 2022
Watch and Pray 6/6 Monday Meditation
Watch and pray. Be in an attitude of prayer or praise all the time so that you may be counted worthy to escape these awful calamties and stand before the Son of God (Luke 21:36). Don't you see that we have no time for foolish talking about what this one or that one said? I am here to tell what Jesus Christ said. I don't steal words from my neighbor. It is what Jesus said that is important. We are to pay attention to "Thus saith the Lord."
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Shavuot / Pentecost use for 2023
Deep Calls to Deep: Riches from our Jewish Roots
7h ·
It's hard to imagine what the disciples and others felt like when they came together for Shavuot just a little over 7 weeks after the Passover seder (what we call the Last Supper) the night before Jesus was crucified.
You can be sure they knew how many days He lived among them after He was resurrected ~ because they were all counting the days, as commanded by God in their Torah (in Leviticus 23 and Deuteronomy 16) ~ the days from Passover Sabbath to Shavuot.
Shavuot ~ their celebration of the Torah given to them by God on Mt. Sinai all those years ago.
It had been only 10 days since Jesus' ascension, and now the bewildered disciples gathered in Jerusalem ~ with the others who have all made the pilgrimage to the Temple with offerings and sacrifices, to meet together before their God.
It was one of the 3 most important "appointed times" of their faith, and their hearts must have been so ready to gather with others who had seen Him, and worship God together with those whose hearts were also aflame.
The Greeks called this day "Pentecost" ~ meaning 50th.
You see, 7 weeks were counted from Passover's Sabbath. Then the next day was Shavuot - the 50th day.
And so the day began.....
Acts 2:1 ~ “When the day of Pentecost [Shavuot] had come, they were all together in one place.”
The day the Ten Commandments and Torah were given to the Jewish people, amidst fire and smoke and storms on the mountain, the world changed.
The people who had been slaves were now a holy nation, with God leading them in intricate detail in the ways of life, and promising to go before them with His Presence.
You can see why Shavuot was such an important festival to the Jewish people.
And this new day, the first celebration of Shavuot since Jesus' left them, promising to send His Holy Spirit to guide them,
Shavuot was transformed and all was made new....
For this day, after they gathered, the Presence of God descended on them in much the same way, with an assembled group, and with the sound of a strong wind and what looked to be tongues of fire, and signs and wonders among them!
Pentecost celebrates that the veil has been torn that separated God from mankind,
torn by God from top to bottom,
and that God has indeed sent His Spirit to live in the hearts of all who believe.
His Living Presence now inside them!
Both Shavuot and Pentecost changed the world.
Both are remembered by the fire ~ throughout the Bible, a symbol of the Presence of God.
The one holiday shared by Jews and Christ-followers even today, the birth of the Jewish nation and the birth of the Church on the same day, with centuries between. (A holiday that would still be on the same day every year, if we weren't using a new calendar.)
A day of fire, the Presence of the God of the Universe among us.
What an earth-shifting day, this same day of the calendar, separated by centuries, but so much the same.
The Law (literally "the Instructions") and the Law fulfilled....
The Presence of God inside our hearts!
Saturday, June 4, 2022
Happy Pentecost!
Pentecost is called "the birthday of the church". It is the day that the Holy Spirit came to be with us and in us. Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came upon them. Since Old Testament times, every male Jew was required to come to Jerusalem for Pentecost (Feast of Weeks, Shavuot - Leviticus 23).
The Old Testament Pentecost celebrated God giving the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai. According to non-Biblical tradition, the soul of every Jew who would ever be born was present at Mount Sinai to hear God give the Law, each in his own language.
On the New Testament Pentecost, every male Jew from the known world heard the Gospel in his own language.
On the Old Testament Pentecost, 3000 who had worshipped the golden calf were put to death.
On the New Testament Pentecost, 3000 who heard the Gospel received new life.
Quoting Pastor Robert Morris: When the Law was given to Israel through Moses, no one could keep it. The Law gave the Israelites an understanding of what pleased God, but it couldn't give them the internal ability to live it.
However, when the Holy Spirit fills a person's life, amazing things happen. A dead human spirit is regenerated by the Holy Spirit, who writes a new law on the heart of the believer. This law isn't the Ten Commandments; rather, it's the "Law of Love."
We receive the empowerment to walk in love. In other words, we can't walk righteously without the power of the Holy Spirit.
Before that day, the disciples were timid and afraid -- hiding in locked rooms and dreading the knock at the door. After Pentecost, the disciples were filled with boldness and confidence. They proclaimed Jesus in public squares and synagogues. The transformation brought by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost was astounding.
I encourage you to read the story of Pentecost in Acts 2.
It is traditional to wear red on Pentecost.
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Now a Child of God 6/3 Friday Faith
When the sinner stops his rebellion and repents, God gives him faith to accept Christ. God gives him power to become a son of God who is born not of man or of the will of men, nor of flesh and blood, but by the power of God. (See John 1:12-13.) He is then no longer a rebel but a son, for he has received the gift of God and has been born of the spiritual family of God. His name has been written in the family record by the finger of God and it has been said, "This man was born in Zion." (See Psalm 87:5.) The finished work on Calvary atones for his sin and uncleanness, and he is now a child of God...
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Rivers of Living Water 6/2 Thursday Thoughts
The ancient temple in all its glory represents each one of our bodies. If we are filled with the Holy Spirit as we ought to be, our bodies will be flooded with "rivers of living water" (John 7:38) that flow out to others.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
God Sends His Power 6/1 Wednesday Wisdom
As we lift up Jesus, God sends His power through us, as He did in apostolic days. Let us rise and shine and give God the glory.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, May 30, 2022
Like a Sponge 5/31 Tuesday Truth
...Believe it, accept it, and get more of Jesus. If we take in and take in and do not give out, we are like a sponge that needs to be squeezed. Let us get so full that it will run right out through us, and not absorb and absorb, and never give out.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, May 29, 2022
God Will Use You 5/30 Monday Meditation
The power of the Holy Spirit struck the sick ones and healed them, and the people marveled. Jesus Himself did many mighty works, and He told the apostles that they would do even greater things if they believed in Him (John 14:12).
Men and women, God wants you to get into that place. Don't you see that God works through human instrumentality? God will use us if we are swallowed up in Him.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Blow the Whistle 5/27 Friday Faith
All the devil has to do is blow his whistle, and his army runs to do his work. God has to blow and blow on His whistle before He can get His people to do His work, yet we have the promise, "One man of you shall chase a thousand" (Josh. 23:19). The devil hates holiness and power; he persecutes, and persecution is all that makes men fit for heaven.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Stand on the Rock 5/26 Thursday Thoughts
Is the way too hard? Is the price too great? Make up your mind that you will stand on the rock and that even if the whole world leaves, you won't, because Chrsit will be sufficient. We are going to be tested as never before. It is going to be harder every day, even among the people of God, because so many false teachers are coming in. It is a day of delusions; all kinds of delusions are coming. Keep under the blood, keep holy, keep pure, and God will give us wisdom. Glory to God!
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
New Things 5/25 Wednesday Wisdom
"Behold, I will show you new things from this day. Things you never knew before." So many of us do not want to acknowledge that we don't know it all. We don't know anything as we ought to, and there is so much more for us. Let us leave the shoreline and get where the Spirit lets us down into the deep things of God.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, May 23, 2022
Too Stubborn 5/24 Tuesday Truth
Many people see the light, but they are too stubborn to walk in it. They don't want to follow that path and be laughed at and all that. Dear friends, what do you care? How many of you draw back through fear -- fear of being laughed at, fear that you will lose your position or be "thrown out of the synagogue"? (See John 9:22.) Bless God, they cannot throw you out of heaven.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, May 22, 2022
The Things We See 5/23 Monday Meditation
Men are trusting in their money and education and the like instead of trusting in the arm of Almighty God. All these things will perish. But look at the Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11); see the River of Life (Rev. 22:1); see the wonderful things God is preparing. The things we see here will perish, but the things we see inthe Sirit up in heaven will last forever.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Friday, May 20, 2022
I Don't Want to be a Fool 5/20 Friday Faith
You say, "Oh, I don't want to be a fool." But you are one already. I would rather be a fool for God than for the Devil. To everyone who is not saved, He says, "Thou fool" (Luke 12:20). I would rather be one of God's wise little ones, even if all the people in the world called me a fool. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the sight of God (1 Cor. 3:19). The wisdom of this world will perish.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Persecutions 5/19 Thursday Thoughts
People don't want to walk in the light; they don't like the way. They say, "We will be despised, and they will call us all kinds of names." If they can call us any worse than they did the Son of God, I'd like to know about it. But if we suffer with Him, we will reign with Him (2 Tim. 2:12). He has promised us everything in this life, "with persecutions" (Mark 10:30). We all want the good things but not the persecutiion. Yet those who desire to live in a godly way will suffer persecution (2 Tim. 3:12). Bless, God, He is around us like a wall of fire. He who is in us and around us is greater than he who is against us (1 John 4:4).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Get Out of the Mud 5/18 Wednesday Wisdom
God gives you the power to dance, power to get out of the mud and run up the mountains. Bless God! Let us get out of the mud. Let us get cleaned up and dressed up for heaven. Join this race. God is filling the people. There are great degrees of glory, but everyone can advance another degree, and another, and another -- and they won't have to pay any money, either -- until they come into the perfect image of Jesus Christ. (See 2 Corinthians 3:18.)
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, May 16, 2022
We Are Going! 5/17 Tuesday Truth
God will gather us up and take us where the people never get old! There will be no death! No children will be crying for bread! There will be no prairie fires! No wars! Bless God, we are going! Don't you want to join the procession? Don't you want to sell everything and go? Leave the city of destruction and run from the storm; don't linger in the plain. Prepare to meet God. Prepare for the coming of the Lord, because He is coming.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, May 15, 2022
A Glorious Church 5/16 Monday Meditation
The church will soon leave this world in a cloud of glory. God is calling out a people for a prepared place (John 14:2-3), and He is preparing a people to finish up His work in the church of the living God. She must be a glorious church, pure and white and clothed with the power of Almighty God-- a prepared people, a special nation, a called-out nation from all the nations of the earth, a separate nation, a holy priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), children of the living God, God's sons and daughters.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Be of One Accord 5/13 Friday Faith
If you are seeking the baptism [of the Holy Spirit], get saved first, get filled with joy, get off the judgment seat, and be of one accord, of one mind, praising the Lord, just as the early believers were. (See Acts 1:14; 2:1).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Will You Turn Back? 5/12 Thursday Thoughts
The people in Jesus' day began to murmur and grumble at they do today. God knows when people grumble. Many thousands of those people who were saved and had had all those blessings turned away and never followed the Son of God anymore. Jesus looked at the few who were left, and His heart must have been broken for those who were so blind. He asked His disciples, "Will you also go away?"
He is saying the same thing to us. So many Christians have backslidden and are going off into delusions. It is the sifting time as never before. God is looking at us, especially those who are baptized in the Spirit. He asks, "Will you also forsake Me? Will you also turn back, or will you go forward all the way?" Peter's answer was, "To whom shall we go?" (John 6:68). We cannot find a better way... "Thou hast the words of eternal life" (v. 68). We don't guess -- 'we believe and are sure that thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God' (v. 69)."
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, May 5, 2022
In the Last Days 5/6 Friday Faith
I will not be posting Monday, May 9, through Wednesday, May 11.
According to God's Word, the time of trouble, such as men have never seen or known, or ever will see again (Matth. 24:21), has already commenced and will end with the battle of the Great God.
We are in the last days of His preparation; Jesus is coming soon for His bride (1 Thess. 4:16-17), and she is getting ready. He is sending His angels, His servants, with the sound of a trumpet, calling the elect together, so that we may all be baptized with one faith, one Spirit, and one mind; so that we may be among the wise, who will "shine as the brightness of the firmament" (Dan. 12:3).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Goodness of God 5/5 Thursday Thoughts
I will not be posting Monday - Wednesday, May 9-11.
There is nothing the devil hates with more internal malevolence than divine healing. That is something that is visible, tangible, real, and valuable.
When a lame man is enabled to walk, or a poor epileptic is made well, that is something the unsaved world can see and appreciate. It convinces them of the goodness and lovingkindness of God.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Either Forward or Backward 5/4 Wednesday Wisdom
You are either going forward or backward. As long as you walk in the light, you have fellowship with and love for your brothers and sisters in Christ, and you have a present salvation. However, when you refuse to walk in the light, you go backward, and you lose that sweet fellowship with God and with the saints.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, May 2, 2022
The Conqueror 5/3 Tuesday Truth
Hear the Spirit of the Conqeror, "Come up, my people, come up to the help of the Lord, against the mighty." The Devil is mighty in these last days, but "the battle is the Lord's" (1 Sam. 17:47).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, May 1, 2022
Preaching in the Holy Spirit 5/2 Tuesday Truth
They preached this Gospel under the power of the Holy Spirit, whom they had received on the Day of Pentecost. This is such an essential and all-important factor in preaching that Jesus would not permit them to enter into their great lifework until they had received the divine anointing. Had they not tarried in Jerusalem until this anointing came, the Acts of the Apostles would never have been written, for there would not have been any acts on their part that needed to be recorded, and the revivals mentioned above would never have been reported.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, April 28, 2022
The Same Power 4/29 Friday Faith
You see, Christ's will and our wills come together with the same desire to glorify the Father. The Spirit of Christ prompts us to ask for great things so that the Lord will have a chance to let down His "right hand of power" (Matth. 26:64) and let the people see the visible signs of the "Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion" (Isa. 8:18).
Every one of us ought to be anointed with the same power and gifts that God has given to the church, so that the world may believe that the Father has sent Christ into the world and that the Father has loved us as He has loved Christ (John 17:23).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Greater Faith 4/28 Thursday Thoughts
The Lord shows us that we must have the righteousness of Christ, meet every other condition, and ask the Lord for what we want, in faith, without wavering. If we waver or doubt, we should not expect anything for God will not hear us. [See James 1:5-7].
God will answer the prayer of faith, even if He has to bring all heaven down, in order to prompt us to greater faith to ask the Lord for greater things.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Send for the Elders 4/27 Wednesday Wisdom
He delivered this doctrine of divine healing of the body to be taught and practiced in every church, so that each member would know his privilege and duty to God. If he were sick, instead of sending only for a doctor, perhaps a non-Christian doctor, he should send at once for the elders and let God glorify Himself by manifesting the healing power in raising him up.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, April 25, 2022
The Spirit Gives Life 4/26 Tuesday Truth
With man's wisdom, you can only learn historical knowledge and the dead letter that kills (2 Cor. 3:6) and condemns. However, the Spirit gives life (v. 6) and power. He takes into our hearts and minds thoughts from our loving Father who says He will reveal His secrets to His sons. Jesus and the Father will come in and abide with us; they will manifest themselves to us.
--Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Sent Into the World 4/25 Monday Meditation
As God sent Jesus into the world to deliver His messages, so Jesus sends us into the world as His ministers to preach the Gospel faithfully. Woe to us if we do not preach the whole truth or are ashamed or offended at any of His mighty works.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, April 21, 2022
When Jesus Comes 4/22 Friday Faith
When Jesus comes, will He be ashamed of us? The wicked will be completely ignored and banished from the Lord and from His glorious presence forever, because they were ashamed of Christ or of His words or of His supernatural and divine power or of the works of the Spirit, which are foolishness to the world and to the natural man. Will you miss all this for a high position or a high salary or a social position or to please the people? Oh, what will you do on that Day?
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
God Is Calling 4/20 Thursday Thoughts
God is calling as never before, in thunder tones, to those who pretend to preach His Word: "Blow the trumpet in Zion" and "Sound an alarm in the Holy Mountain" (Joel 2:1). Let all the people tremble. What is the signal to make the people tremble? The Day of the Lord is at hand. It is even at your doors.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
When Jesus Comes in Glory
Jesus said what He will do when He comes in all His glory. Yes, He is coming soon. This is the time of the end; we see the signs everywhere. In this "wicked and adulterous generation" (Matt. 16:4), in these last days, the churches have gone after the wisdom and power of men, instead of the wisdom and power of God. "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away" (2 Tim. 3:5).
-- Maria Woodworth - Etter
Monday, April 18, 2022
Power in the Name 4/19 Tuesday Truth
The raging storm on the Sea of Galilee was hushed at His word, and the raging sea became as a sea of glass. The words of God spoken by the Holy Spirit have the same effect today. There is so much power in the name of Jesus today as in New Testament times. Through the Holy Spirit, His words come like coals of fire, burning through the minds and hearts of men.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Made Like His Glorious Body 4/18 Monday Meditation
We now bear the image of Adam, the first man, but our fleshly bodies will be changed and made "like unto his glorious body" (Phil.3:21). Our mortal bodies will be changed into immortal bodies (I Cor. 15:53-54). In the same body He had before His crucifixion, Jesus ate fish with His disciples after He rose from the dead; it will be the same for us, for "we shall be like him" (I John 3:2). Our bodies will be resurrected or translated and glorified.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, April 14, 2022
If He Had Stopped Short at Calvary 4/15 Friday Faith
If He had stopped short at Calvary or at going down into the cold grave, His work would have been a failure. Many people only see a dead Savior. They only have a dead religion of form and works. They have no life or power.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Have a blessed Resurrection Day, brothers and sisters!
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
The Word Demonstrated 4/14 Thursday Thoughts
The Word was demonstrated by signs and wonders following (Mark 16:17-18), and so God's Word must be demonstrated today. All through the Word, from Genesis to Revelation, whenever God gave a message to one or two -- the message looked very foolish from a human standpoint; it took wonderful faith to go out and carry the measage, but they knew God -- whenever they went out and carried a message in God's way, something happened. The Lord God came in a visible way with signs from heaven that all the people could see. God demonstrated that message. So these visible signs of the Spirit are the Word demonstrated.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Keep the Devils Out 4/13 Wednesday Wisdom
The man had had these devils all his life. But Jesus said, "You come out of him, and don't you ever go in anymore." He will cast the devils out of you, but you have to keep them out yourself. If you get your house full of the glory of God and give the Lord the key, you will not be bothered anymore.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, April 11, 2022
Going Out or Sitting Down? 4/12 Tuesday Truth
The healing power of Jesus went in, and their bodies were healed. Then they went out to bring in others. Is that what you are doing? Or are you sitting down and waiting for the power to come back?
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Jesus Went Out to Preach 4/11 Monday Meditation
Jesus went out to preach, and He did not have a lot of music to accompany Him. There were no pianos, but the power of God was there. It is not so much music, singing, long prayers, or preaching that is effective, but the Spirit of the living God. When Jesus opened His mouth, He spoke as no man had ever spoken (John 7:46), because there was something behind it.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, April 7, 2022
God Can Keep You 4/8 Friday Faith
Oh, you nervous people, you who are going to have an operation, God can keep you from all these things. "I am...the God of all flesh (Jere.12:27). Is there anything too hard for Jesus? No. He can move the mountain of tumor in a minute. He can remove he cancer and soothe your nerves. You who are afraid that the exciement will make you nervous: get a shock from the battery of heaven, and you will sleep like a baby. He is the very same Jesus, the wonder-working Jesus, "the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Heb. 13:8). Glory! I am a witness.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
By His Stripes 4/7 Thursday Thoughts
They heard about the Great Physician, about His mighty love and power. No case was too hard for Him. No one was too poor or too rich, if they came in God's way. He healed everyone, and He not only healed but He also saved them, for He gave them the double cure. He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses, and by His sripes we are healed today (Isa. 53:5).
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
How Will They Get Faith? 4/6 Wednesday Wisdom
"Faith cometh by hearing"-- hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). How can they hear the Word of God without a preacher, and how can he preach the Word of God unless God has sent him (vv. 14-15)? How are people to get faith for healing today when you preach against it? How will they get faith tabout the coming of the Son of God when you don't talk about it? Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. No man can get down into the mysteries of God withoug the enlightening power of the Holy Spirit.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, April 4, 2022
You Cannot Be Hidden 4/5 Tuesday Truth
Jesus Christ could not be hidden, and if you are filed with God as you ought to be, you cannot be hidden either.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Time Alone With God 3/31 Thursday Thoughts
This will be the last post of the week. I will resume posting either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
If the Son of God found it necessary to pray all night alone with God, don't you think we ought to spend some time alone with God?
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Bride in Training 3/30 Wednesday Wisdom
I will be posting Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday only this week. I will be on vacation and will resume next Tuesday or Wednesday.
The bride is now in training. The Holy Spirit is the Dove; the singing is the cooing of the Dove before the storm. Have you ever heard doves, before a storm, calling to their mates to seek shelter? In a similar way, the Holy Spirit is calling to us to seek shelter from the Tribulation storms that are coming upon the earth.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, March 28, 2022
The Greatest Banquet 3/29 Tuesday Truth
I will be posting Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday only this week. I will be on vacation and will resume next Tuesday or Wednesday.
The King of Glory will be married to His bride. Don't you know that every good thing the world enjoys, God is going to let us enjoy ten-thousandfold? When we eat bread and drink wine in the kingdom (see Matthew 26:29; Luke 22:30), it will be the greatest Banquet, the most wonderful occssion ever heard of.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
The Same Holy Spirit Today 3/23 Wednesday Wisdom
I will be posting Monday through Wednesday this week, and will post only Tuesday through Thursday the following week.
It is the same Holy Spirit today. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He is a person, and He works under the direction of Jesus Christ, under His orders. He doesn't do anything except what Christ tells Him to do. When we are ready to receive Him, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to impart to us His own gifts. The Holy Spirit cleanses these temples of ours and comes in to dwell. He fills our bodies, and His power in us gives us utterances... and works through us in other ways.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, March 21, 2022
A Cyclone of God's Power 3/22 Tuesday Truth
I will be posting Monday through Wednesday this week, and will post only Tuesday through Thursday the following week.
When a cyclone comes, men and women turn pale. When God's cyclone through the Holy Spirit strikes the people, it is a great leveler. They lose sight of their money bags, and all hatred and ill will are swept away, just as a cyclone carries away everything before it. When a tidal wave strikes a city, it submerges everything. In the same way, in a tidal wave of the Holy Spirit, everything goes under. Oh, we need a cyclone of God's power to sweep out of our lives everything that hinders us and a tidal wave to submerge us in God.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Rise Up 3/21 Monday Meditation
I will be posting Monday through Wednesday this week, and will post only Tuesday through Thursday the following week.
We are living in the last days, and there has got to be a higher standard for the [church]. Christ is coming, and we cannot continue in the old rut. God is sifting us today, and we have to rise above errors; we have to rise up and go forward. By the grace of God, we wil. Praise His name!
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Friday, March 18, 2022
Consecrate to God 3/18 Friday Faith
LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Consecrate to God 3/18 Friday Faith
Consecrate everything to God, day by day,. He will not call you to do something unless He is going to give you strength and grace.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
We Will Know His Will 3/17 Thursday Thoughts
Let God speak to you. Do not wait for someone to speak and tell you that God wants you to go to India. Let God speak to you. When people go to a place because someone else has told them that they should go, they get homesick and discouraged and try to get back again. Let the Lord be our Guide. If we do His will, we will know His will.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
The Work God Wants of You 3/16 Wednesday Wisdom
[God] expects you to take Him into partnership and give Him what belongs to Him, and He will bless you. The Gospel has to be supported. Water is free, but it costs money to lay the pipes and keep the water running. Angels can fly, but men have to pay for transportation; someone has to help with this.
If you keep the pipes in order, the Gospel will be given out. You need to help by praying, by holding up the hands of those who work. (See Exodus 1712.) If you trust God and walk with Him, that is the work God wants of you.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, March 14, 2022
He Will Supply 3/15 Tuesday Truth
The Holy Spirit makes us levelheaded... Be God's stewards, and give the Lord His due. The "cattle upon a thousand hills" (Ps. 50:10) are His, but He works through our instrumentality. He gives you everything you have -- physically, financially, and spiritually -- and He expects you to use all your abilities for Him. If your resources give out, He will supply.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, March 13, 2022
Know the Voice of God 3/14 Monday Meditation
We do know God and the voice of God, but the devil can come as an "angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14). When you are in the Holy Spirit, that is the time the devil tries to get in and lead you astray. The Holy Spirit is revealing some secret things, and at the same time, the devil comes in. If you are not careful, you will listen to what he has to say and follow him.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, March 10, 2022
When God Talks to You 3/11 Friday Faith
When God talks to you, the message agrees with the written Word. The Holy Spirit never says anything that doesn't correspond with the Word. A message that comes from heaven must correspond with the Word; if it is otherwise, do not accept it.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Recognizing God's Power 3/10 Thursday Thoughts
People who are not saved hate the power of God. The cold, dead formalists cannot understand the power of God; it is foolishness to them. They think people are excited, hypnotized, or have lost their minds.
May God have mercy upon us if we do not know God's power from hypnotic power or the devil's power.
--Marie Woodworth-Etter
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Our Citizenship in Heaven 3/9 Wednesday Wisdom
The heaven of heavens cannot contain God, yet He tabernacles with men. He comes and dwells in us. His gifts are demonstrated through us, so that people may know that God dwells in Zion (Ps. 9:11). We have a bodyguard of angels. The angels of the Lord encamp around those who love God (Ps. 34:7). "Our citizenship is in heaven" (Phil.3:20), and we are on the way there.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Monday, March 7, 2022
Belief vs. Faith 3/8 Tuesday Truth
Many people today have an intellectual faith, a historical faith; they believe. Well, "the devils also believe, and tremble" (James 2:19). Belief is one thing; faith is another.
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Sunday, March 6, 2022
Introducing Maria Woodworth-Etter 3/7 Monday Meditation
I have concluded about a year and a half of posting Smith Wigglesworth quotes from the book of his complete sermons.
Continuing my practice of quoting "Pentecostal pioneers" who are seldom read nowadays, I begin a new series today with The Holy Spirit, by MARIA WOODWORTH-ETTER (1844-1924). Maria (pronounced ma-RIGH-uh) grew up as a farm girl in east central Ohio. She became a famous healing evangelist throughout the Midwest and West Coast who held tent revivals. This was in a day when it was rare for women to preach, and women who did faced serious persecution. Her interesting and sometimes heartbreaking story can be read at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Woodworth-Etter
"In the last days, some people will be living very near to God, but the devil will have his workers, too, who will attribute signs and wonders to any power except the power of Christ. The Lamb of God, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, has never lost His power and never will lose His power. I would hate to say by my actions that I thought the devil had more power than God."
-- Maria Woodworth-Etter
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Hold On! 3/4 Friday Faith
Sometimes were are tempted to think that He has left us. Oh, no. He has promised never to leave us, He will not fail. Jacob held on until the blessing came. We can do the same.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
A Place of Holiness 3/3 Thursday Thoughts
But there is a place of holiness, a place of meekness, a place of faith, where you can call to God, "I will not let thee go, except thou bless me" (Genesis 32:26). And in response He will bless you exceeding, abundantly above all you ask or think.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
End of Self-Sufficiency 3/2 Wednesday Wisdom
In wrestling, the strength is in the neck, the breast, and the thigh, but the greatest strength is in the thigh. The Lord touched Jacob's thigh. With his human strength gone, surely defeat was certain. What did Jacob do? He hung on. God means to have people who are broken. The divine power can only come when there is an end of our own self-sufficiency.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Monday, February 28, 2022
Never Let Go 3/1 Tuesday Truth
You cannot meet the terrible things that await you in the world unless you secure the blessing of God. You must never let go. Whatever you are seeking -- a fresh revelation, light on the path, some particular thing -- never let go. Victory is yours if you are earnest enough. If you are in darkness, if you need a fresh revelation, if your mind needs relief, if there are problems you cannot solve, lay hold of God and declare, "...I will not let thee go, except thou bless me" (Genesis 32:26).
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Get Alone With God 2/28 Monday Meditation
Oh, how we need to get alone with God, to be broken, to be changed, to be transformed! And when we do meet with Him, He interposes, and all care and strife are at an end. Get alone with God and receive the revelation of His infinite grace, and of His wonderful purposes and plans for your life.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Thursday, February 24, 2022
His Tender Compassion 2/25 Friday Faith
Many things may happen in our lives to show us how depraved we are by nature, but when the veil is lifted we see how merciful and tender God is. His tender compassion is over us all the time.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Holy and Perfect in Him 2/24 Thursday Thoughts
Someone says, "I can never be perfect! It is beyond my furthest thought." Just so! It is! But as we press on, the Holy Ghost enlightens and we enter in as Paul says according to the revelation of the Spirit. I am perfected as I launch out into God by faith, His blood covering my sin, His rigteousness covering my unrighteousness, His perfection covering my imperfection. I am holy and perfect in Him.
--Smith Wigglesworth
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Our Full Cupboard 2/23 Wednesday Wisdom
Our full cupboard is often our greatest hindrance. It is when we are empty and undone and come to God in our nothingness and helplessness, He picks us up.
-- Smith Wigglesworth
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